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List: City Improvements

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  • #16
    That cathedral looks like the Notredame de Paris .. Is it a wonder , because it looks like the real thing , or is it just the building of a cathedral ?


    • #17
      Hey I recall hearing that each civilization would have city views that were related to that civ. If htat is true some of the things above might be the same thing but for different civilizations. Especially the temples...I think the hagia sophia could be one such case. The michelangelo like building could be a university or could be a cathedral... a long time after I posted on apolyton man it feels good to be back.
      Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
      So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
      rocking on everest


      • #18
        Looks good some of the pics seem to be early middle late . The first granary may middle and the pic under may be late.
        Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


        • #19
          I agree with darkknight - I'm willing to bet that this picture is just an earlier Barracks.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Originally posted by Osweld
            Geocities no longer allows linking to images, which is both why the images are not showing and why the links don't work.

            Stinks, doesn't it?

            You'll need to find a new host.... though I don't know of any, sorry.

            But untill then, the links should work if you cut and paste it into your browser.
            Just FYI -- you can use Geocities, but then you have to put a space after the URL after you've clicked the link. So if it's http://geocities/foo/bar.gif, then you click on that link and it will say 'not found' and then you go back to the address bar and manually add a space at the end and hit return/enter.


            • #21
              That's the Pentagon

              [QUOTE] Originally posted by MarkG

              the pentagon?

              No doubt, that can only be the pentagon.

              But what is a Minor wonder ? Are there major wonders ? What are the differences ?
              M. le Comte


              • #22
                It's my first post so pliz be cool.

                The difference between Minor and Major Wonder is subtle:

                A Major Wonder can be build once in all game and by only one Civ,
                like in Civ2 or CTP.

                As for a Minor Wonder, it can be build once in all game too, but each civ can build is one, even if a civ has already built it.



                • #23
                  I think the picture below the granary is a granary actually or a food silo


                  • #24
                    tniem: I must question your selection of picture you used for J.S.Bach's cathedral. If you ask me, that looks more like what I would have expected the Great Library to look like...
                    Speaking of Erith:

                    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                    • #25
                      That pentagon thing would be that minor wonder (forgotten its name): Combined Defense initiative or something like that.
                      Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo


                      • #26
                        Copernicus Observatory (Asronomy) -
                        Hmm, I can't get the pic, but what you have as Copernicus' Observatory is more likely a Roman temple, or even the Pantheon itself. After all, the Western civs need a temple too, right?

                        Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                        -The Artist Within-


                        • #27
                          Most interesting list, tniem!

                          I've only one thing to add: The image you listed as being the University improvement seems to be the same as that of the Great Library wonder. Now surely it can only be one of them, most likely the University.


                          • #28
                            Re: List: City Improvements

                            Very likely the wonder/improvement from Feudalism. Does not answer what exactly it is, though, does it?

                            I have no idea what this building represents in the game. But near Bagdad Saddam Husseyn has erected a monument almost exactly like this one, to commemorate Iraki soldiers. I would assume that the graphics designers have a rather odd sense of humour and that it will be used as a graphic for a wonder/improvement from feudalism.

                            Or, Firaxis could have one of the following suprises in store for us:
                            -Saddam Husseyn will be the Greatest of the Great Leaders, the only one that deserves to have his own statue.
                            -It could be a minor 'Manhattan Project', allowing you to build biological weapons that you can unleash on your unsuspecting population.
                            -It is the 'Hail Saddam!' improvement, the ultimate cultural improvement that you can build, to give the glorious Iraki Civilisation its rightful place in the game.
                            -You can name an upcoming battle the 'Mother of all Battles', then, if manage to get your arse utterly kicked, your people celebrate your glorious victory by erecting this monument in your honour.
                            Last edited by Hasdrubal; August 17, 2001, 11:01.
                            Hasdrubal's Home.
                            Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


                            • #29
                              Re: List: City Improvements

                              Might as well supply a link: Irak4Ever
                              Last edited by Hasdrubal; August 17, 2001, 10:56.
                              Hasdrubal's Home.
                              Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


                              • #30
                                Looking at the tech tree overall...

