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16 civs + UN = ???

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  • #16
    JellyDonut, thanks for pointing this out. Civ3´s election rules will probably be a refined version of SMAC´s rules:

    - All factions are in the council,
    - Only the two strongest factions can be elected,
    - You must get at least 75% of the votes for a diplomatic victory.
    "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


    • #17
      The diplomatic victory condition is enabled after the United Nations wonder has been built. Once built, the UN will meet periodically to vote on a leader. Any civ that receives a majority of votes from the U.N. council wins the game. The catch here is that in order to even be on the U.N. council (and thus eligible to be elected U.N. leader), you must either control 25% of the world's territory or population. The civilization who builds the United Nations wonder automatically gains a permanent council position.
      This seems to imply that only nations that have a council seat wil be voting, and that only nations with the 25% of land or population will be on the council, along the the wonder builder.

      I do agree that a modified version of the smac council would be best.

      Maybe someone from Firaxis can clarify this.

