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Scenarios in Civilization 3

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  • #16
    With the rise of culture in civ3 id like to see some more "peaceful" scenarios i.e. scenarios where the conflict is more of a trade/diplomatic conflict rather than a (neccesarily) military one.
    For example:

    1) Pax Britannica
    Play as britain as britain in the late 1800s with a world spanning empire or as one of the many economic upstarts esp. USA or Germany. Build or Maintain your empire and try to be the lone super-power after 40+ years

    2) European Rennaisence(sp)
    The black plauge has decimated europe. Take the reins of a european nation and try to come out on top.

    3) Eurasia/Africa Pre discovery of the new world until the industrial revolution
    A time dominated by spice/silk caravans and the beginings of the age of exploration. Play as a european power, islamic empire, China, and be the first to industrialize for the win.

    The culture thing opens up LOTS of new options for trade and culture wars. I cant wait to get my hand on the scenario editor.


