While most of the six wallpapers are easy to figure out, what are the first and sixth desktop pics?
1st Civ3.com Wallpaper
6th Civ3.com Wallpaper
The first wallpaper is listed as briggs_1024.jpg. So what the heck is the pic of? Sid checking out Jeff Briggs during an acid trip?
The sixth wallpaper is called launch6_1024.jpg, could this have something to do with the space vistory? It's seems too high-tech to be part of an Apollo animation. Also the rocket launch pad is listed as launch1_1024.jpg, so these two are probably related as all the other pictures have different names.
1st Civ3.com Wallpaper
6th Civ3.com Wallpaper
The first wallpaper is listed as briggs_1024.jpg. So what the heck is the pic of? Sid checking out Jeff Briggs during an acid trip?
The sixth wallpaper is called launch6_1024.jpg, could this have something to do with the space vistory? It's seems too high-tech to be part of an Apollo animation. Also the rocket launch pad is listed as launch1_1024.jpg, so these two are probably related as all the other pictures have different names.