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Some More General Questions...

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  • Some More General Questions...

    Taking a look through the various FAQs here at Apolyton, I noticed that none of them answered several questions that keep popping into my head as I'm playing. Hopefully some of you might be able to answer them for me.

    1. Are AI Civs effected by war weariness even a little? I've been at war with the entire planet (all 16 civs) for well over 100 years. When I started the beginning of this 100 year war, I was Democracy and by the second year (which btw, is insanely too short for war weariness to start kicking in), half my cities went into uproar over the conflict (about 25 as I recall). By the 5th year, I was producing absolutely nothing due to the number of entertainers and general entertainment budget I had to shell out. Even in my capital where I've got assloads of luxuries, and pretty much every city improvement capable outside of the modern era, I had a shield production of something like 5 (normally producing about 70 or 80 I believe). So of course, I signed a peace treaty and switched over to Monarchy the next turn. I then proceeded to get the AI civs to declare war on me, and subsequently ignoring all communications from everyone, thus forcing them to deal with war weariness forever. But they're still churning out units, improvements, and judging by my spies, don't appear to be suffering ANY ill effects from war weariness, despite the fact that they're all either a Democracy or Republics. How the hell is that even remotely fair? Does war weariness dissipate over time or something even though you're at war?

    2. Is there any way to get access to nuclear weapons without initiating the Manhattan Project? I'm assuming not, but I'm wondering if there is. And I know that the only option to controlling nuclear arms is to control all the uranium deposits, but it seems silly that if I discover the secrets of the atom that EVERYONE should be able to reap the benefits of my research. And what happens if the civs I'm dealing with are still in like the industrial era? Do they suddenly have the ability to build tactical nukes, yet can't build tanks? I'm assuming that they still need to research the rest of the tech required to build them?

    3. When a wonder becomes obsolete, is there any point in keeping them? Aside from their cultural value of course. And what about things like aqueducts? Once you have a hospital, should I simply remove them since they take up a maintenance cost yet don't appear to give any benefit?

    4. Where's the "Give me X city or I'll crush you like a bug" diplomacy option? And speaking of diplomacy, is there any way to make your offer more appealing without adding something to the pile? It seems to me that the other civs ALWAYS demand ludicrous crap for their useless crap, yet when I offer them something of actual value, they demand more. Perfect example, I offered the Indians a territory map exchange. I control about 40% of the world's land masses with something in the area of 50 cities and have uncovered everything except 2 small island continents owned by the Indians and the Egyptians. At most, they had 8-12 cities on those continents, yet when I offered the exchange, the Indians were insulted by my offer. WTF?! All you've got is a measly little island! I control 6 continents you ******! I considered the possibility that they had mapped out the areas that I controlled, but I don't see how since they still had yet to discover magnetism, and were still shuffling about with Caravels at the time. And speaking of value, how is it fair that the AI can tell that your map is of X value, when you have no way of knowing at all?

    5. Why in the world is stealing technology so cheap in the espionage menu? It's crazy how easy it is to steal everything! The cost needs to be ramped up a minimum of 10 times. At the least it needs to correlate with either civ specific ratings for security and xenophobia, or some kind of government related setting (ie. democracy being easier to steal from than say despotism or the like). In games like this, technology is the deciding factor in who has the advantage throughout the game. If you make it this easy to steal it, you remove the need to even research anything. And no, being slightly behind your opponents is NOT enough of a deterent, as I've managed to win conquest victories without researching anything at all, and bending my entire civ's focus to an industrial one, giving me ample money to steal ALL the tech from all civs by the following turn they discover it. It's slower in discovery than if I had researched myself, but it also allows me to carry an insanely huge army and nearly rush build in every major city almost every turn. Granted, by the end of the game, we're rarely out of the Industrial era, but it doesn't really matter when by 1800 you've got somewhere in the 3000 military units area. Further, is there ANY defense against tech theft? It seems ludicrous that I have no security defense at all in this area.

    6. Is there any way to stop a civ from establishing an embassy? It seems to me that I should be asked if I'll allow another civ to establish an embassy on my soil. The only solution that I can think of is to commit genocide on the offending civ It seems even more ludicrous that they (the AI) can establish an embassy at any time, but I'm limited to peacetime establishements only. Is there a way to remove the embassy once they've established one? The entire espionage element of the game seem woefully ill conceived. It needs some serious rework to even be remotely reasonable and fair to all parties.

