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Now, if YOU were the Firaxis PR person...

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  • Originally posted by Leonidas
    tniem: You should be in public relations
    Well thank you very much.

    I am amazed how game companies, that ignore their fan base, take shortcuts, and produce sloppy, buggy games, are surprised to find that they are soon bankrupt. . .
    The gaming industry is still an evolving industry. I hope that in the years to come it will move towards better and better service to the customers. If it doesn't than the industry is in trouble. Companies must start treating those that buy their games better. And that starts with the publisher.

    Maybe the average gamer is starting to sit up and notice after all. . .
    One can always hope.

    It was mentioned earlier in this thread that CivIII could do well simply because of Sid Meier's reputation. To be honest with you, I had never even heard of Sid Meier before I bought SMAC.
    It has to still be a powerful tool otherwise why put his name on the box? Strategy gamers (Civ, Colonization, SMAC, Gettysburg, others) have heard of him and so has those that have played sims (Railroad Tycoon, early flight sims, and soon SM's Sim Golf). I still believe it is a valuable commodity or why else would his name be on the box.
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    • I'm willing to buy civ3 just with the Single player version.. hoping that the multiplayer version (which I wouldn't be quite as interested in maybe ) will come soon. The multiplayer side should need a lot of work to make the simultaneous and diplomacy systems etc work well, I don't know any multiplayer TBS game thats had good multiplayer yet so it could do with some effort put into it.
      I see single player and multiplayer games as 2 separate things, though most of the coding is the same normally (just some server /networking/interface extras) so having only 1 at a time seems fine.

      I don't accept that inhouse testing with the small development team will make a good Betatest (finding all the mistakes in the project) for THE most complex game ever created. At least they will be able to understand what they are testing, as they made it, but bugs after the release are a niggling problem .



      • The Wall of Slience Continues

        Plays Nice With Others


        Let me first say that my wife and I are really looking forward to Civ 3. I introduced my wife to Civ 2 and CTP2 and she absolutely loves turn-based strategy style of game play. Not a week goes by without her asking me when Civ 3 is going to be released!

        The only difficulty we've discovered with turn-based games like Civ & CTP is that multiplayer games can be slow and cumbersome, especially at later stages in the game. I've always envisioned the next great Civ-style game to introduce simultaneous turns in multiplayer. I'm sure this would introduce quite a few technical challenges though. So my question would have to be how is Civ 3 going to address this issue?

        Best regards,

        Joel Dudgeon


        Thanks for your email! We're working on some cool multiplayer concepts that will take a fresh approach to the challenge of making multiplayer for a turn-based game fun. We're not yet ready to give details, but stay tuned. When we have more to report, the site will be updated and our fans, as always, will be the first to know!

        New Ask the Civ Team has been posted on the civ3 site, they "address" multiplayer and they say absolutly nothing. What the heck is it going to take to get these people to respond to us?

        Everyone who cares send your concerns to:

        Tell them exactly how you feel. Tell them you are very upset with their decision to ignore the interests of multiplayers. Tell them you are very upset they are trying to screw us out of money. Tell them you are very upset that they have been stonewalling the entire community regarding multiplayer.

        When we have more to report, the site will be updated and our fans, as always, will be the first to know!
        Bull Freaking shiit! As bold faced a lie i've ever seen. Of course we aren't the first to know, they are intentionally keeping this deep dark secret from us.

        E-mail Firaxis everyone. Tell them what you think as strongly worded as you feel necessary.

        Don't expect them to visit here, you have to contact them directly.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

