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Wishlist: which Wonders should be included?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by SerapisIV
    Sci-fi should be kept out of Civ games, just look at the CtP series.
    Don't worry; Civ is mainly a history-based game, and I don't think they will ever change that (At least I hope so! )

    On the other hand, I don't think it would be a bad thing to include some (not too many) future Wonders. Remember Cure for Cancer?


    • #32

      Gotta ask this...

      HOW do we put the little Icons under our names, and how do I get upgraded from a settler on this board?

      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #33
        Re: OK...

        Originally posted by Boris Godunov
        Gotta ask this...

        HOW do we put the little Icons under our names, and how do I get upgraded from a settler on this board?

        Surprise surprise.. You're a chieftain now


        • #34
          Re: OK...

          Originally posted by Boris Godunov
          Gotta ask this...

          HOW do we put the little Icons under our names, and how do I get upgraded from a settler on this board?

          This sort of questions is for the Community.
          You can select an avatar in the Control Panel - Edit Options Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Change Avatar (ore use this link).
          You will become a Chieftain after 30 posts. it is in the FAQ
          Last edited by Gramphos; September 21, 2001, 14:16.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #35
            Well now...

            ...I got to kinda disagree. While I have no argument for the horrible scifi elements in CTP2, I think the Civ3 team should do a little bit of "guessing" about some future wonders/techs/units. After all, history never stops, and it would be rather unrealistic to end the game with just what we have now. I think it would be easy to make some fairly educated guesses about the future (nanotechnology, fusion, etc.). They should not go all-out over it and turn it into Star Trek, but I would like to see some interesting and reasonable future items.

            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • #36
              Re: Well now...

              Originally posted by Boris Godunov
              After all, history never stops, and it would be rather unrealistic to end the game with just what we have now.
              It would be even more unrealistic to stop in 2300 AD. Unless you have supernatural powers so you can tell us what the world will look like then.


              • #37
                Wonder Customizer

                What I would like to see are customizable wonders. I mean, you can give a wonder a name, a icon or so, and give it it's special ability. It depends on the ability that is given how long it should take to build.
                Wonders become civ-specific, that is more realistic. The ability used should be used by only one civ and should be attached to a specific advance.
                Would Russians really build the Statue of Liberty????? They could build something with the same ability but with another name.

                So for the Dutch I would propose:
                - The Big Barn -Pyramids-
                - The VOC (United East-Indian Trading Company) -Adam Smith's Trading Company-
                - The Deltaworks -an aquaduct in every city-
                - Tasman's Journey -Magellan's Journey-
                - Laurens Janszoon Coster Printing Press -a library in every city-
                - De Witt's Deal -a marketplace in every city-



                • #38
                  Re: Wonder Customizer

                  Originally posted by Oligarf
                  - The Big Barn -Pyramids-
                  How about: The Hunebeds?

                  Keukenhof = Hanging Gardens
                  Waterline = Great Wall
                  Karel ende Elegast = Heroic Epic
                  The Dom = Sistine Chapel
                  A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                  Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                  • #39
                    The following is a list of the wonders i've put in to my Civ2 TOT scenario pack (as yet unreleased)
                    Its less American central, with things like the Houses of Parliament replacing statue liberty (its just a big statue for gods sake though seriously it should make citizens happy , maybe it could be replaced with something like the shakespeares Theatre) . The parliament stops allowing any new governments(govs are changed in name and tech requirements too) when great democracy is discovered, which normally isn't till about the 1950's or later.

                    note: i've changed a lot of sciences and they need different links etc so they may look strange here.
                    Its written in the rules.txt game format, so reads:
                    Wonder name, Cost x 10, unsupported, Required Tech Advance

                    Anchor Butter Frozen SeaTrade,50, 0, Rfg,
                    Tower of Babel, 20, 0, PT,
                    Great Mosque of Islam(Mecca), 40, 0, Chi, ; was crusades should be with chivalry anyhow
                    Computer Password Breaker, 50, 0, E2, ; Royal Lighthouses Charter
                    Academy of Socrates, 40, 0, Phi,
                    Holy Bible, 50, 0, X3,
                    Great Wall, 40, 0, X7, ; Jellini's Fusion Shield,60, 0, FP,
                    The Great Colosseum (Gladiator), 40, 0, Csc,
                    Great TransOceanic Canal, 50, 0, Exp,
                    Global Industries Inc.Corp, 40, 0, Cmp,
                    Royal Inquisition, 60, 0, MT, ;Michelangelo's Chapel
                    Great Pyramids, 30, 0, Cst, ;asttronomy or Polytheism or Construction
                    Columbuses New World Colony, 40, 0, Nav,
                    The Olympic Games, 30, 0, The, ;shakespeares?
                    Emperor Napoleons Millitary, 60, 0, Gun, ; needs Conscription - building Arc de Triumph too big? Refitting Re-moleculiser Works
                    Florence Nightingales Hospital, 40, 0, Med,
                    National Space Agency, 50, 0, SFl, ; Newtons College
                    Thatchers Privatisation, 60, 0, Fun,
                    Einstein's Relativity Theory, 40, 0, Ato, ; need scientific theory
                    Houses of Parliament , 50, 0, Eco,
                    Eiffel Tower, 40, 0, SE, ; might be better as ohuse of parliament
                    Full Voting Franchise, 70, 0, Cmn,
                    Continental Diesel Railroad, 70, 0, Cmb,
                    Manhattan Project, 70, 0, NF,
                    United Nations, 70, 0, Fun,
                    Time-Space Navigator Project, 90, 0, Feu, ; needs Time Eng
                    A. I. Mind Centre, 70, 0, Cmp,
                    SETI Contact Program, 80, 0, FP, ; or Fusion Free Power plant?

