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Wishlist: which Wonders should be included?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by red_jon
    Wonder I would like:-

    The Channel Tunnel
    The trans-Siberian railway
    The Berlin Wall

    and something that is modern Japanese.
    Japanese : ; Seikan Tunnel ( longest under water tunnel in the world ) MITI ( the financial planning hub of Japan [ although made a whole mess of the japanese economy recently, it was also responsiblwe for the japanese economic miracle from 1950 -1990 )---> in civ it could give u like an extra trade for every square producing trade in every city for like 20 or 30 turns ( my suggestion )

    I also think there are a lack of other asian wonders


    • #62
      Originally posted by red_jon
      Wonder I would like:-
      and something that is modern Japanese.
      Godzilla, perhaps?
      Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
      Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
      "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
      From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


      • #63
        Originally posted by Lefty Scaevola

        Godzilla, perhaps?
        Or perhaps the horrific Fluffy Big-Eyed Small-Mouthed Saturday Morning Cartoon Creatures Wonder that makes enemy cities produce trade for you...
        Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


        • #64
          My wondermaker then?

          Why doesn't anyone react on my post. I agree you all have great ideas about new wonders. I am sure we can think of another hundred, but wouldn't it be nice that every civ has it's own wonderset. It's damn unrealistic English building the Pyramids. Russians building the Statue of Liberty. China building the United Nations. The Zulu's building the Colossus. That is all just impossible.

          The would have had their own civ-specific alternative. That idea is a lot better I think than to make enormous lists of wonders, which will never end.



          • #65
            Re: My wondermaker then?

            Originally posted by Oligarf
            They would have had their own civ-specific alternative. That idea is a lot better I think than to make enormous lists of wonders, which will never end.
            I agree, but the lists of Wonders wouldn't be shorter. Hundreds of Wonders for EACH civ... I would like that


            • #66
              Re: My wondermaker then?

              Originally posted by Oligarf
              Why doesn't anyone react on my post. I agree you all have great ideas about new wonders. I am sure we can think of another hundred, but wouldn't it be nice that every civ has it's own wonderset. It's damn unrealistic English building the Pyramids. Russians building the Statue of Liberty. China building the United Nations. The Zulu's building the Colossus. That is all just impossible.

              The would have had their own civ-specific alternative. That idea is a lot better I think than to make enormous lists of wonders, which will never end.

              BUT, the entire point is that you are rewriting history. It's alternate history. Why is it realistic to conquer the world in 1300 or get a ship to Alpha Centauri?

              So, just imagine that in your alternate universe, the Zulus developed an advanced scientific culture that allowed them to do feats of engineering and thus build the Colossus. Or that Russia developed as a democratic nation. Isn't the point of the game to do this?

              Tutto nel mondo è burla


              • #67
                Re: Re: My wondermaker then?

                Oligarf is right when he sais it is strange to see English building Pyramids. I guess he wants to give the English a Wonder with the same effect as Pyramids (for example Stonehenge), and do the same for the Germans, the Sioux, and so on.

                This idea was mentioned in this thread before Oligarf did, and I said the same as I say now: it would be nice, but it's impossible. What would the Zulu's call the SETI Project? And what would be the Greek name for the Eiffel Tower? This wouldn't make the list of Wonders shorter, but longer.


                • #68
                  Re: Re: Re: My wondermaker then?

                  Longer list? ...
                  What do we want out here? Rewrite history, or write our own history?
                  That's whole damn point out here, if that's not clear, this discussion is useless.


                  • #69
                    Re: Re: Re: Re: My wondermaker then?

                    Originally posted by Oligarf
                    Longer list? ...
                    What do we want out here? Rewrite history, or write our own history?
                    That's whole damn point out here, if that's not clear, this discussion is useless.
                    What's the difference?


                    • #70
                      Hey! At last I'm a chieftain!

