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Which civ should be deleted from civ3?

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  • #31
    My post was kind of a joke. If you can't get past that then that is your fault. Grumbold, I do think England is a great country, if I had to choose in anywhere in the world to live (except the US) I would most likely choose England. Mainly because of England being so similar to America.

    Alinestra Covelia and Dida, I am ashamed of you for not having any nationalism to the USA. That is if you truely are an American. As soon as I'm 18 I'm going into the Navy. My dad and most of my uncles were in the Navy and my grandpa served in the Navy during WW2. I may only be serving four years but it's still more than most people do. It's terrible how people like you, Alinestra Covelia & Dida, are scared of a little nationalism. Do you even celebrate Independence Day or are you against that sort of celebration?

    My post was mainly a joke but there was some truth behind it. I still do believe that the USA rules all right now and will rule all forever.
    However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


    • #32
      By the way to back up my thread I just want to say that I wasn't putting down any other nations. I was just defending America.
      Second official member of OfAPeCiClu [as of 27-07-2001 12:13pm]: We will force firaxis to make a GOOD game through our sheer negativity!


      • #33
        i think that the refernece to US being deleted was ajoke guys, we all know that americans wont buy a game with out them in it, how do they sate their ego otherwise !!!

        s for why the western world has a love hate relationship with USofA its more to do with the fact that so few Americans care to learn of anything outside of their country, of course they are arrogant enough to say what worthwhile thinng is outside USofA...
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #34
          s for why the western world has a love hate relationship with USofA its more to do with the fact that so few Americans care to learn of anything outside of their country, of course they are arrogant enough to say what worthwhile thinng is outside USofA...
          It really all just depends on the person. Some people don't care to expand their horizons, while some people are more adventerous (I'm in between). In fact I'm quite intrigued by many things outside of the US. In fact I would some day like to go to a city in your country, Sydney (or is it Sidney?). I would like to learn about many other cultures and visit many other places outside of the US. If you're referring to me with this statement "of course they are arrogant enough to say what worthwhile thinng is outside USofA...". The reason why I stated that the second most country I wouldn't mind living in is England because if I had to live somewhere else out of the US I would like to stay in a similar culture. I'm sure since you live in Australia you would like to live in Australia but if you had to go somewhere else you would like to live somewhere that has a similar culture as Australia. Another place that would have some easier adaption for me would be Canada. It's just a matter of a person's comfort zone.

          I'm not even going to get into your first statement.
          However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Rommel393
            I think the reason people are mad at America is because they think we are Amerocentric. But you know what I have to say about that? Its called patriotism people.
            Hm, when other people nurture the same kind of feelings you call them 'nationalists' and 'fanatics'.

            I consider myself a patriot and would fight and die for this great land in an instant. The fact that people insult America all the time actually makes me sick.
            Being prepared to die for 'one's country' is really really stupid nowadays. Have you ever asked yourself what is a' country'. HOw and why you identify with it, its history, culture and other people. Even more acute when it comes to the US. Stop for a moment and stop being automatic.

            Many Muslim nations hate us why? Cuz our most prominent religion is Christianity.
            No, this is because you meddle into their affairs and use your stick much more often than your carrot. Why don't they hate China? Japan? Ha? By the way, why are Muslim 'patriotic' feelings, topped with the desire to slam a car bomb into your base 'for his country' less heroic than your desire to die defending a shopping mall in Vermont from commie invasion (wherever it may come from nowadays)....?

            Despite the fact we supply aid to many countries in the terms of money and food.
            Ha! You devote the lowest GDP % to aid out of all developed nations. Except, of course, military aid to Israel....

            Even though we ourselves are in debt (that part isnt so smart).
            Someone has to pay for 3 cars per family.

            Sure our government has messed up. Sometimes we send our fighting forces to places where they shouldn't be but thats not Americans thats just some bad leaders and politics. Also, because America is the most prominent nation on Earth it is the most criticized. All our faults are pointed out and seem to outnumber the good things we do. While many smaller countries make just as many if not more mistakes but because their small few criticize them.
            Well, since you are the first to cast a stone in every geopolitical situation, I guess you should be the one without sins. You see, the whole problem is not that you are bullies, but that you are trying to obfuscate this with a nice human rights rhetorics. Be frank and let us know that you are bullies....

            The one thing we do have badly is crime but its only bad compared to some other nations. The former USSR right now is extremely unsafe but few people talk about that.
            They do not have time. You waged cold war against USSR so, just like Afghanistan, where you kicked out commies to bring in Talebans, the chaos in Russia is directly the product of your activities.