                    These correspond to the Civ2 wonders of the following (also includes expiry sciences whereupon the wonder becomes useless)

                    SE, ; Hanging Gardens
                    nil, ; Colossus
                    Sup, ; Lighthouse ; APJ now WW2 Decoding Computer
                    E1, ; Great Library
                    Ind, ; Oracle - old religion reduction
                    Inv, ; Great Wall put slighty later
                    U1, ; Sun Tzu's War Academy ends with Breech loader
                    nil, ; King Richard's Crusade
                    Env, ; Marco Polo's Embassy
                    Cmn, ; Michelangelo
                    X6, ; Copernicus Pyramids
                    Stl, ; Magellan - Expiry change Steel transporters changes trade etc
                    nil, ; Shakespeare
                    Mob, ; Leonardo Da Vinci's Workshop APJ may be unwise to use this, if want to use non mechs on ancient world
                    Rad, ; Bach out of date with tv etc
                    nil, ; Newton - Nuclear fissions stops it (einsteins theories cancel it out)
                    FP, ; Smith's Trading Co. Thatchers privatisation, FP gives 'free' energy so services like electricity etc don't need privatisation??? economy messed up,need to find other system
                    nil, ; Darwin
                    Dem, ; Statue of Liberty - fundamentalists like anti communists etc stop gov changing quickly..
                    FP, ; Eiffel Tower
                    nil, ; Women's Suffrage lots of terrorism criminals soruns out
                    FP, ; Hoover Dam
                    nil, ; Manhattan Project -expire with uranium ban?
                    SFl, ; United Nations
                    nil, ; Apollo
                    nil, ; SETI
                    nil, ; Cure for Cancer

                    email :
                    (for info on getting my scenario which this came from -Civ2:tot version only right now)

                    Admiral PJ - riding the unicorn


                    • #40
                      Thanks for adding so many Dutch Wonders, Oligarf.
                      I would like to see these ones added:

                      Vondel's Theatre - Shakespeare's Theatre
                      Sweelinck's Works - Bach's Cathedral
                      Piet Heyn's Silver Fleet - More cash
                      Leeghwater's Project - Engineers work faster
                      The Europoort - Harbor in every coastal city
                      Allowed Abortion - One happy citizen in every city (and now I'm off to hide for all those foreign conservatives .)


                      • #41
                        Re: Re: Wonder Customizer

                        Originally posted by Ribannah

                        How about: The Hunebeds?

                        Keukenhof = Hanging Gardens
                        Waterline = Great Wall
                        Karel ende Elegast = Heroic Epic
                        The Dom = Sistine Chapel
                        Great, there are many Dutch in this thread. I propose we start the Wilhelmus now


                        • #42
                          Wilhelmus + Wonder Customizer

                          NOT, I can't sing.

                          Hunebeds are nice, (I'm from Drenthe), our only wonder before the Golden Age.

                          But what about my Wonder Customizer?


                          • #43
                            I don't see any reason why civ shouldn't go into the future, it just needs the futuristic bits to be done well, unlike the Civ:TOT and CTP games.
                            The old civ games had the alpha centauri ship launching at 2000 which seemed ok, though even that is pretty unrealistic in that timescale.

                            On the realistic side of things it would take the world till about 2100 in another couple generations to possibly consider world unity in the game another endgame winner(diplomatic win?)
                            We could do with some more futuristic government choices, such as Feudalist Industrial State(read empire).

                            The important thing is for gameplay, and futuristic millitary units would help extend the endgame (when you've discovered all the stealth bomber units etc things can be repetitive)

                            Good futuristic and beliavable things could be - laser artillery weapons(maybe spacebased for anti satellite attack, not surface bombardment), android robot workers, android soldiers(not that far in the future i think), more outerspace planetary colonisation, asteroid attacks.
                            Even something like an Area51 UFO capture research lab wonder would be fun and creative. (even if there aren't aliens involved , though I think they probably are)
                            How about alien contact (wonder?) being an endgame? maybe in another scenario - but it would be immensely important for the human race (and maybe the aliens too .



                            • #44
                              Make it

                              Everybody should design it's own wonder.
                              If you like sci-fi make sci-fi wonders, like economy make economic wonders, and so on.

                              Not so bad idea I think, than we have completed the quarrelling about which wonders should be included. The only thing we have to think about, which abilities could be given to wonders, and with which advances they should be linked.


                              Oligarf bringing this topic to a higher level

                              Allowed Abortion - One happy citizen in every city (and now I'm off to hide for all those foreign conservatives .)
                              What about Legalized Suicide?


                              • #45
                                The Statue of liberty definitely qualifies as a wonder. To me its the symbolic meaning of something that is considered not how high or big it is.
                                The Statue of Liberty is perhaps the most well know symbol of amerika, and stands for the wonder of freedom.
                                See? The wonder is freedom itself.
                                If you place a thing into the center of your life, that lacks the power to nourish. It will eventually poison everything that you are.
                                And destroy you. -Maxi Jazz, Faithless

