I have been quite curious looking at the City View screens as to what some of the city improvements actually are. I began last week taking screen shots of the city view and cutting out the different improvements. I then named each file my guess as to what improvement was.
Now that the new tech tree has been released I felt that I would be able to find out what most of the shown buildings are and make a list of all remaining improvements. So here is my list of what each improvement/wonder is with the required tech and screen shot if available.
Please comment on what you think I am missing or what some of the unknown pics are. I will try to update this as much as possible. Hopefully this does not take too long to download.
List v 1.2.1 - Switched JS Bach and the Sistine Chapel
List v 1.2 - Made some changes that were suggested. Added Minor Wonder title to a few.
List v 1.1 - Made changes, fixed broken picture links.
List v 1.0 - Initial Work and Release
Building (Tech) - Picture, comments
Everything should now work. Let me know if it doesn't and hopefully the pics do not take to long to download.
City Improvements:
Barracks (None) -
Granary (Pottery) -
Temple (Ceremonial Burial) -

The second image is believed to be a temple from an Ancient American culture due to this screen shot - http://www.pczone.co.uk/guest/rev_pi...v_33692_f.jpg. Look in the Improvements box. The third pic used to be under Galileo's Observatory but now the argument is that it is a Greek or Roman temple.
City Walls (Masonry) -
Any city view screen shot.
Court House (Code of Laws) -
I had originally thought that this shot was of the university - hence its name. But looking at the tech tree this appears to be the courthouse in Civ III.
Library (Literature) -
Harbor (Map Making) -

Aqueduct (Construction) -
Colisseum (Construction) -
It is the belief of most people that the stadium (third pic) is a modern colisseum. It seems to make sense except for the image I attached below that shows both a colisseum and a stadium in the same city screen. The rational in including it here is that the pic with both of them together is simply concept art because there were no houses in the city screen.
Marketplace (Currency) -
??? (Monarcy) -
University/School (Education) -

The rest of them we have not seen a pic in the screen shot but the reason I believe they are in is from the tech trees.
Bank (Banking)
Coastal Fortress (Metallurgy)
Factory (Industralization)
Sewer System (Sanitation)
Police Station (Communism)
Airport (Flight)
Hydro Plant (Electronics)
Recycling Plant (Recycling)
SAM Missile Battery (Rocketry)
Research Lab (Computers)
Nuclear Plant (Nuclear Power)
Colossus (Bronze Working) -
Picture not included to save space.
Pyramids (Masonry)
Picture not included to save space
Great Wall (Masonry) -
Same as Colossus and Pyramids
Oracle (Mysticism) -
Great Library (Literature) -

Lighthouse (Map Making) -
Sistine Chapel (Theology) -
Change made in v 1.2.1
J.S. Bach's Cathedral (Music Theory) -
Change made in v 1.2.1
Copernicus Observatory/Solar System (Asronomy) -
Used to have the third temple picture as Galileo's Observatory but have made the change as evidence showed that it was instead a civ specific temple. Now the debate ravages which of the two will be the wonder included.
Isaac Newton's College -
Theory of Gravity has another wonder - same place Civ II put Newton's College
??? / Darwin's Voyage (Scientific Method) -
New tech has wonder. It has a pic that appears to be a smaller monkey changing to a man. Seem to be the place they put Darwin's Voyage instead of the old Railroad.
Hoover's Dam (Electronics) -
Electronics has two improvements in Civ III the same as Civ II. Seems like Hoover is coming back
Manhattan Project (Fission) MINOR WONDER. -
This city improvement is just an atom bomb on the tech tree pic.
SETI Program/Internet (Computers) -
Computer has a wonder that is hard to decipher what it is. Giving what was in Civ II (SETI) but early interviews show that the Internet would be in the game.
Apollo Program (Space Flight) MINOR WONDER. -
Could it be this?
Strategic Defense Initiative (Integrated Defense) MINOR WONDER.-
Interviews show this is in the game as a Minor Wonder.
Great Canal ( ? ) -
Did not see anything in the Tech Tree to indicate this. But interviews have said it is in.
Techs with City Improvents, Unknown what they are:
Invention (Leonardo's Workshop in Civ 2)
Free Artistry
2 for Industrializations (Possibility of Women's Suffrage and another)
2 for Genetics (one the human genome ?, the other cloning ?)
Screen Images that are Unknown as to what they are:
Have seen inside of screenshots a couple times this grouping of houses inside a wall. Is it a city improvement? Or is it just art that fills in the City View screen?
Take a guess

