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Granary Limits

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  • #16
    Originally posted by vondrack
    Hmmm... that's strange. Must be a vanilla civ3 thing, because in PtW, the granary causes the foodbox to be part-full even when going from pop 6 to 7.

    Sorry for the confusion - it's a very very long time since I last played a vanilla civ3... btw, Space Cowboy - make sure you get Conquests, when they are released (late Oct / early Nov). You will not regret.
    Don't worry about that. PTW did not have enough goodies for me to care about a purchase (new civs were cool, but not enough for me). Conquest is a definate buy.
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    • #17
      Assuming you do not build a Worker or Settler when a Granary city grows from size 6 to size 7, when growth is complete the Food box should contain exactly 10 Food. When the city grows, the amount of Food "in the Granary" does not grow, too. You'll have to fill the Food box to 40 Food the hard way (i.e. produce an additional 30 Food), at which point the Granary will settle to its 20 Food limit for sizes 7-12.

      This is how it works in Play the World...not sure if there's a bug in stock Civ3 (doubt it, if everything is patched). There was an issue addressed in one of the first patches for Civ3 concerning the size 6 to size 7 transition because of a possible Worker-producing exploit, but I doubt that's what we're discussing here.

      And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


      • #18
        I'm not sure if it was totally empty or there was 10 in it, but there was not line, which made me think that it was broken. the absence of the line was the thing that I noticed the most.
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        • #19
          Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
          I am growing past size 6, but at that point the food box empties even though I have a granary. Also I checked, I have the latest patch because I can rename elites that give up a leader by winning a battle. (patch notes).

          Also I'm not entirely sure where the granary fudge is. I though that it was 6 but it may be 7. I'll recheck it again tonight.

          I just wanted to know if anyone else has seen this...or is it just me.
          This is an issue that came up a long time ago, like about the very first patch. There was an expoit that allowed perpetual Workers to be built at the the city size you've mentioned, without a loss of population in the city. Firaxis fixed it by disabling the Granary temporarily at that point. So don't be selling them, they'll come back online later.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
            I'm not sure if it was totally empty or there was 10 in it, but there was not line, which made me think that it was broken. the absence of the line was the thing that I noticed the most.
            Like vondrack and I have pointed out, when a city reaches size 7 you only keep the "Granary Food" that was in the in Granary from when the city was size 6, that is, 10 Food. The extra 10 Food that fills the Granary at sizes 7+ does not magically appear out of nowhere. If it did, you would have an exploit on your hands:

            1. Size 6 city with Granary grows to size 7.
            2. Due to Granary*, the Food box has 20 Food (out of 40).
            3. Worker completed.
            4. Pop drops from 7 to 6.
            5. Food box is now full.
            6. City grows next turn with any Food surplus.

            As you can see, you could generate a Worker per turn in a city with a Granary that produces at least ~8-10 Shields, regardless of its Food surplus (could be anything above zero). This was deemed an exploit and was fixed.

            Last edited by Dominae; October 9, 2003, 09:08.
            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #21
              Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
              I'm not sure if it was totally empty or there was 10 in it, but there was not line, which made me think that it was broken. the absence of the line was the thing that I noticed the most.
              I think we've found the issue. Anytime the foodbox drops below half-full in a city with a granary (be it due to pollution, size transition or just poor management), the granary line disappears. There is still a functional granary in the city, and I don't know if there's a reason it happens, but the foodbox doesn't show it until your stores get above halfway again.
              Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui

