I've lost track of how many times a bargaining civ has demanded Monarchy when they don't even have Code Of Laws. Or I have stolen (or traded or been gifted) a tech I don't have the listed prerequisites for. No matter what advantages it may give me, it still irritates me.
This is one of those things which just doesn't make sense. I mean, how can a civ make sense of the automobile tech when they don't understand combustion?. In the extreme cases, players have reported an enemy civ stealing space travel and building structurals while still running around with elephants and caravels.
I propose that a rule be made that a tech Cannot be aquired without first having the prerequisite. this is one thing that knocks my suspension of disbelief aside all the time.
Oh, and sorry Korn for stealing your title. it was just so appropriate.
This is one of those things which just doesn't make sense. I mean, how can a civ make sense of the automobile tech when they don't understand combustion?. In the extreme cases, players have reported an enemy civ stealing space travel and building structurals while still running around with elephants and caravels.
I propose that a rule be made that a tech Cannot be aquired without first having the prerequisite. this is one thing that knocks my suspension of disbelief aside all the time.
Oh, and sorry Korn for stealing your title. it was just so appropriate.
