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the more i find out about civ3... (attepmt 2)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Kaak
    pssssssssssst: Microprose did civ2...
    People who don't know what the hell they're talking about... gotta love 'em.



    • #47
      Like me!


      • #48
        the people behind Civ2 (who worked for MicroProse back then) are now working for Firaxis, except Brian Reynolds and a few others.
        *sigh* Everyone knows that firaxis took over microprose, and in turn, Firaxis became a subsidiary of infograms. My point is, that SOME of the people may have continued on with Firaxis, but BRIAN and several of the other bigwigs on civ2 did not. How many people do you think they have working on this game? hundreds of thousands? nope, not a lot, and the loss of a few of the important ones doesn't give me the worm fuzzy feeling of consistancy.

        "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

        "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


        • #49
          Well, one thing we know for sure is that the Civ III experience is going to be different! Until the game actually comes out, the speculation can be fun.

          After that, though, ... (well, look at my 'signature') I've got a little problem, and it's not in the $40-50 range.

          At worst(?) best(?) uh, at least, it will take some 30-120 hours of my life while I evaluate it and try to find how I can enjoy it (win at it). Beyond that, it may take up 20-30 hours per week of the remainder of my life!!

          Kaak, keep the cup half full (instead of half empty). No one is going to be comfortable with this game when they first get it. It is going to be much better AND much worse than what we know of it at this time!


          • #50
            wot, Firaxis took over Microprose ? How that happen ? I thought it got owned by Hasbro before Hasbro took an axe to everything then sold out....


            • #51
              Originally posted by Rakki
              wot, Firaxis took over Microprose ? How that happen ? I thought it got owned by Hasbro before Hasbro took an axe to everything then sold out....
              The Firaxis/Microprose/Hasbro/Infogrames timeline:

              1. Civilization II is released by MicroProse.
              2. The original Firaxis team leaves MicroProse to start Firaxis.
              3. Hasbro Interactive takes over MicroProse.
              4. Brian and his comrades leave Firaxis to start Big Huge Games.
              5. Infogrames takes over MicroProse, taken over by Hasbro.
              6. Near future: Civilization III is released.

              Sorry for the offending language, Kaak, but your posts are simply irritating. And, FYI, Infogrames just publishes CivIII - Firaxis is still an independent company.
              Last edited by Patriqvium; September 26, 2001, 07:21.
              Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


              • #52
                What a load of Kaak!

                *sigh* Everyone knows that firaxis took over microprose.....
                Actually Microprose was Sid Meyer's company originally - Sid left Microprose to form Fraxis. Probably for the same reasons that Peter Molineux (spelling?) left Bullfrog, the company he created, to form Lionhead

                Secondly the Reasons that Sid Meyer has his name blazoned across the top of 'his' games is that he has overall design ownership - not of the coding but of the game functionality, playability and the essential 'fun' factor'

                To reach his level and to have his reputation you not only have to be a good game designer - you also have to be able to surround yourself with good quality people to enable you to deliver your vision.

                So yes is has everything to do with continuity!!!!

                edit: you beat me to it Patriqvium
                tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

                6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting


                • #53
                  Oh, duh, Big Huge Games...I know what's going on, I promise.


                  • #54
                    Seems like there are a great many people who want Civ 2.5. I'd rather have a different gameplay experience with NEW strategies. You folks are looking forward to employing all of your six year old Civ 2 strategies and winning.


                    • #55
                      Re: Re: the more i find out about civ3... (attepmt 2)

                      Originally posted by Asmodean

                      Oh do shut up......

                      Nothing like a bit of friendly debate....


                      • #56
                        I gotta agree with Half Lotus.

                        If you want Civ 2, play Civ 2.

                        If you want a rehash of Civ 2, play Test of Time or some mods.


                        • #57
                          We settlers gotta stick together Madine.


                          • #58
                            the people behind Civ2 (who worked for MicroProse back then) are now working for Firaxis, except Brian Reynolds and a few others.
                            I hope everyone knows that it was Brian Reynolds that designed civ2, it just had the name SidMeiers civilization2 since they figured it would sell more.
                            If you place a thing into the center of your life, that lacks the power to nourish. It will eventually poison everything that you are.
                            And destroy you. -Maxi Jazz, Faithless


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                              Well, I'd like to see less military emphasis. Face it Civ2 is a warfare based game, plain and simple. At least this way you can be a builder.
                              'Tis the reason for all of the diplomacy and culture changes. You can still choose war, but there are other ways to win the game.
                              "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away" --Henry David Thoreau


                              • #60
                                the more i hear about civ3 the more i wonder about the lack of info re: MP. all the tweaks and graphics are worth little to me without MP (they are interesting though).

                                Originally posted by Asmodean

                                Oh do shut up......

                                wow, such a useful and informative post. how do think up such ideas? sir, I stand in awe...
                                Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool


