Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
Oh, and how about a new worker-type unit, called a prospector (Engineer), which can only build mines and colonies, but has a greater chance of detecting a resource in whatever tile it is working (even perhaps having a chance of certain resources-such as iron, coal or uranium-appearing 'magically', even if they wouldn't ordinarily be there!)
Oh, and how about a new worker-type unit, called a prospector (Engineer), which can only build mines and colonies, but has a greater chance of detecting a resource in whatever tile it is working (even perhaps having a chance of certain resources-such as iron, coal or uranium-appearing 'magically', even if they wouldn't ordinarily be there!)
That's a cool idea! You can have your own 49ers Gold Rush!!! In a similar vein to another post I read earlier, I would like less "ALL or NOTHING" and more "Gradiations in Results" during play. The example in the other posting addressed espionage. For example, instead of being 100% successful in stealing a tech or 0% successful, your espionage mission could result in the stealing of a number of beakers towards a science advance.
In a similiar way, this "prospector unit" could perform exhaustive searches for oil that eventually would produce gradiated results (not excluding the potential of zero). Instead of finding an oil resource that would just pop into view ready to be fully exploited as a standard oil resource, what about something a little less complete.
For example, the prospector finds an oil resource that takes extra effort to extract the oil (multiple workers building a mine; a percentage possibility of failure to extract any oil, etc), and the oil field is completed used up in 20 turns. That would be akin to finding a small oil reserve deep in the earth's crust.
If you had plenty of oil, you wouldn't bother, but if you had none and were being charged ridiculous prices on the open market, you have an incentive to redirect your work force in this area. All mineral extraction resources could follow this model, other resources/luxuries could have a modfied, but similiar model.