Originally posted by Ilkuul
I would prefer to see a situation where VERY large empires simply cannot be maintained for long, regardless of what government-type you have. This would be more realistic historically. Areas that are geographically far removed from the centre of govt. will naturally want to split off and go it alone.
So anyone with a very large empire should EXPECT civil war as a matter of course. And what would really be great -- IF Firaxis have implemented "minor civs" in the way I hope -- is if, instead of settling everything on the battlefield, you could instead ALLOW rebellious provinces their freedom (as new minor civs), but then set up a close alliance with them. This would allow a de facto world power to be sustained, not as a single civ, but as an alliance of civs with a common cultural heritage and mutual interests.
I would prefer to see a situation where VERY large empires simply cannot be maintained for long, regardless of what government-type you have. This would be more realistic historically. Areas that are geographically far removed from the centre of govt. will naturally want to split off and go it alone.
So anyone with a very large empire should EXPECT civil war as a matter of course. And what would really be great -- IF Firaxis have implemented "minor civs" in the way I hope -- is if, instead of settling everything on the battlefield, you could instead ALLOW rebellious provinces their freedom (as new minor civs), but then set up a close alliance with them. This would allow a de facto world power to be sustained, not as a single civ, but as an alliance of civs with a common cultural heritage and mutual interests.
Germany is half the size of Wisconsin.

sure we've only been around for 200 years, but do you honestly see us breaking up?
(they already tried that, and we smacked them back into place)