            God Bless America.
            Ha-ha! WHy would he/she?

            Now, back to the topic. Development of the American civilization is a glitch in comparison with others in the Civ. It is, of course, impossible to have a Civ 3 game without D.C to nuke into oblivion but it does feel strange to have American hoplites and chariots rambling around. I do feel that the whole issue might be better addressed by a more frequent and effective civil wars and empire splits. Do not ask me how....


            • #36
              double post.
              To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


              • #37
                I hope every person here takes pride in their own nation. However I do not think this is the right place to parade patriotic views, let alone make negative statements about another. National pride is a hard thing to joke about, particularly if you want to get a laugh rather than a fist in response.

                Hopefully mention of the Civ editor has halted any further need to discuss which countries are absolutely vital to have in the game "out of the box". Firaxis have to decide based on historical significance and their largest markets. After that its down to the fans to add the rest.
                To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                • #38
                  hm. what else to do until comes out?


                  • #39
                    GAG - The worst post ever...

                    Give me a break.

                    How can anyone over the age of 16 say America would "kick ass"? Aren't you even slightly embarrassed?

                    Yeah, yeah America rules!!! So what. Nobody likes a sore loser but most people hate a sore winner. Americans just don't "get it".


                    I can personally attest to the fact that not only is "American" a separate language from "English" but I would say that there are several distinct sub-languages within "American". So much so that when I tried to have a conversation with a farmer from the eastern shore of Virginia, I understood not a single word. Not a single word. And he couldn't understand my "Boston" accent American/English either.


                    And with respect to the atrocious listing of city populations comparing Chinese to American cities, you need to re-check your facts. I have no idea how China calculates populations or how their cities are laid out but in the US, it is not so cut and dry. Take Boston, as an incorporated city it has a population of about 600,000. This is because it is tiny in areal extent (42 mi^2). Include the suburbs and the Boston MSA is 4.5 million. San Fran is in the same exact situation (this is the reason that they are the two most expensive cities to live in within the continental US).

                    However, there are also joke cities like Jacksonville and San Jose which are so huge (Jacksonville has more incorporated land than the state of Rhode Island, I think). So when you talk about "major" cities in the US, you have to know what you're talking about. No one should ever say that San Jose is a bigger city than Boston or San Fran.

                    Sorry about the rambling nature of the post but I would say, include America. Afterall, it's been around much longer than the Aztecs were (400 years vs. 250 years)...


                    • #40
                      Re: Which civ should be deleted from civ3?

                      Originally posted by GP
                      I'd say the Aztecs. Those names are just wacked. too long. Not distinctive or memorable. And too many t-towns!
                      WHAT?! You mean the simplicity of names such as Teotihuacan, Tzintzuntzen and Calixtlahuaca doesn't mean they just roll straight off the tongue?

                      The Americans ought to go. They are nothing but a breakaway splinter of the British

                      I dunno, all of the ones that are in seem to be worthy. We don't have the CtP stupidity of the Polynesians or Jamaicans, which is just silly.
                      Speaking of Erith:

                      "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                      • #41
                        What really was the worst about CTP was that one would usually end up with Polynesians, Welsh, Indonesians and Zulu in the same game. No big bad gyus, no Chinese, Russians, English, French...etc. There ought to be some mechanism to ensure at least 2 badboys are in.....
                        No offense, but not all the civs are equally attractive to crush


                        • #42
                          This is kinda off topic but also on topic in a way. Enjoy!
                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            *enjoys it*


                            • #44
                              I can't believe I just read all of those posts with the national chest beating going on it.

                              Get over it people. Not one country on the planet has a monopoly of good or bad things in it. Yeah, America's a great country...I'm an american. But we're not perfect and the attitude of "America's Number 1" is precisely why people get ticked off at americans. I've lived in Europe a long time and to be honest I can see why some folks over here get pissed at us. The post about kicking ass (whoever it was that wrote that, I didn't not the name) was innappropriate. Especially if the person that wrote it never served or has any intention of serving in the Armed forces.

                              As for the people bashing America, get over it. If you think that every american is a loudmouth bully then maybe you've never met any americans or you've had the misfortune of meeting the wrong americans. (and meeting them on the internet doesn't count. The internet is perfect for loudmouths to rave with impunity. From ANY country.)I did notice that someone didn't reveal what country they were sending from when bashing the US. Must be a great place since apparently it has no faults.

                              If you're going to waste time badmouthing another nation you should probably find a chatroom on the subject and toss insults at each other.

                              "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown


                              • #45
                                That was a touching post.
                                Now, everyone's job has to have a purpose. What is the purpose of American contingent in Europe?

