Well I can't see a way to enable Austria the way Mr WhereItsAt suggested. What I did is this:
Open the Napolean scenario (where Austria is located) and open whatever file you want to add Austria to. (Your own scenario or the default bix.
Copy all the data and settings from one to the other. The tricky part is units and leaderheads. Pick the Civ you want to replace (I'd choose the Byzantians personally).
The Hussar is Austria unit, you can find the icon # in the Napolean scenario. Copy all the unit data from the Hussar to replace the special unit of the Civ you've chosen.
Now the tricky part. Most units upgrade to other units so you have to fix the change. For example a galley upgrades to a dromon (if your civ can use it) and a dromon upgrades to a caravel. If you change a dromon to a Hussar but don't chnage a galley to upgrade to a Caravel, you could have interesting results.
Now you have to insert a Hussar. Go to the Cavalry. It upgrades to a Sipahi. Change this to Hussar and make sure a Hussar upgrades to the Sipahi.
As for leaderheads you can simply cut and paste the files in the edit. I haven't tried this but I think you also have to physically copy the Austrian Leaderhead to a main civ folder.
I chose the Byzantines as they have a female leader. Then i changed the Austrian leader to Maria Theresa.
Hope this helps.
I'm sure others will know more.
Open the Napolean scenario (where Austria is located) and open whatever file you want to add Austria to. (Your own scenario or the default bix.
Copy all the data and settings from one to the other. The tricky part is units and leaderheads. Pick the Civ you want to replace (I'd choose the Byzantians personally).
The Hussar is Austria unit, you can find the icon # in the Napolean scenario. Copy all the unit data from the Hussar to replace the special unit of the Civ you've chosen.
Now the tricky part. Most units upgrade to other units so you have to fix the change. For example a galley upgrades to a dromon (if your civ can use it) and a dromon upgrades to a caravel. If you change a dromon to a Hussar but don't chnage a galley to upgrade to a Caravel, you could have interesting results.
Now you have to insert a Hussar. Go to the Cavalry. It upgrades to a Sipahi. Change this to Hussar and make sure a Hussar upgrades to the Sipahi.
As for leaderheads you can simply cut and paste the files in the edit. I haven't tried this but I think you also have to physically copy the Austrian Leaderhead to a main civ folder.
I chose the Byzantines as they have a female leader. Then i changed the Austrian leader to Maria Theresa.
Hope this helps.
I'm sure others will know more.