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Conducting war not that easy in Civ-3

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  • #16
    That didn't bother me either, but since there was that crappy city limit stuff, I'd take their cities and disband mine.
    Theirs were always much better, excluding my first two cities.
    I they ever do that in the CIV series, I'll stop playing.

    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #17
      No, we know you won't stop playing Civ. All in all, you're Ming .
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #18
        Originally posted by TechWins
        I've never played Ctp/CtpII but I do understand how their stacking army system works. I happen to think the Civ3 system is much better. The Civ3 system won't enable you to stack a bunch of weak units in order to beat a well advanced, modern unit. That just isn't realistic. I don't care how many phalanxes there are, they shouldn't be able to beat an armor.
        A gang of skinny dudes decide to mug Arnie for his Rolex. Do they:

        a) tackle him one at a time as a tag team, figuring they'll wear him down and the fifteenth will get the final punch in?


        b) Jump him all at once from all sides and smear him into the pavement?

        Since the dawn of history armies have been outflanking, countermarching, surrounding and enveloping their enemies. But I guess we're all English gentlemen in Civ 3 and will continue to queue up for our 'turn'.
        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


        • #19

          i have found that although the ai usually has a fair amount of money in its treasury that it is not very good at managing its economy...i fear that the extra strain of having to pay for units will hurt the ai...also i think trade from commerce will be less per trade route compared to some of the trade routes people set up in civ2

          i really hope the ai doesn't have to cheat as much as it did in civ2...on king i hope it doesn't cheat at all, i think the best place to tweak the ai is when it has to play by the same rules as humans, and if like mentioned in another thread they give indepth ai scripts then maybe somebody will be able to make a fairly challenging AI

          so does anyone here have an opinion on great leaders and how they will effect the game?

          as far as i know

          *great leaders have a chance of appearing everytime your unit wins in combat
          *great leaders can form stacks
          *great leaders give your stack a combat bonus

          do they do anything else?

          what is the impact of this?

          (btw will firaxis keep the multiple levels of morale like in SMAC?)
          Last edited by korn469; August 3, 2001, 13:44.


          • #20
            Originally posted by korn469

            i have found that although the ai usually has a fair amount of money in its treasury that it is not very good at managing its economy...i fear that the extra strain of having to pay for units will hurt the ai...also i think trade from commerce will be less per trade route compared to some of the trade routes people set up in civ2
            You answered your own question. If the AI has a fair amount of money in it's treasury and paying for units is automatically deducted, the AI will just have a little less money to manage poorly. So I don't see it having any effect on the size of their armies.

            Even if the trade from commerce is only 33% of what it is in CIV II, anyone with half a brain (excluding the AI) shouldn't have any problem maintaining a large military force. AND imperialism usually generates more money than it costs in games like this. Big Fat AI's are just a treasure chest waiting to be opened.

            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #21
              Well I think the changes are good, as war making in advanced societies is not productive- so it shouldn't be in Civ. I'm sure you will still be able to bloodlust, (which of course is fun) but the restrictions sound realistic.

              Those who point out that this is no advantage to the AI are correct. The only advantage to the AI will be if they make it smarter.

              On second thought, if they can stop you from moving and attacking with 200 separate units, and capturing and bribiing 20 cities in one uninterupted turn, while the AI does nothing but watch its own ruin, that would be HUGE.
              Best MMORPG on the net:

              An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. -Gandhi


              • #22

                There will be multiple levels of units. There are at least three levels (regular, veteran and elite). It is only possible for an elite unit who wins a battle to become a great leader. As far as the specifics of stacking go, I am not sure that we have that much information.

                War may also be more difficult depending on the restrictions they impose on different gov't types. I hope that there's a little more flexibility with democracy, or that you can at least have units within your own borders without penalties.

                I think borders will play a large role in waging war since you won't be able to just appear next to a civ's city, you'll have to cross thier territory and perhaps others' to get there.

                Everyone is for improved AI that doesn't cheat. Cheating (by anyone) is annoying.


                • #23
                  i think grumbold has a point
                  Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum

