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Idea: Allied Victory

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  • Idea: Allied Victory

    I remember when in one of my first games of Civ2 where I aliled with one of my neighbors and went to conquer the world. Well, I did conquer the world by about 1950. However, I hadn't killed my allies, and there wasn't enough time. I think that if you and an ally conquer the world, you should both win, but only 2 players could win in this way. Maybe you could also make an alliance where two players could build a spaceship together. What do you think?

  • #2
    that's acually a good idea, could become helpful for scenarios. WWII comes to mind


    • #3
      Should be in there

      The only problem with allied vic is that it would make conquest way too easy. What stops me from a four way alliance to beat up some pathetic civilization? (or something along those lines, you get the point )


      • #4
        true again.... who says that alliance will not break up a few turns after the allied time springs to mind


        • #5
          Aside from multiplayer, I'd like to see Allied victory limited to submissive allies as in SMAC. However in MP, allied victory is a much needed feature


          • #6
            Then you could make a limit- only 2/3 civs can be allied to win the game.

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            • #7
              Once you start placing limitations like that civ3 becomes less and less realistic.. "Sorry, can't ally now, that'd push us over the 2/3 limit. Drop that Mongol guy or something." No good.


              • #8
                I don't want to share the world with anyone. I say no allied victory in single player mode. For scenarios and as an option in MP --> Yes.


                • #9
                  allied victories?


                  there is a "diplomatic" victory, where you can be voted in AC style.

                  so i guess if u and an ally kill everyone else you could claim that an allied victory in itself.
                  "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                  - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Wiglaf
                    Once you start placing limitations like that civ3 becomes less and less realistic.. "Sorry, can't ally now, that'd push us over the 2/3 limit. Drop that Mongol guy or something." No good.
                    Perhaps you could ally with as many people as you want, but could only win with one or two other civs, so you must backstab one of your allies and kill them to win.


                    • #11
                      Hmm.. that could work. Firaxis will have to work on that, though. Diplomacy in alpha centauri was weak as you could cheat the computer pretty often - manipulation of the system has to be made impossible in civ3.


                      • #12
                        Unfortunately by making it impossible to cheat an AI, there's a strong chance that the AI won't make any deals, like in Civ2 where diplomacy was worthless as the AI hated you no matter what. It's a fine line, one that I think will be one of the more difficult AI challenges


                        • #13

