After a quick glance at the Civ III tech tree, a thought occurred to me. (I know, Dangerous) 
Monarchy now had 4 pre-reqs. Ceremonial B, Warrior Code, Mysticism and Poly. (one more than before) Republic also has 4 pre-reqs. Alpha, writing, code of laws, philosophy.
We also have heard that unit support will now be at the national level and based on gold not shields.
Now let's assume (big, but lacking anything to the contrary) that everything else is about the same. (except for a few of my guesses, of course)
I predict that monarchy will go the way of the dinosaur and no longer be the primary goal in most games.
The goal is still to get out of despotism as quickly as possible to get the extra food/shields for growth. (settler spitting) The faster you get to pop 3 the faster that settler can be popped (or wltkds if they're still included). Without the shield support penalty associated with REP/DEM The Republic is going to look a heck of a lot more attractive. And the extra trade bonuses associated with Republic will probably make up for the increased gold needed for unit support (especially with reduced corruption). Granted you still would have no martial law, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Like the CTP series, while it will be less than Monarchy, there will still be some martial law component. (and even if there isn't, there are other ways to solve the happiness problem. And if the unit support is handled at the national level, how they address the "unit out of city" for happiness purposes will have to be modified from the current setup. (and even if they don't, you'd still get one free per city so exploring would not be overly hindered)
What do you of you think. Have they maybe not considered this aspect of game balance?

Monarchy now had 4 pre-reqs. Ceremonial B, Warrior Code, Mysticism and Poly. (one more than before) Republic also has 4 pre-reqs. Alpha, writing, code of laws, philosophy.
We also have heard that unit support will now be at the national level and based on gold not shields.
Now let's assume (big, but lacking anything to the contrary) that everything else is about the same. (except for a few of my guesses, of course)

I predict that monarchy will go the way of the dinosaur and no longer be the primary goal in most games.
The goal is still to get out of despotism as quickly as possible to get the extra food/shields for growth. (settler spitting) The faster you get to pop 3 the faster that settler can be popped (or wltkds if they're still included). Without the shield support penalty associated with REP/DEM The Republic is going to look a heck of a lot more attractive. And the extra trade bonuses associated with Republic will probably make up for the increased gold needed for unit support (especially with reduced corruption). Granted you still would have no martial law, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Like the CTP series, while it will be less than Monarchy, there will still be some martial law component. (and even if there isn't, there are other ways to solve the happiness problem. And if the unit support is handled at the national level, how they address the "unit out of city" for happiness purposes will have to be modified from the current setup. (and even if they don't, you'd still get one free per city so exploring would not be overly hindered)
What do you of you think. Have they maybe not considered this aspect of game balance?