Hmm... I think that once a city is captured, its pretty obvious that they will become part of your civ. What I think we should try and fiqure out is the length of time it will take to become a fully functional city of your empire without wanting to revolt.
Heres how it Should work:
Quickest Absorbtion Time
Moving your Capitol to the new area/Having the Capitol near several newly taken Cities. This is the quickest, but costs the most and takes several turns to set up. This also lowers the level of Revolt a lot
Moderate Absorbtion Time
Have some type of fairly quick building City Improvement or a 'Re-Educating' version of Capitialism, where it doesnt stop until you tell it to (or the City is totally absorbed). This Re-Educator is propaganda that is tought in schools etc and brainwash the people. This is Faster than relocating your Capitol, Costs less, but does not work as quickly and will not lower the revolt risk as much
Slow Absorbtion Time
Keep Military Units there. This is very cheap, and can be set up very quickly. However this method takes very long, and Increases the revolt risk to show how people have a harder time settling after being conquered with miltary forces present.
Heres how it Should work:
Quickest Absorbtion Time
Moving your Capitol to the new area/Having the Capitol near several newly taken Cities. This is the quickest, but costs the most and takes several turns to set up. This also lowers the level of Revolt a lot
Moderate Absorbtion Time
Have some type of fairly quick building City Improvement or a 'Re-Educating' version of Capitialism, where it doesnt stop until you tell it to (or the City is totally absorbed). This Re-Educator is propaganda that is tought in schools etc and brainwash the people. This is Faster than relocating your Capitol, Costs less, but does not work as quickly and will not lower the revolt risk as much
Slow Absorbtion Time
Keep Military Units there. This is very cheap, and can be set up very quickly. However this method takes very long, and Increases the revolt risk to show how people have a harder time settling after being conquered with miltary forces present.