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Psst ... New resources for scenario makers

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  • #61
    If there was a grade within the sea then it wouldn't look so exaggerated
    Obviosly blender wasn't made for that but Blenderr should use more verteces!
    Love your image. The most annoying thing in finding maps is that most people have "helpfully" put in hill/mountain shadows already
    Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


    • #62
      I know of a nice site with lots of maps,

      this site has maps on it by Christos Nüssli who has lots of maps and stuff. you can order a cd with these maps but you can see a good portion of them in this site. Its mainly political maps at this link. The maps show the size and borders of countries every 100 years from 1 ad to 1700.


      • #63
        back from the depths of page 3

        Harlan, I can chop up the big world image on a colleague's machine; She has the right software for it, my pc does not. So I hafta wait to do it during times she's out. It could be slow going, but I'll get the image broken into sendable pieces.

        Also, I've discovered a program extension that allows conversion of more DEM data (new format) I found for europe. I've yet to try it - if it works, it just means more possible options for source data.
        The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

        The gift of speech is given to many,
        intelligence to few.


        • #64
          yeah, I know this can be called a bump, but i wanted to see if anyone mentioned this:


          • #65
            Thanks for the post. I was just about to send you a note, enquiring what was up. Thanks for the page 3 save too!

            Thanks for that link. I knew of those maps, but it looks like they've been updated to more accurately provide city info. That makes a nice compliment to my website, cos between that and the McEvery books, you should have your political boundaries known for Europe at just about any point in time. Nice links too.

            By the way, my website is just a hitch or two away from being moved to a better, permanent site. Should happen any day now (knock on wood).

