When I start a revolution with a non-religious civ I will always spend some turns in anarchy before I can choose a new type of government.
Does anyone know the details on how long anarchy will last? By experience I have found that larger empires will stay longer in anarchy.
Just for testing I started a revolution in a regent c3c game and was told it were gonna take 6 turns. I then reloaded the game, built a city, then started a revolution and then had to spend 7 turns in anarcy.. Appearantly hit some treshold there.
Details anyone, please?
BTW, if you happen to have an 'old' formula for vanilla civ3 or ptw I will happily accept that as well
Does anyone know the details on how long anarchy will last? By experience I have found that larger empires will stay longer in anarchy.
Just for testing I started a revolution in a regent c3c game and was told it were gonna take 6 turns. I then reloaded the game, built a city, then started a revolution and then had to spend 7 turns in anarcy.. Appearantly hit some treshold there.
Details anyone, please?
BTW, if you happen to have an 'old' formula for vanilla civ3 or ptw I will happily accept that as well
