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emp bombs

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  • emp bombs

    what would be cool if u could make emps bombs like the end of
    escape fomr l.a. but in stead u only bomb 1 play and it take out all tecnology they have but it would beway to unbalenced but it would be cool to shut off ALL THIER TANKS

  • #2

    close it down mark.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #3
      Stop watching so many sci-fi movies. And besides your little foo technology can probably be blocked by carbon nanotubes or some other EM conducting material. Oh no now we can never stop the robotic hordes that will one day kill off humanity, oh well I guess we asked for it anyways.
      Learn the mistakes of yesterday to prevent the ones of tomorrow...


      • #4
        EMPs actually pose a pretty significant threat to a country's national security, and would be a formidible weapon in a technologically advanced world. The nanosecond-long burst would short out all sensitive electronic devices, and if repeated, all electronics eventually fail.

        This would mean no communication, no power grid, no radar, nuclear meltdowns, and crashed planes and cars (b/c of the embeded chips used so widely). It would not destroy everything, nor knock them back to the stone age, but would cause trillions of dollars of damage and take a ton of time to repair and recover from. In short, it could effectively bring an entire civilization to its knees, disabling it enough for a total takeover.

        Near ground level nuclear explosions make very strong but short-ranged magnetic fields. But at high altitudes (20 miles+), the gamma rays have enough area of relatively thin air to reach spreads of 1000 miles or more (depending on detonation strength and alt.) before reacting with the EM field.

        Some very expensive shielding has been devised to harden military equipment against EMPs, but the civilian devices and networks that actually run a civilization are totally vulnerable to this type of attack. Much more research is needed to find a cost effective shielding.

        Very scary stuff.


        • #5
          atleast some one agree's with me emp would be very good even as a last dicth effort to bomb ur city area if its bein attaked by tanks


          • #6
            What EM field?

            An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) is just a very short burst of intense EM radiation, particularly around the millimeter range IIRC. Anything that shields EM (e.g. faraday cages) works against EMP.

            A nuclear bomb generates EMP but it has to be very big or very near for it to be effective (since energy density is inversely proportional to the square of distance).
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            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


            • #7
              Since there's life in this thread I mays well put in my 2 cents...
              There could be a EMP generation tech to research and the unit it allows could be a one-use cruise-missile device. To balance this have it so that it is sigificantly expensive to construct an EMP device and it can only be used against units to disable (but not destory) them. And as a final balance have a EMP shield tech which allows shield upgrades at a cost.
              Learn the mistakes of yesterday to prevent the ones of tomorrow...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Urban Ranger
                An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) is just a very short burst of intense EM radiation, particularly around the millimeter range IIRC. Anything that shields EM (e.g. faraday cages) works against EMP
                With a sufficiently strong EMP, your Faraday cage can overload; it won't act like a perfect conductor, and thus won't protect perfectly. You can shield, but it's expensive, and not guaranteed to work if your enemy just uses a bigger bomb.
                12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                Stadtluft Macht Frei
                Killing it is the new killing it
                Ultima Ratio Regum


                • #9
                  You may as well add solar and geomagnetic storms to this debate, as they have more damage in recent times (especially to satellite navigation/surveillance/communications) than any man made EMP device.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KrazyHorse
                    You can shield, but it's expensive, and not guaranteed to work if your enemy just uses a bigger bomb.
                    I can shoot thru any tank armor as long as I have a bigger gun, but sometimes having a bigger gun is difficult to make or use just like a bigger/more energetic EMP is more difficult to generate. There is no all-protecting armor just like there is no all-destorying weapon.
                    Learn the mistakes of yesterday to prevent the ones of tomorrow...


                    • #11
                      Different situation. Not every soldier can carry a bazooka, but it only takes a few detonations to cover a continent.
                      12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                      Stadtluft Macht Frei
                      Killing it is the new killing it
                      Ultima Ratio Regum


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KrazyHorse
                        but it only takes a few detonations to cover a continent.
                        Originally posted by Urban Ranger
                        A nuclear bomb generates EMP but it has to be very big or very near for it to be effective (since energy density is inversely proportional to the square of distance).
                        You forgot to factor in energy, sure a few nuke can cover a large area but the field is so spead out that it just dusts the electronics with EMP that's why all the nuclear bomb tests that USSR and USA conducted didn't affect no electronics. It probally had more affect on biological systems than electronic.
                        Learn the mistakes of yesterday to prevent the ones of tomorrow...


                        • #13
                          Actually EMP bombs, according to Popular Mechanics are possibly being manufactured right now and can return civilization back to the 1800's... no electricity.
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                          • #14
                            Actually EMP bombs, according to Popular Mechanics are possibly being manufactured right now and can return civilization back to the 1800's... no electricity. And can be built by any country with 1950's technology.

                            Certain militaries, including the US are leading the research into this field so they can disrupt orders of battle by disabling submarines, tanks, etc, anything using electricity.
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                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • #15
                              Hey DarkCloud what issue of PM was the EMP bombs in? But interestingly enough when I was searching the PM site I found an article on optical computers. So by the time EMP tech is perfected, computers probally won't run on electronics anymore and the EMP will have little to no effect on computers.
                              Learn the mistakes of yesterday to prevent the ones of tomorrow...