    Wow, long post Sorry for the length, and happy thanks to any answers! Apologies if a lot of these are common knowledge now, but I haven't touched Civ3 for almost...seems like 2 years? Anyway, suffice to say, it's taken over my life again

    - Z

  • #2
    @1: See for an understanding on how WW works. If your sightings can suit with what's in there there is nothing to be concerned of.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      2. Is there any way to get access to nuclear weapons without initiating the Manhattan Project? I'm assuming not, but I'm wondering if there is. And I know that the only option to controlling nuclear arms is to control all the uranium deposits, but it seems silly that if I discover the secrets of the atom that EVERYONE should be able to reap the benefits of my research. And what happens if the civs I'm dealing with are still in like the industrial era? Do they suddenly have the ability to build tactical nukes, yet can't build tanks? I'm assuming that they still need to research the rest of the tech required to build them?
      Someone (anyone) building MProject is required before nuc weapons can be built. The only nuc weapons are Tactical Missile (Space Flight) and ICBM (Satellites).

      I don't like the idea of nuc secrets being leaked to other civs, so I made the MProject a SMALL Wonder. There was a bug regarding this, so you need at least PTW 1.21 (1.27 is the latest) to make it a small wonder and have it work as intended.


      • #4
        3. When a wonder becomes obsolete, is there any point in keeping them? Aside from their cultural value of course. And what about things like aqueducts? Once you have a hospital, should I simply remove them since they take up a maintenance cost yet don't appear to give any benefit?
        You cannot sell wonders. Dont' think you can sell aqueducts or hospitals, either. OTOH, I seem to recall having a metro but no hospital once, and the city wouldn't grow until it was rebuilt.


        • #5
          4. re Diplomacy & Trades:
          Being larger than another civ gives you advantages, and also makes things worth more to you. ESPECIALLY luxuries. (Sorry if this has already been discussed in another thread, recently).

          There is always the "Accept this or Else!" option. Almost never works: they refuse, then you declare war (or not). I don't bother ever using it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gramphos
            @1: See for an understanding on how WW works. If your sightings can suit with what's in there there is nothing to be concerned of.
            I don't know how accurate that thread is. According to the calculations observed in that thread, ALL the civs in my game should be well into the 100+ wwp. Yet none of them seem to be taking any ill effects from WW. As I mentioned, I've been at war for over 100 years with all the civs in the game, and I've razed at least 10 cities for each (strictly to try to ramp up the WW), but they still are cranking out units (especially the damn Romans) like there's no tomorrow. When I use my spies to investigate their cities, each have little to no unhappy citizens (at least not beyond the normal one or two from overcrowding).

            And while those numbers may reflect WW for you the player, it doesn't show any evidence of any kind towards the AI suffering from it.

            Has anyone noticed an enemy civ's cities suffering from WW in any games they've played? I'm fairly sure that the rules for WW are different for AI. At least it appears that way.

            - Z


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jaybe
              I don't like the idea of nuc secrets being leaked to other civs, so I made the MProject a SMALL Wonder. There was a bug regarding this, so you need at least PTW 1.21 (1.27 is the latest) to make it a small wonder and have it work as intended.
              I like that idea. Another edit to the bix file

              - Z


              • #8
                I think the AI gets a base happiness bonuses on higher difficulties. Plus if you declared war on the AI, they would actually get negative WW which translates to happier citizens.

                This is why I love getting civs whom I've been thinking of conquering pissed off at me so that they declare war sooner or later and I get the happiness bonuses.

                works great for small or far away civs as well


                • #9
                  Exact- if you play Emperor level (as I always do) you definitely already noticed AI huge advantages in production, trade, technology share rate and content/happy citizens rate- I guess the others factions use Chieftain-related content/happy rate, while you need 10 times the effort to produce the same effect
                  I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                  Asher on molly bloom


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Zapaan
                    Has anyone noticed an enemy civ's cities suffering from WW in any games they've played? I'm fairly sure that the rules for WW are different for AI. At least it appears that way.

                    - Z
                    Did they switch to communism?


                    • #11
                      Good point, vmxa1. The governments Despotism, Communism, and Monarchy do not suffer from WW at all. The AI will typically switch to one of these once WW gets too high.
                      Seemingly Benign
                      Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                      • #12
                        This is what players like to do to the AI, force them to switch to a less effective form of government.
                        I think that was what the AU mod tried to address.


                        • #13
                          As I mentioned in the first post, no, they're all Democracy or Republic. None of them have switched government types at all during this extended confrontation.

                          - Z


                          • #14
                            If you have spies then you should be at the tech level to build Universal Suffrage and police stations, both of which will keep a lid on WW.

                            Embassies give a look at your capital city and allow diplomatic options, that's about all. You get to do the same options to them so what's the problem?
                            Never give an AI an even break.


                            • #15
                              Were they winning the war? That makes a difference.
                              Seemingly Benign
                              Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain

