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Downgraded Leonardos Workshop (if still in)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by saracen31

    And then the totally stupid ones: if I build the Apollo Program or Manhattan Project, why should the whole world benefit?
    I can think of one good reason why everyone should benifit from them at least in terms of Civ2. Would you really want the game set up where the civ that builds the Manhattan project is the ONLY one that gets nukes? Of the one that builds the Apollo project is the ONLY one to get into space?

    The game would basically become a race to build those projects.

    I agree there should be more of a benifit just to the civ that builds them, at least for the Apollo project. But exclusivity would be too nasty.

    There are a couple ways I can see that they could use to deal with this that would be more balancing.

    1. A Major Wonder/Minor Wonder combo. The major wonder, say the Apollo Program, has to be built first. The minor wonder just plain isn't available until then. Once the major wonder is built, every other civ with the right prereqs. can build a similar but scaled down minor wonder. And that would be the key difference, the major wonder would have some benifits only available to them. For example, maybe reduced costs on spaceship construction.

    2. A Women's Sufferage/Police Station type combo. IE. The civ with the Wonder get the equivilent of the city improvement in every city. This might be more appropriate for the Manhattan Project. Thus if you don't have the M.P. wonder, you have to build a nuclear weapons factory in a city before you can build nucs. there. But if you have it, you can build them everywhere. Though, I would still think it best to require the M.P. to be built before nuc. weapons factories became available to everyone else.

    I'm sure there are other ways these wonders could be balanced with just a little creative thought.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bleyn

      I can think of one good reason why everyone should benifit from them at least in terms of Civ2. Would you really want the game set up where the civ that builds the Manhattan project is the ONLY one that gets nukes? Of the one that builds the Apollo project is the ONLY one to get into space?

      The game would basically become a race to build those projects.

      I agree there should be more of a benifit just to the civ that builds them, at least for the Apollo project. But exclusivity would be too nasty.
      ummm... It's already been announce that Apollo and Manhattan will be minor wonders. each civ wanting to go to space will have to build apollo, and any civ wanting nukes will have to build manhattan first.
      Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

      I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
      ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


      • #18
        Originally posted by Father Beast

        ummm... It's already been announce that Apollo and Manhattan will be minor wonders. each civ wanting to go to space will have to build apollo, and any civ wanting nukes will have to build manhattan first.
        Ah... Its a little hard to keep up with these things sometimes. And the way Saracen31 was talking about it, it did sort of sound like that info wasn't available yet.


        • #19
          I would say that Leo's is probably either changed or not in, since resources are now needed.


          • #20
            Actually, I have an Idea for keeping Leonardos Workshop in the game without it having the same unbalancing effect. Basically it should probably be kept as a major wonder, but if its a minor wonder then it should require the civ to have at least 5 barracks/5 Universities. Essentially, whenever you begin researching a new military technology, you get a free "Prototype" unit that goes with that advance. The unit should have a higher maintainance cost until you have actually finished your research, at which point it becomes an ordinary unit of that type. Obviously, if the "Prototype" gets destroyed, thats it, you don't get any more!!
            Aside from that. Leonardos should HALVE the cost of unit upgrades (which I think should work as in SMAC!!)
            An alternative model for unit upgrades, however, could involve a number of turns required to upgrade a unit in the field (between 2-8 turns-depending on unit type), as well as a cost. Units in a fortress or barracks (or port etc) could upgrade in half this time, and paying 2x upgrade cost could halve this again. If this model for unit Upgrades were adopted, then Leonardos "secondary" function might be to halve the time for unit upgrades in the field (to between 1-4 turns), with all other halving factors counting from this point!
            Anyway, just my 2 cents worth.



            • #21
              Why on earth the name Apollo Program? There seems to be a major gap in some designers history knowledge....
              I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


              • #22
                Yeah, such upgrades should be available to all civs at a cost, like in SMAC. Perhaps Leonardo's Workshop could have an effect similar to what the Nano Factory had in SMAC, halving the costs of all upgrades.
                Speaking of Erith:

                "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                • #23
                  I agree with you completely Ralf....


                  Infantry units, whether they be swordsmen, riflemen, etc, are just guys carrying weapons. Technology doesn't evolve so quick that you would have hundreds of thousands of men with spears when a laser rifle is invented (just for example). Technology upgrades in military use have always been slow, I think Civ should reflect that buy focusing more on weapons than specific units. That way you would upgrade units by equipping them with new weapons (Colonization). It's probably too late to put this in the game anyways.
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #24
                    leos is too powerful.

                    about 5 turns before you finish it, build warriors in all your cities, and rush buy any left before you complete leos, and you can have 2-3 musketeers per city, plus whatever was there.

                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #25
                      I really do like the idea of having units come in from the field to upgrade, whether that upgrade is through shields or gold or whatever.

                      Have them visit cities or colonies. If they visit a colony, they can get new weaponry but lose experience. Have it work the same way in cities, but with an option to remain at the barracks (if oneis built in that city) for a couple turns to keep their current experience level.

                      Maybe the new equivalent of Leo's can eliminate that waiting period at the barracks, and just let upgraded units keep their current experience level.


                      • #26
                        Infantry units, whether they be swordsmen, riflemen, etc, are just guys carrying weapons.
                        it's not so much the weapons but the tactics the infantry men use that takes most of the time in training soldiers

                        like if you went back and gave AK-47's to the armies in the late 1700's it's not like they would automatically adopt modern the US Civil War one of the reasons for the great loss of life was many of the commanders were using tactics that worked fine in the Napoleonic wars but were outdated by the time the civil war started because firearms had a longer range and were more accurate

                        still though, if Leo's is in Civ3 in any form should a chariot be able to upgrade into a Dragoon for a small fraction of the Dragoon's cost?

