In the original Civ, if somebody else finished a spaceship and it suceeded, I lose. In SMAC, if somebody completed the Ascent to Transcendence, but I had a pact with him, he won as well. Does anybody know about allied victory in Civ 3? I do quite like it. For example, if there are two civs of equal strength, but both slighly overpowering the ohters, and one of them is mine, war often is the result. They want to weaken the other civ so that the rival had less chance of making the spaceship. With allied victory, I could just pledge Pact to that civ and then, no matter who achieves the victory condition, both win.
Thus far, I got all the feautures I wanted included in Civ 3, that's why I am so excited. My basic requirement were something more interesting for trade than Caravans, got it with the new resource system, diplomatic model not worse than one in SMAC/CtP2, got it, and support for 16 civilizations - got it, in the end. Another is allied victory, like in SMAC - under question.
Thus far, I got all the feautures I wanted included in Civ 3, that's why I am so excited. My basic requirement were something more interesting for trade than Caravans, got it with the new resource system, diplomatic model not worse than one in SMAC/CtP2, got it, and support for 16 civilizations - got it, in the end. Another is allied victory, like in SMAC - under question.