Originally posted by Crouchback
Ps, Wombat, better get a soft pillow cause the AI's going to kick you out of your tree my man.
Ps, Wombat, better get a soft pillow cause the AI's going to kick you out of your tree my man.
Ok, I'm secretly hoping for a great AI, but the better it is, the harder it will be to mod, so the balance is important.
Try this though: Just think about all the decisions you make in one turn of civ. Break these into longterm, short term, medium term goals, think of all unit movements, buildings to build, rushbuys to do (or not) diplomacy to sort out, fear factors, desire factors, think about tactical resource aquisition, think about settlement goals, strategy, postioning. Then try and fit all that into a few seconds of PC time, quick enough so the game isn't boring and slow. If the Civ3 AI isn't beaten on Deity within a week of US release, I'll stay off 'poly for a month.
(Archive this thread, just in case)