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flat or sphere map ?

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  • #16
    The same goes for Black & White...RTS games on a sphere are a bit different from turn-based, however...


    • #17

      Originally posted by Triped
      When I am on a donut-shaped planet, I like to travel NNE! That way, you get to see almost everything
      And you aren't really guaranteed to get back exactly where you started anytime soon!

      Darn it, I am a math geek. I thought it wasn't true, but the fact that that was insanely funny somehow causes me to think the converse.

      Ut oh. I just said "converse".


      • #18
        i like the wrap around thing best, personally.


        • #19
          That's why you take the liberty of sending over GPS satellites first


          • #20
            The east-west wrap-around would be best described as a cylinder. It doesn't have a north or south pole but rather displaced arctic and antarctic circles as its north and south boundaries.

            The east-west/north-south wrap around is technically called a toroid, although CTP calls it a doughnut. I prefer this topology as it prevents a civ from hiding near the boundary of a map. There are no boundaries so there's no geographic advantage.


            • #21
              Donut world!!

              "Sir, we're nearing the north pole now, it should be just over that rise...
              Um, Sir, theres a giant hole where the north pole should be, im stepping closer for a lo.... arghhh i slipped!!!"

              5 minutes later...

              "Sir, yes, im ok... ive come out of the hole, but all those constellations look different..."
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • #22
                More math geeks! I'm not alone!

                Anyway....(excellent promotion for donut world, Skanky Burns!)...I've thought a bunch about map geometry and I concluded that there's no free lunch. Any map will have at least some of the problems already meantioned (civ hiding in corner, really strange ways of going around the world, explorers falling through central hole, etc...)

                The best I've come up with is kinda like squid's bucky ball comment. (Bucky balls are made of hexagons _and_ pentagons, I'm pretty sure) If you take an icosohedron (sp?), which is sorta round, you can break it up into little triangles or (mostly) hexagons. You run into trouble at about 12 places where the "wrong" number of tiles meet at a point. Maybe you could put a lake there or something....

       Ribannah said, this is Civ4 list material at this point.
                Last edited by Dienstag; September 25, 2001, 22:27.
                " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Dienstag
                  The best I've come up with is kinda like squid's bucky ball comment. (Bucky balls are made of hexagons _and_ pentagons, I'm pretty sure) If you take an icosohedron (sp?), which is sorta round, you can break it up into little triangles or (mostly) hexagons. You run into trouble at about 12 places where the "wrong" number of tiles meet at a point. Maybe you could put a lake there or something....
                  It is exactly 12. Think of a dodecahedron with hexagons inserted between the pentagons. If you insert a sufficiently large number of hexagons, the resulting solid resembles an icosahedron. The icosahedron has 12 vertices, each of which is surrounded by five triangles.

                  Therefore, an icosahedral world made up of an arbitrarily large number of hexagons and exactly 12 pentagons would be the best solution. It would also be fairly easy to program. The only flaws are the pentagons. Cities that have a pentagon within their radius have fewer tiles to work.
                  None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


                  • #24
                    What if the map was actually round? IMO it can be done by making it possible to center screen on anywhere in the planet - even on north poles. In the current system going around the globe near the north pole takes the same time as in the equator, which is wrong.
                    And all it takes is some 3D perception skill...

                    EDIT: When I was talking about "going around the globe", I ment going around the axel of the globe ...
                    Last edited by aaglo; September 26, 2001, 07:02.
                    I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                    • #25
                      It seems very doubtfull that civ3 will only have the east-west connection since I find that that gives a civ a strategic advantage if you are up north or south and not near the equator since that is one less likely side to get attacked from.

                      And just to set the record straight: the Earth is not round, but flattened at the poles, that's why airlines like polar routes to the Far East (being a pilot I had to study this stuff).

                      I'll allready be happy if in civ3 I get the option to cross the northpole and not bump into a black wall of dark matter even if it's like in CTP, because it would take a long time to make a realistic earth shaped model fit for gameplay.

                      Maybe a challenge for all you mod-makers out there?
                      Live long and prosper !


                      • #26
                        Well, somebody had to say that earth isn't round. Actually it is a geoid, bit like perry-shaped (bumps south from equator).
                        I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                        • #27
                          Donuts are sweet pastries (preferably filled with jelly . The shape of a donut is a 'torus'.
                          "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
                          "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

                          Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by UberKruX
                            the best map would be made of hexagons (6 sided), and have a true north-south wraparound.
                            Uber, that is what I'm working on in my Civ-like game... I'm divided up the world into sections that look like this...

                            * *
                            * *

                            The above is supposed to look like this ()

                            And using DirectX 8.0 SDK, I've created a sphere that layers the sections like wallpaper across the wireframe. The map is a true sphere. Right now I'm working on a model to generate terrain based on realistic climate and weather patterns. The map editor will allow the player to draw the landforms (elevations) if they wish, then they can select the level of moisture, age of the planet, and amount of sunlight, and the terrain types are automatically generated.

                            Unfortunately, I don't work for Firaxis, so you won't see this in Civ 4. Hmmm maybe I could license and sell the model to them.
                            Last edited by Sava; September 26, 2001, 06:42.
                            To us, it is the BEAST.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by JellyDonut
                              Donuts are sweet pastries (preferably filled with jelly . The shape of a donut is a 'torus'.
                              And you would be correct Mr. JellyTorus.


                              • #30
                                Putting JELLY in DONUTS!!! thats sick, you want to put JAM in DOUGHNUTS...