                                I'm a newbie but was looking at stuff from the tech tree per advance:

                                Bronze Working:Phalanx:Colossus
                                Masonry:Odd blank,Great Wall?,Pyramids
                                The Wheel:Chariot
                                Warrior Code:Some unit maybe Archer??
                                Ceremonial Burial:Temple
                                Iron Working:Legion?
                                Code of Laws:Courthouse
                                Literature:Library?,Great Library
                                Map Making:Galley type thing(Trireme?):Some improvement (Harbour?):Lighthouse
                                Horseback Riding:Horsemen type unit
                                Construction:Aqueduct,Colosseum:Build Fortress Command
                                The Republic:
                                Monarchy:Some weird improvement

                                Monotheism:A big temple? Cathedral type thing I guess (varies with culture like the Temple)
                                Feudalism:Pikeman:Some war memorial type thing
                                Engineering:Looks like a build tree command... maybe plant forest?
                                Theology:Sistine?, something Oracle-looking
                                Chivalry:Fat Knight?
                                Invention:Looks like an archer so maybe the Warrior Code unit is different? Leonardos maybe for the building?
                                Printing Press:
                                Music Theory:JS Bach?
                                Education:School/Uni I guess
                                Gunpowder:Musketeers that look like Telescopes
                                Free Artistry:Some sort of Workshop?
                                Banking:Bank (duh!)
                                Astronomy:Galleon type ship, Copernicus
                                Metallurgy:Cannon and a better city wall?
                                Navigation:Little explorer bloke?
                                Theory of Gravity:Isaac Newton?
                                Magnetism:Three ships and a Lighthouse type thing
                                Military Tradition:Better Knights?

                                Nationalism: EVIL partisans (I hope they act different in this version!)
                                Steam Power:Ironclad type ship:Build Railroad command:Weird Improvement
                                Industrialisation:Factory, Something Else, Women’s Suffrage I think
                                Electricity:Something that looks like the great library...
                                Sanitation:Sewer System
                                Communism:Police Station?
                                Espionage:No idea improvement!
                                The Corporation:
                                Scientific Methodarwin
                                Combustion:Couple of Ships (ones a carrier I think)
                                Replaceable Parts (Weird!):Riflemen, Artillery
                                Atomic Theory (in green?):
                                Flight:Fighter, Bomber, Airport, No idea improvement
                                Amphibious Warfare:Marines I guess
                                Mass Production:Three more ships including Sub
                                Electronics:Power Plant?, Hoover Dam?
                                Advanced Flight:Paratroops? Helicopter
                                Motorised Transport:Tank (or Armor you yanks)
                                Radio: Broadcasting station? It has a big tower...

                                Recycling: Centre
                                Rocketry:Two types, one of which is very aircraft like
                                Fission:Nuke and Manhattan I think
                                Computers:Mech Inf I think, Research Centre and God knows... SETI?
                                Ecology: WHAT’S THE POINT? I guess not all the art is done and there will be a solar plant of some description
                                Space Flight:Two units... hmmm??? Apollo, Three spaceship parts
                                Nuclear Power: Plant
                                Miniaturisation: Offshore Platform
                                Synthetic Fibres: Howitzer type thing, three spaceship parts
                                Stealth: Bomber, Fighter
                                Superconductor: two SS parts
                                Satellites:an SS part
                                The Laser:another SS part
                                Genetics:Cure for Cancer, Something else...
                                Smart Weapons:
                                Robotics: Looks like an APC and a boat and an MFG plant?
                                Integrated Defense: Star wars indeed... perhaps...

                                What are the red crosses? Why are they there?
                                I think the spaceship works differently, in that each part is an expensive mini-wonder and you need all ten to complete it... But I could be wrong...
                                I note we lost some techs (89 in Civ2, 82 in Civ3) and lots of improvements (44 imps and 28 wonders which is 72 total in Civ2, 52 and barracks which is 53 total in Civ3) and units (51 in Civ2, I reckon 48 in Civ3 (44 in the charts, settlers, workers, militia and special unit per civ)! And some have been renamed... I think this is probably an early version because of the repeated art and the blank spaces...
                                I also preferred the Civ II icons to be honest, they were easier to decipher.
                                ---Signature under Beta testing---

