Id like to see a map that big I once did a map around 600x600 it took the pc almost fifteen minuets to just make it up!! If you did a map that big then you could have an accurate world map with everyone on it.
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If you could add one new improvement to Civ3...
Technology (Highest Priority): Remove the separations caused by tech eras. Restore the tech charts to be similar to the other Civ Games, but simply updated.
Pollution: Please make global warming in some way reversible. I don't care if it takes a lot of effort to get in the reverse process as long as those deserts can once again be grassland.
Wonders: Make a lot of them each either rebuildable small wonders or indestructible and with a worldwide effect. Just because one nation builds a project doesn't mean that someone else couldn't.
Units: Make custom units possible, like making missiles in general require Rocketry and nuclear warheads to go on the missiles require Fission. I understand this could drop a few things like Chivalry and the Manhatten Project.
Map: Eventually make it spherical, not cylindrical.
Cities: Who says they can't be adjacent? In an Earth map, New York and Philadelphia would be one space away.
I may post more when and if I think of what to say.Known in most other places as Anon Zytose.
+3 Research, +2 Efficiency, -1 Growth, -2 Industry, -2 Support.
how about including a religion option in the domestic advisor screen?
when two civs have the same religion there could be more diplomatic options (crusade against one particular city of another religion), you'd get penalties for attacking civs with the same religion (relationship with other civs of that religion deteriorates, like when you use nukes)
also you could include several new great wonders, like the vatican and it adds the title pope to the name of the leader of the civ who builds it. the papal civ then gets mutual protection pact with all other civs of his religion.
culture amplifiers could also be cool. when you have two christian cities of different civs they'd convert less easily because they allready share the same religion (it's a part of their culture) But when you have for example a jewish town next to a christian one, the culture conversion could be easier. people will say: 'hey those strangers on the other side of the border are happier and we don't even have bread to eat, maybe it's their religion'
the cultural amplifier would be based on combined culture points of all civs of the same religion.
technology researched by civs that share your religion would be easier to research for the other civs of that religion.
changing religion would be possible by going through anarchy (just like changing governments)
finally there would be an option to go without religion
religions would create stronger civ alliances and even the scales when you end up with one big civilization and several smaller.
the smaller once could allie in one religion (with the culture amplifier) while the big civ would be forced to go without religion or change because religion limits his power.daddy daddy, look i'm playing american facist and i'm nuking babylon
Originally posted by Senator
culture amplifiers could also be cool. when you have two christian cities of different civs they'd convert less easily because they allready share the same religion (it's a part of their culture) But when you have for example a jewish town next to a christian one, the culture conversion could be easier. people will say: 'hey those strangers on the other side of the border are happier and we don't even have bread to eat, maybe it's their religion'
the cultural amplifier would be based on combined culture points of all civs of the same religion.
Furthermore, there are lot of examples where groups of people with different religions have lived in close proximity but never intermixed. I think of the numerous jewish towns or city areas in Turkey, Syria, Iran, etc. Small enclaves of jewish settlements in larger muslim civs.
No offense, but I would be happier if they just left religion out of the game.
I don't agree that changing a civ's religion is analagous to changing government. Besides, many countries have a mix of religions in their population...very few countries have only one religion.Haven't been here for ages....