I was sitting in my Poltical Science tutorial today (Wealth and World Politics) and was amazed at how much of it is actually in Civ3... at a basic level. Seems like i'm all set up for my POLS course with Civ3
Well notice how I said basic level. Thats the thing. I wish that the diplomacy in Civ3 was so much more advanced than it is now. I've got a few improvements I think are needed. For starters just expanding the options would be good. The basics that should be included are things like third party peace deals and the such like that. You should be able to threaten the AI more to. Like whatever happened to the "our words are backed with nuclear weapons" threat? Also wouldn't it be great if you could say things like:
"Come now persia, don't be daft. I have a military force three times your size, three times the tech level and my economic centre and infastructure is vastly superior to yours. All I ask for is a simple luxury, and I'm even offering you gpt for it too. Your choice buddy"
While I'm on it. I'd also like as a function that becomes available with embassies the ability to get a complete report made on a certain opposing state. For example click an option within the espionage menu saying "Gather comprehensive report on State" and it'll cost you so much gold to do. This report would tell you things from the current form of government, general happiness of the nation, general level of tech, general level of infastructure and economic stregth, level of military strength compared to you and general tech level of the military (eg mostly spearmen and swordsmen or pikemen and tanks with a spattering of infantry). This would be handy in giving you that little bit more information about a potential enemy or ally. For example if you get a report on a nation you are thinking of attacking and realise that they are having unhappiness problems and that they are democratically governed you decide to attack hoping that war weariness occurs quickly and effects them that much more because they are already suffering unhappiness.
Well thats it for now, I had more ideas earlier but can't remember them at the moment. Hope what I wrote makes sense to. If it doesn't ask, i'll try to clarify. I'll also post somemore if I think of them. Also add your ideas and do you agree that the Diplomacy in Civ3 is vastly lacking?

Well notice how I said basic level. Thats the thing. I wish that the diplomacy in Civ3 was so much more advanced than it is now. I've got a few improvements I think are needed. For starters just expanding the options would be good. The basics that should be included are things like third party peace deals and the such like that. You should be able to threaten the AI more to. Like whatever happened to the "our words are backed with nuclear weapons" threat? Also wouldn't it be great if you could say things like:
"Come now persia, don't be daft. I have a military force three times your size, three times the tech level and my economic centre and infastructure is vastly superior to yours. All I ask for is a simple luxury, and I'm even offering you gpt for it too. Your choice buddy"
While I'm on it. I'd also like as a function that becomes available with embassies the ability to get a complete report made on a certain opposing state. For example click an option within the espionage menu saying "Gather comprehensive report on State" and it'll cost you so much gold to do. This report would tell you things from the current form of government, general happiness of the nation, general level of tech, general level of infastructure and economic stregth, level of military strength compared to you and general tech level of the military (eg mostly spearmen and swordsmen or pikemen and tanks with a spattering of infantry). This would be handy in giving you that little bit more information about a potential enemy or ally. For example if you get a report on a nation you are thinking of attacking and realise that they are having unhappiness problems and that they are democratically governed you decide to attack hoping that war weariness occurs quickly and effects them that much more because they are already suffering unhappiness.
Well thats it for now, I had more ideas earlier but can't remember them at the moment. Hope what I wrote makes sense to. If it doesn't ask, i'll try to clarify. I'll also post somemore if I think of them. Also add your ideas and do you agree that the Diplomacy in Civ3 is vastly lacking?