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How long from release of civ 3 to when we get Civ 3 MP???

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  • #16
    Originally posted by FuFu15
    sorry if i'm being cynical, but

    this is the stupidest poll ever
    Could you explain why? I find it fascinating...


    • #17
      Originally posted by MacTBone
      I voted "before SP Civ3". It WILL be in the game. My theory is that they know that everyone at Aployton will go nutso about it and this is all part of a sociological experiment to see what happens when people are given little to no information. Will they believe
      A) Little to no info. = it's not in or
      B) Little to no info. = it's in or
      C) It doesn't matter, the WORLD IS ENDING and CIV3 WILL SUCK!!!

      Obviously right now we know that A and C are the big winners.
      You probably also beleive Chandra Levey is alive and well and having a little joke on us all...and that OJ will find the real killer of Nicole and Ron...


      • #18
        Personally I think the poll about the position of the date was the stupidest ever, but that's just my opinion. Oh, and get rid of the stupid ass big font, it makes you look like a moron.
        I never know their names, But i smile just the same
        New faces...Strange places,
        Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
        -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"


        • #19
          Me or him?

          And are you talking about my poll being stupid? I hope not? I think this is a fascinating marketing problem...(as a business consultant).


          • #20
            Originally posted by GP
            Me or him?

            And are you talking about my poll being stupid? I hope not? I think this is a fascinating marketing problem...(as a business consultant).
            Agreed, about the marketing problem. Just goes to show you to what ends coperate america will but ram the common Joe Smith on the street.


            • #21
              Agreed, about the marketing problem. Just goes to show you to what ends coperate america will but ram the common Joe Smith on the street.

              I hate this argument. If it makes you unhappy, then don't buy it. If it's not worth your money, then don't buy it. They're not forcing you to buy it. They are the ones making the product, they get to set the price. YOU, the consumer, get to decide if you like the price or not. Why should they ask one cent less than you are willing to pay for it? If they ask too much, and people don't buy it, then it's their loss, but so what? It's still their right to set the price. Marketing is about finding the point where profit is maximised. It's not about "how to get this product to whoever wants it for free." This argument is like them setting a price, you NOT buying the game, and the firaxis complaing, saying that it's not FAIR that you didn't buy the game, after they put all that hard work into it.

              bah, this is a thread for the off topic forum. but you people are morons.
              "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."



              • #22
                Originally posted by connorkimbro
                bah, this is a thread for the off topic forum.
                no the thread is properly placed with respect to the original subject, the current tangent belongs in the OT

                but you people are morons.

                all of us or just some of us?
                Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                • #23
                  I think this is a fascinating marketing problem

                  Indeed, how to sell spam as bona fide posts.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • #24
                    Actually a decent discussion of the economics of game marketing would be way more interesting than most of the threads on this board...


                    • #25
                      Not really, and to humble you even further , you're competing with 16 year-olds.
                      12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                      Stadtluft Macht Frei
                      Killing it is the new killing it
                      Ultima Ratio Regum


                      • #26
               an adult. And only the 16 year olds think of it as competition...rather than discussion. And there is at least one dude on these baords who has a great handle on the actual market performance of gaming companies. Almost like a Wall Street Analyst.

                        Now quit "poking the bear!"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by GP
                          Now quit "poking the bear!"
                          You really don't want to say things like that when I'm around

                          KrazyHorse: Reading too much into things for 4 months
                          12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                          Stadtluft Macht Frei
                          Killing it is the new killing it
                          Ultima Ratio Regum


                          • #28
                            ook, ook OOK! (Translation: where's my bannana!)
                            By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


                            • #29
                              I fear to guess on this.
                              Rome rules


                              • #30
                                I think there is a good chance civ3 will ship with MP. If it doesn't, I won't lose any sleep over it.

