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  • #16
    Originally posted by Qyl
    Let me do it point by point:
    1- Why does the computer gang up on me, and is there any way to stop it (why do so many civs form alliance against me)?
    The AI likes to dogpile the weakewst player (human or AI). Make sure you are not the weakest player. In addition make fireinds and allies of the AI players yourself.

    2-Why do I consistanty lose battles that I should win, is the game that tilted towards the computer(is the computer given an advantage in battle, even at the lower levels, and if so what do I need to consider so I can have a chance of winning important battles)?
    The computer doesn't get bonuses in combat at all. Make sure you understand how combat works. In particular the bonuses defenders get.

    3-How do you stay alive when you are faced with an onslaught of a multi country aliance against you?
    I usually try to form a counter-alliance if I am not strong enough to go it alone. This implies getting along well with a few of the AIs and keeping something tradeable in reserve.

    4-What do you do when no one will trade with you (several countries embargo you/set up an anti trade alliance)?
    Don't trade. Seriously I consider this a reason to go to war. The AI likes to stick it to the player who is loisoing already. Get out of the bottom place.

    5-What do you do when you are started out on a continent that doesn't have iron, and you can't find any (yes I have the advance necessary to make it appear)?
    Research boats and get off that island ASAP. I have played and won as the Romans with no Iron or Coal.

    What do you do when you have no tradable resources?
    I usually take them from my weakest neighbor.

    What do you do when the computer builds cities that block your roads? If you attack the civ, then things get bogged down in war and it can be tough to get anything else done.
    Why did you let him build there? Attack him take the city, sue for peace.

    What do you do about building a forbidden palace a reasonable distace from your city, when you can't get any production out of the city because it is a reasonable distance from your capital (too close and the forbidden palace is useless)?
    Wait or use a Great Leader.
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


    • #17
      1- Why does the computer gang up on me, and is there any way to stop it (why do so many civs form alliance against me)?
      As been previously mentioned, gang up on them first. It's a lot easier to win a war when you're many against one, so with time the civ you're warring will bribe everyone else to join them. You have to beat them to the punch.

      2-Why do I consistanty lose battles that I should win, is the game that tilted towards the computer(is the computer given an advantage in battle, even at the lower levels, and if so what do I need to consider so I can have a chance of winning important battles)?
      The reason the AI wins more battles they should lose is because you rarely do that unlike the AI. Had you attacked as stupidly as the AI you'd see that freaky luck could be on your side too.

      3-How do you stay alive when you are faced with an onslaught of a multi country aliance against you?
      First, make sure it doesn't happen with the advice under 1. If that fails, make peace with the most dangerous foes. Those on another continent are rather harmless, ignore them (unless you don't have to pay anothing for peace). Also get any civ that isn't involved against you on your side. And if you can, cut off the enemies key resources (without iron, the worst they could field is horsemen until musketmen and cavalry).

      4-What do you do when no one will trade with you (several countries embargo you/set up an anti trade alliance)?
      People really don't like you, do they? Well again, being proactive in the alliancedepartment will spare you from this. Getting your friends to embargo against you is expensive. If they still do it, make sure they have nothing to bribe with (hint: take their stuff!).

      5-What do you do when you are started out on a continent that doesn't have iron, and you can't find any (yes I have the advance necessary to make it appear)?
      Cry. Then you get the Great Lighthouse, send out a ship expedition with a settler and scout for iron. Even if the city will be useless in terms of production and commerce, it can still net you reasorces. Get a worker, build a road to the iron and rush a harbor. If that doesn't work, you'll need to war someone to get it. Trade iron with someone and start building an army, then go to war (with someone else) until the iron is yours. After that you can sue for peace or just take the rest of his stuff too.

      What do you do when you have no tradable resources?
      No biggie. It gives you some nice friends and extra cash, but you can do without it.

      What do you do when the computer builds cities that block your roads? If you attack the civ, then things get bogged down in war and it can be tough to get anything else done.
      Get a RoP. If the civ that owns the city isn't way ahead of you in culture, then surround his city with culture and try to flip it.

