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System specs???

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  • #16
    Looking at other Sid games I believe it will be runable on low end systems(266Mhz) with reasonable memory(16MB) and onboard sound/video(2MB). Of course such a system will have you ending a late game turn and return 5 minutes later to see if the AI turns are done. TBS games really do not require much of a system to run, the better the system the faster the game plays.

    As far as 3D graphics, if they are included you are looking at a definite DirectX game. A game has to be DirectX to insure it will run on most machines out there.
    "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ralf

      This is really far to low specs for a game released 6-8 months from now: I would predict a bare minimum of:

      - Pentium II 350 Mhz
      - 128 Mb

      The recommended specs would be:

      - Pentium III 500 Mhz
      - 128 Mb
      - Graphic-card: at least TNT-2
      I strongly disagree, i'm pretty sure that the specs of your cpu can be as low as 166Mhz. With 128MB RAM i can run a n64 emulater and play zelda at 30Fps.
      Ok possibly 64MB for win98, but no more, i mean those kind of requirments your on about could run Half Life, Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2. This is civ we are talking about.

      Besides that point, Sid Meier personally announced the specs will be a absoultute minimal and will run on anyones computer. Even i disagree with it runing on anyones computer, but that just shows you that the numbers your talking about are simply not resonable!

      Firaxis will loose so much money if they go above 300Mhz recommended. How many people do you know that have pc's with 500Mhz Central Proccessors, and 133MB Random Access Memory. And a TNT graphics card, come on, some of the stuff included in the game is from civ 2. City people graphics are actually been incuded from civ 2!
      At least consider how much 500Mhz actually is. Anyway as far as i'm concerned my 333Mhz, 64MB RAM Pc runs any game (not exagerating) and it's going to run this one.

      By the way, i found out the minimal requirments for Half Life - one of the most complex games on the market:

      - Pentium 166Mhz
      - 32MB RAM
      Last edited by Alex 14; June 4, 2001, 04:44.

