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the more i find out about civ3... (attepmt 2)

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  • the more i find out about civ3... (attepmt 2)

    the more i am absolutely sure it is going to suck big time...gawd, these guys can't get anything right =(


    the replay option. chances of them getting it right: 0%

    no use of roads on invasion: are you kidding? how is this realistic again? I understand maybe not getting the full bonus, but a road is a road is a road is a road. Real life example: Afghanistan has 4 roads. Raise your hand if you think that IF the united states invaded, we wouldn't use those 4 raods. And what would slow us down? nada....

    the graphics: gawd i hope they are better than the previews...will someone please go ahead and make a mod pack with the civ2 gfx in it?

    multiplayer: oh wait, it isn't in this release.

    diplomacy and culture points: sounds cool. you think it will work out okay? i don't....

    troll troll troll troll troll


    PS- will someone please start a civ4 wishlist thread?
    PPS- everyone listen to Spleen, i mean Bleyn and ignore me..i mean, after all, he has been here all of a month...
    "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

    "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."

  • #2
    Everything will be fine. Just ask Dan!

    That's right! If you are the Aztecs, you will have a special unit that can move twice as fast as another unit, so long as it ain't a horsie. So fast, in fact, that you don't need roads! Then you can throw a dozen jaguar duds or so at a lone warrior to capture a city, so long as the enemy doesn't build tanks in the preceding 1000 years it takes you to get there by not being able to use the roads

    What are the odds that combat will be like the CivIII screen saver? You know, the screen saver where it doesn't matter what attacks the city, the defending warrior always wins!!!


    • #3


      • #4
        Don't forget, first to build spaceship wins, not land AC.

        They're screwing the game up, just like Activision did
        be free


        • #5
          Oh let it go. The game will rock.
          A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."


          • #6
            Re: the more i find out about civ3... (attepmt 2)

            Originally posted by Kaak
            the more i am absolutely sure it is going to suck big time...gawd, these guys can't get anything right =(


            the replay option. chances of them getting it right: 0%
            How do you work out this one? From the comments I hear I would put it more at 80%. You don't need a massive in depth reply, but it is clear they are recording city histories at least (Age of wonders etc) so they are probably going to make it quite in depth, more than I need certainly.

            If you want it to prevent cheats, just play with people who are grown up enough to not cheat.


            • #7
              Well, the more I hear about the game the more interesting the games becomes. At present time there's no doubt it is many times better than Civ2...If you don't like it, don't buy it
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #8
                the more i am absolutely sure it is going to suck big time...gawd, these guys can't get anything right =(
                Your opinion, I reckon it might just be the best game of its genre ever, and possibly THE best game ever.... until Elite IV comes out of course Only my opinion though.

                the replay option. chances of them getting it right: 0%
                Don't know how you figure this out. Anyway its CIV3, not FIFA2002 or Maddens. You are telling me that a big part of a turn based strategy game is a coloured map that shows the rise and fall of empires. A nice touch, but not worth arguing over.

                no use of roads on invasion: are you kidding? how is this realistic again? I understand maybe not getting the full bonus, but a road is a road is a road is a road. Real life example: Afghanistan has 4 roads. Raise your hand if you think that IF the united states invaded, we wouldn't use those 4 raods. And what would slow us down? nada....
                Ask the Russians if they would advise sending tanks down the Afghan roads. They would laugh at you. The problem with roads are that they are easily defendable. There is little or no cover and the very nature of a road through a mountain pass allows countless ambush possibilities. The US, or anyone else in the world would not risk a land assault on Afghanistan if they knew what was good for them. I think that roads should not offer the same bonus to invading forces. Retreating forces would certainly set up road blocks, blow up bridges etc.

                multiplayer: oh wait, it isn't in this release.
                Fine. Theres no muliplayer in Max Payne either.

                diplomacy and culture points: sounds cool. you think it will work out okay? i don't....
                I think it will be great. Far more realisic. You now have to take account of your actions. No longer can you wage war without causing internal problems which manifest themselves externally as well. The game is about civilisation management, this is just something else for you to manage.

                You are entitled to your opinions and I respect them. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them and just because you may be a regular poster on the boards doesn't give you the right to be heard more than anyone else. I think your arguments are shallow and bitter and I reckon you will buy the game, and love it. Else you wouldn't be here reading this board....

                Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                • #9
                  Why, aren't we all so optimistic about this game I was expecting that this whole 'right of passage' thing was that it would be a violation to enter another players territory without having this signed; if you marched in with tanks, you would still get the bonuses of roads/railroads.

                  My concern is just one over the number of players in a game; I really would have liked to be able to use all of the 16 players at once in the same game but this seems to be looking increasingly unlikely
                  Speaking of Erith:

                  "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                  • #10
                    look-everyone has a different idea for what they would like Civ3 to be like. It wont be perfect for everyone, but there is a lot of cool ideas that worked in testing. now if u think that it will suck, just dont buy it ...


                    • #11
                      Re: the more i find out about civ3... (attepmt 2)

                      Originally posted by Kaak
                      the more i am absolutely sure it is going to suck big time...gawd, these guys can't get anything right =(
                      Oh do shut up......

                      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                      • #12
                        Re: Re: the more i find out about civ3... (attepmt 2)

                        Originally posted by Asmodean

                        Oh do shut up......

                        And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


                        • #13
                          if the game is going to be the greatest catastrophe since the mixture of strawberries and olive oil, why do you still hang out here in Apolyton? Come on - this is a forum about the worst-looking, worst-sounding, simply worst etc. strategy game in all human history! And even worse - people (even the amoebas who made this catastrophe real) discuss here about it! So, according to my diagnosis, Apolyton is not the place for you.
                          Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


                          • #14
                            the graphics: gawd i hope they are better than the previews...will someone please go ahead and make a mod pack with the civ2 gfx in it?
                            What's wrong with the graphics? I like them. Surely they're different from civ2's, but they're not worse..


                            • #15
                              Asmodean - you said it!

                              Having spent the last five years lurking - this is the first time I felt impelled to express my views.

                              I am totally fed up with those people who are extremely quick to judge - and then spend too much of their time trying to force their opinions on the rest of us. There is nothing wrong with criticism, but please don't discard all optimism.

                              I base my own assumptions on past experiences:

                              1. Sid Meyer is one of the most successful games designers of the past decade.
                              2. CIV I was an absolutely fabulous game
                              3. CIV II is an absolutely fabulous game

                              Individual aspects of CIV II, taken in isolation, may not be viewed as the best implementation of game design. Nor can each aspect of CIVII be designed to meet everyone's personal requirements - However when all the bits are brought together you have a concept that can be describe as one of the greatest gaming experiences in the last 10 years.

                              It is very easy to criticised, especially when you don't have all the facts to hand - however a more mature approach would be to accept that not everything within CIV III will be exactly how you would wish it, temper this with the knowledge that Sid and his team know what they are doing (certainly more than certain posters in this forum) ......

                              ...... and content yourself with a quiet confidence that the overall game, when it arrives will be just what you were waiting for.
                              tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

                              6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting

