Don't ask me how it got there...

All I remember is I was surfing some game reviews site about Civilization III,
I clicked a link and BANG Civ III booted up!

It's wierd, I admit it, but I asked no questions.
The game quickly booted and entered in-game!
It looked just like in the pictures, only for some reason it had a low resolution and everything was grainy!
"What are you waiting for?" You're asking.

"Crazy fool! You have Civ III and you come here instead of playing it? Go play!"

So what did I do?
I pressed ALT + TAB and started Internet Explorer to go tell you, guys!
As always apolyton wasn't working properly and I spent a helluva lot of time playing with the control panel and mainly hoping for MarkG to fix whatever was wrong.

Finally it worked! I start talking to you guys!

Then I quickly ALT + TABed to get back to Civ III thinking "How cool it would be if I can share game impressions"

The screen was black!

I ALT + TABed in and out a couple of times... no use!

Is it lost?

It worked ! Yey!

But wait... it's graying out! What's the matter?

I shake my computer franticly only to discover I'm shaking my pillow!


I was dreaming!!!

And instad of being smart and actually playin the game and enjoying everything I wanted it to be....
(Games don't crash or have annoying features while dreaming...)

... I came online, and spent all my luxury time on trying to inform you and spread more info.

So though I was only dreaming, one thing was proven completely.
It's not about Civilization III anymore.
It's about the Apolyton Civilization community.
And I love you guys.... even deep in my dreams... even infront of the temptation of Civ III.

This is a real story. I woke up half an hour ago and immediately started the computer to share this expereince.
I'm an addict, and I like it!
