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Civ 4

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  • Originally posted by sabrewolf
    if that's the populous (versions 1 and 2) i remember (you play god, level the land, collect mana, send firestorms, etc.) then it was tile based!

    the tiles were some diamond form (like civ, just rotated 45°), the castles were built in a certain distance. only the people were more flexible. you could pack a lot of them in one tile (alltough: they never really stood still )

    skywalker, what populous are you thinking of?
    The one you're talking about

    EDIT: n/m, it's the third one, the one Plotinus mentioned


    • Put in some things from earlier TBS--

      SMAC: unit workshop, social engineering, planetary council, "flavor" (ie quotes, movies)
      CtP2: stacked combat, public works
      GalCiv: diplomatic model

      Also, much improved AI (this has been beaten to death); bring back the old espionage system (ala Civ2/SMAC, also beaten to death). Some multilateral diplomatic negotiations would be keen.

      --Civ3 has some terrific advances, notably tradable resources (both strategic and luxury), civ traits, unique units, and Golden Ages. This are all four-star brilliant. Which makes it all the more disappointing that some of these other advances were left out (not counting the more-recent GalCiv's diplomacy).
      "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
      "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


      • First thing i would like to see would be expenpendable resources that can be stored (like gold per turn) and are used to create and maitain units.

        For example you could have an Oil deposit in your nation that gives you 5 oil units per turn. You could spend three of these as support for three modern armour units and save two of them or sell all five to a neighbour for 3 gold each or stockpile them in the form of strategic reserves.
        This creates a much more realistic Modern economy when Trade actually becomes trade.
        You could trade goods in bulk or per turn....swap them for other resources or any combo.

        Luxuries would also be used in this way for every unit of luxury directed to a city it makes one citizen happy. Each luxurgy could have a diffrent value and is cheap but only makes 1 person content whereas gems are rare and expensive but make two people happy for every unit.

        It would make embargoes much more dont want the zulus building nukes so you embargo their uranium supplies....this still means however you or your allies can purchase their oil or luxuries making it a much more useful tool.

        And to counter the exhaustable aspect of per turn resources they could be made to depleat in the same way as now.

        I have a 20 per turn oil deposit which exhausts itself. Well that can reapear on the map somewhere else either as another 20per turn deposit or two ten per turns or 2 fives a three and a seven.

        secondly id like to see greater realism for navies and air power. The whole point of a navy is really to protect vital trade routes from the enemy (the battles of the Atlantic in WW1 & WW2) but the lack of real trade routes makes them little more than over grown transports for the army. With real implementation of real trade and blockable sea lanes/trade routes navies would become vital.
        Air power is really underpowered (but ill admit i wouldnt know how to make that any better)

        thirdly Diplomacy needs a big overhaul.....more alliances. Multi nation alliances and protection pacts, non agression treaties, (a promise not to attack someone for so many turns.) Economic alliances like the EU where each member state gets increased trade and reaserch bonuses. International arms treaties (non proliferation treaty) and economic Aid treaty (gpt price but increased reputation)

        Also a number of diffrent states of war a peace.

        Peace...self explanatory.
        All out war....self explanatory. could declare tensions with a rival after espionage incident or troop movements or the like. Leads to an increase in readiness and a chance each turn that any of your units adjacent to one of theirs may be attacked or attack leading to displays your intention to Perhaps become involved in third partys war etc.
        Police actions/ limited war/punisment strikes...declare these against an enemy in response to spying, constant incursions etc but must be limited to units. Enemy may respond by appologising, launching strikes of their own, declaring all out war or impossing embargoes. In this way there can be a series of escalatory strikes leading to all out war. ( cuban missile crisis) or Iraq type wars. (india and pakistan regularly shell each other in kashmir)

        Peace keeping missions where your troops interven in a conflict without actually declaring war...must be limited to out of border strikes or within victims territory.

        just a few ideas.
        More over certain governments should not be able to declare certain types of war...democracies can launch peacekeeping missions or punishment strikes but must escalate to All out war due to enemy actions wheres facist cannot become peacekeeps but can declare all out war from the start.


        • Originally posted by vmxa1
          Slax in addition to staying TBS, I would want it to not be 3D.

          No... Of course Civ4 must be in 3D and RTS like the splendid and realistic Warcraft3. There can never be enough of such games.

          My words are backed with hard coconuts.


          • 1. Improve the AI (it sucks).

            2. The abilty to claim territory thru diplomacy i.e hey this is my land, no I don't have "culture sway" over it yet but I claim it as mine.

            3. More unit types ; Combat Engineers(workers who can fight) for example.

            4. With certain advances(RR perhaps) should come the abilty to pool food resources to any connected city.

            5. Better combat resolution; I'm really tired of my tanks and modern armor being driven off, or killed by spearmen and pikemen. It happens far to often.

            6. Increase the minimum distance an opponent can plant a city near yours by one square(this could be an option).

            7. A future tech era. Fusion power, super armor, Mechs, powerarmor infantry, hover tanks, tactical nukes, super medicines, underwater city building, whatever.

            The space race thing is(was) novel but the video of a conventional rocket lifting off for another star just doesn't seem consistent with reality. It should't happen untill a future era...


            • I really need Civ4 to work on my P3 1GHz laptop, and specifically I need Civ4 to not require a good graphics card because I don't have one and you can't get good add-on graphics cards for laptops anyway.

              Think about Commandos 2 - that has beautiful top-down graphics but doesn't rely on 3D acceleration and thus runs beautifully on even a fairly old machine like mine.

              Otherwise, of course, Civ4 will be abandoned to the realm of the 'I've got a great computer, I'm so kewl, look at my processor, isn't it fast!' gamer. That would indeed be a terrible loss.