Much discussion. Maybe a minor wonder? Others think it may be an American/modern barracks.
Very likely the wonder/improvement from Feudalism. Does not answer what exactly it is, though, does it?
Guessing a palace. But have only seen it once. Is it going to be in every capital city? Many propose it is the Hagia Sophia, a temple for certain civs.
Note: Synthetic Fibers, Laser, Satallites, Superconductor, and Space Flight all seem to contribute to building modules for the space ship.
Thanks in advance to those that have added input or made changes to this list.
Now that the new tech tree has been released I felt that I would be able to find out what most of the shown buildings are and make a list of all remaining improvements. So here is my list of what each improvement/wonder is with the required tech and screen shot if available.
Please comment on what you think I am missing or what some of the unknown pics are. I will try to update this as much as possible. Hopefully this does not take too long to download.
List v 1.2.1 - Switched JS Bach and the Sistine Chapel
List v 1.2 - Made some changes that were suggested. Added Minor Wonder title to a few.
List v 1.1 - Made changes, fixed broken picture links.
List v 1.0 - Initial Work and Release
Building (Tech) - Picture, comments
Everything should now work. Let me know if it doesn't and hopefully the pics do not take to long to download.
City Improvements:
Barracks (None) -

Granary (Pottery) -

Temple (Ceremonial Burial) -

The second image is believed to be a temple from an Ancient American culture due to this screen shot - http://www.pczone.co.uk/guest/rev_pi...v_33692_f.jpg. Look in the Improvements box. The third pic used to be under Galileo's Observatory but now the argument is that it is a Greek or Roman temple.
City Walls (Masonry) -
Any city view screen shot.
Court House (Code of Laws) -

I had originally thought that this shot was of the university - hence its name. But looking at the tech tree this appears to be the courthouse in Civ III.
Library (Literature) -

Harbor (Map Making) -

Aqueduct (Construction) -

Colisseum (Construction) -

It is the belief of most people that the stadium (third pic) is a modern colisseum. It seems to make sense except for the image I attached below that shows both a colisseum and a stadium in the same city screen. The rational in including it here is that the pic with both of them together is simply concept art because there were no houses in the city screen.
Marketplace (Currency) -

??? (Monarcy) -
University/School (Education) -

The rest of them we have not seen a pic in the screen shot but the reason I believe they are in is from the tech trees.
Bank (Banking)
Coastal Fortress (Metallurgy)
Factory (Industralization)
Sewer System (Sanitation)
Police Station (Communism)
Airport (Flight)
Hydro Plant (Electronics)
Recycling Plant (Recycling)
SAM Missile Battery (Rocketry)
Research Lab (Computers)
Nuclear Plant (Nuclear Power)
Colossus (Bronze Working) -
Picture not included to save space.
Pyramids (Masonry)
Picture not included to save space
Great Wall (Masonry) -
Same as Colossus and Pyramids
Oracle (Mysticism) -

Great Library (Literature) -

Lighthouse (Map Making) -

Sistine Chapel (Theology) -

Change made in v 1.2.1
J.S. Bach's Cathedral (Music Theory) -

Change made in v 1.2.1
Copernicus Observatory/Solar System (Asronomy) -
Used to have the third temple picture as Galileo's Observatory but have made the change as evidence showed that it was instead a civ specific temple. Now the debate ravages which of the two will be the wonder included.
Isaac Newton's College -
Theory of Gravity has another wonder - same place Civ II put Newton's College
??? / Darwin's Voyage (Scientific Method) -
New tech has wonder. It has a pic that appears to be a smaller monkey changing to a man. Seem to be the place they put Darwin's Voyage instead of the old Railroad.
Hoover's Dam (Electronics) -
Electronics has two improvements in Civ III the same as Civ II. Seems like Hoover is coming back
Manhattan Project (Fission) MINOR WONDER. -
This city improvement is just an atom bomb on the tech tree pic.
SETI Program/Internet (Computers) -
Computer has a wonder that is hard to decipher what it is. Giving what was in Civ II (SETI) but early interviews show that the Internet would be in the game.
Apollo Program (Space Flight) MINOR WONDER. -

Could it be this?
Strategic Defense Initiative (Integrated Defense) MINOR WONDER.-
Interviews show this is in the game as a Minor Wonder.
Great Canal ( ? ) -
Did not see anything in the Tech Tree to indicate this. But interviews have said it is in.
Techs with City Improvents, Unknown what they are:
Invention (Leonardo's Workshop in Civ 2)
Free Artistry
2 for Industrializations (Possibility of Women's Suffrage and another)
2 for Genetics (one the human genome ?, the other cloning ?)
Screen Images that are Unknown as to what they are:

Have seen inside of screenshots a couple times this grouping of houses inside a wall. Is it a city improvement? Or is it just art that fills in the City View screen?

Take a guess

Much discussion. Maybe a minor wonder? Others think it may be an American/modern barracks.

Very likely the wonder/improvement from Feudalism. Does not answer what exactly it is, though, does it?

Guessing a palace. But have only seen it once. Is it going to be in every capital city? Many propose it is the Hagia Sophia, a temple for certain civs.
Note: Synthetic Fibers, Laser, Satallites, Superconductor, and Space Flight all seem to contribute to building modules for the space ship.
Thanks in advance to those that have added input or made changes to this list.