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God and Slaves

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  • #61
    Originally posted by SoulAssassin
    Sorry November Adam, I just hate online no-it-alls who don't know sh*t. If I sound like a jerk, its because I hate ignorance. If you're too lazy to go look up facts by yourself, then don't bother posting.
    I don't like ingorance any more than the next guy (unfortunately that seems to be you), but you should have paid attention in class: the Germans and soviets had an informal alliance to dismember Poland on the outbreak of WWII. The Polish army realised this when trying to flee Eastwards towards Russia and got pushed back (by soviet troops) onto the German army. That was the extent of the "alliance".

    The Russians weren't all forced to support their government in WWII. A lot of Russians belived very passionately in both their country and communism, and supported Stalin. They didn't know all the facts, but they weren't all forced.

    I think November Adam's point is a valid one: I don't pretend to know everything about a subject, but I haven't just called you a ****** for making a basic mistake. That sort of abuse isn't necessary.
    Diplomacy is the continuation of war by other means.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Urban Ranger

      Yes it does.

      First of all a rifleman unit is bigger than a Phalanx, just in terms of combatants. We have somewhat of a problem here since there wasn't a fixed size for a Phalanx unit. All this standardised unit sizes and whatnot came very late.

      Secondly the rifleman unit has a lot more non-combatants attached to it than a Phalanx, and they have to eat to

      Thirdly the rifleman unit uses ammo while long spears don't just go poof after use
      Well, civ units are themselves non-defined size, so how would you know that a civ rifleman naturally has more men than a phalanx? Do you have actual numbers to support that? What units are you using? And then do they matter when it comes to Civ units?

      And Phalanxs don't have to eat? Granted, there are some more non combatants.

      Yes, rifleman use ammo, which are manufactured in mass quantities. Spears break. Often when in use. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that in the ancient world a phalanx would be as much a burden as a rifleman today. Therefore they should have the same support. At most, the rifleman should be one more gold support. But what is the relative cost to the nation? That is the question.

      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
      -The Artist Within-


      • #63
        Originally posted by SoulAssassin
        The Russians were never allied with the Germans. The Russians signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1936. That is it. Even in WWI, Russia was on the Allies side. Do yourself a favor and stop posting. That way you won't make an idiot out of yourself.
        :expletive: :expletive: you :expletive: you don't know :expletive: (just replying in the style you seem to appreciate)

        The pact was signed by Ribbentropp and Molotov on August 23rd, 1939. While it is certainly more appropriate to call it a non-aggression pact it included a secret agreement about how Eastern Eurpoe should be divided between them which came very close to military co-operation. If you are going to lambast people for being inaccurate and ask them to stop posting you should be very careful to make sure your own "facts" are unassailable first.
        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


        • #64
          getting back on topic ....

          I am very disappointed that Civ 3 doesnt appear to hav eincluded these two issues (God & Slaves) most of history of the earths civs are domianted by these two issues.
          At least in MP you can Role Play and be a Fanatical Reigous LEader and declare an infata (sp) and wipe out all other who dont share your beleifs ( as in HOTW game)
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #65

            Assassin: There is no reason why he can't post, even if he gets some of the facts wrong. I would say that you shouldn't post because of your tendency to use words like ****** and stupid in every post. If you insist on flaming others like that, then maybe you should be :banned:.

            I just hate online no-it-alls
            He isn't a know-it-all. He's done nothing to imply that.

            I've taken two classes on 20th century Russian history as part of my 20th century histories minor. Don't tell me what the Russian people wanted, when I doubt you have any idea what life was like in the Soviet Union.
            Reading a book or taking a class is not the same is living there. Either way, you shouldn't jump down Adam's throat just because he is wrong. (I'm repeating myself now)

            I'm done now.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Rasputin
              getting back on topic ....

              I am very disappointed that Civ 3 doesnt appear to hav eincluded these two issues (God & Slaves) most of history of the earths civs are domianted by these two issues.
              At least in MP you can Role Play and be a Fanatical Reigous LEader and declare an infata (sp) and wipe out all other who dont share your beleifs ( as in HOTW game)
              Sorry for getting off topic there, I wonder if Firaxis didn't use the slaves for fear of being sued by Activision. THose corporations like tossing their legal staff about.
              What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"


              • #67
                one of the saddest momments i nciv history was the legal wranglings over use of the civlisation name... time to heal old wounds and maybe get permission to use the damn slaves , because they would add a great deal to the game
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Rasputin
                  one of the saddest momments i nciv history was the legal wranglings over use of the civlisation name... time to heal old wounds and maybe get permission to use the damn slaves , because they would add a great deal to the game
                  You bet, if I'm gonna be emperor of a 6000 year-long civilization, you can bet your I'm gonna have one huge harem of slave girls to keep me warm at night. Besides with 20 years between imperial edicts from 4000BC to 0AD, you gotta do something to keep occupied.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by SerapisIV

                    You bet, if I'm gonna be emperor of a 6000 year-long civilization, you can bet your I'm gonna have one huge harem of slave girls to keep me warm at night. Besides with 20 years between imperial edicts from 4000BC to 0AD, you gotta do something to keep occupied.
                    Ain't that da truth.
                    What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"


                    • #70
                      If it's 20 years per turn in the olden days (4000 BC-0 AD), not much is getting accomplished in one generations lifetime. If say it takes 50 turns to build the pyramids, and each person lives to 40, cripes, that's 25 generations! If this is supposed to be a burial tomb for nobles, they are going to be dust long before they get put in their resting place.
                      What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by November Adam
                        If it's 20 years per turn in the olden days (4000 BC-0 AD), not much is getting accomplished in one generations lifetime. If say it takes 50 turns to build the pyramids, and each person lives to 40, cripes, that's 25 generations! If this is supposed to be a burial tomb for nobles, they are going to be dust long before they get put in their resting place.
                        damn slow building if it takes 50 turns to build pyramids !!!!!
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • #72
                          The time scale is merely to show where your science is in relation to real life. It wasn't meant to take 5 years to move a warrior 1 square or 215 generations to build a wonder.


                          215 generations

                          I meant to quote the 25 from the previous post.


                          • #73
                            the time scale thingy always make it difficult to do the role playing side of civ 2 that i like, you as a leader have died probably every turn in early game
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • #74
                              That's been discussed Ras, but I don't see why its such a big deal. Personally, I'd rather live for 6,000 years and rule my civ. I don't wanna die and lose it to someone else.

                              I would also point out that civ is not a role playing game. It has a couple of elements that might be on the border, but it is an empire-building game. I would also like to quote one of your posts from another thread:

                              although we dont want historical truth getting in the way of a fun game, becasue that is what we are discusisng , a game , not history !!!!