      What do you do about building a forbidden palace a reasonable distace from your city, when you can't get any production out of the city because it is a reasonable distance from your capital (too close and the forbidden palace is useless)?
      Easiest way is to get a Great Leader and rush build it. You could do the tedious way and start building it early and just wait it out. Or place it poorly in a city with production and hope to relocate the palace later with a Great Leader when you get one.

      It's much harder to be a builder in Civ 3. Going to war is almost necessary if you want to stand a chance. In many ways I find this great. Going to war for a resource is as common in Civ 3 as in real life. A greater flexibility in a player is needed and also more skill. This game can provide a challenge for practically everyone, which is rare in TBS.


      • #18
        Looks like you have plenty to ponder. If things are going as you say, then it would be worth the time to post a save from 4000BC and then one say at 50 turns.
        Make an action report that shows any significant moves during that period. I would post this in a new thread.
        This will allow others to see what is going on and make specific suggestion.
        Many players have moved up to emperor level after posting similar stories. I hate see anyone not enjoy themself playing Civ. The three big issues tend to be use of workers (including having enough), expanding quickly and relations with the AI. The first two are easy, the other is not.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Qyl
          Let me do it point by point:
          1- Why does the computer gang up on me, and is there any way to stop it (why do so many civs form alliance against me)?
          There are several reasons for this. The first is that your reputation is bad. Breaking deals before the term of the deal ends will sully your reputation. Remember to make sure you have no units inside the cultural borders of another civ before declaring war or it will be viewed as a ROP violation (one of the quickest ways to ruin your rep). The next most logical reason is that your military is weak vis-a-vis the civ's that are ganging up on you. Build up your military and make sure your border towns have several units in them to deter attacks. Also try to get alliances before the AI does. It may cost a little but Most AI's are more willing to discuss peace when faced with war on a number of fronts.

          2-Why do I consistanty lose battles that I should win, is the game that tilted towards the computer(is the computer given an advantage in battle, even at the lower levels, and if so what do I need to consider so I can have a chance of winning important battles)?
          As mentioned before the combat system is radically dfifferent when comparing CIV 2 & 3. Terrain modifiers determine the outcome much more in CIV 3. Also CIV 3's combat is much more oriented towords numbers of units where as CIV 2 was oriented more towards the quality of the unit (This influence can be reduced if you are willing to mod)

          3-How do you stay alive when you are faced with an onslaught of a multi country aliance against you?
          If you can't find allies of your own then your civ will die. Try not to get in that situation.

          4-What do you do when no one will trade with you (several countries embargo you/set up an anti trade alliance)?
          Gifting AI's can be quite useful in the early game in order to preven this from happening in the later game (see #1 in regards to reputation, it applies here as well)

          5-What do you do when you are started out on a continent that doesn't have iron, and you can't find any (yes I have the advance necessary to make it appear)?
          You have to trade for it or explore the map further to find it (remember that there are military units that do not require Iron, it may require a military campaign to aquire it)

          What do you do when you have no tradable resources?
          You can use gold, maps or communication trading to complete a deal.

          What do you do about building a forbidden palace a reasonable distace from your city, when you can't get any production out of the city because it is a reasonable distance from your capital (too close and the forbidden palace is useless)?
          You can also move the palace and set the FP near the origional capital to make sure your origional core cities stay corruption and waste free. The corruption level can also be modified in the editior. For further info on this I recommend a search on Corruption, City Placement and Palace Moving.
          * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
          * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
          * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
          * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


          • #20
            Minor tip in attacking: if you're going to attack a city, make sure that you're NOT attacking it from the other side of the river, since that gives them a defense bonus. Move your units to the other side of the river, but don't attack the city. When it's next turn and you've already crossed the river, then you attack the enemy city.
            "When we begin to regulate, there is naming,
            but when there has been naming
            we should also know when to stop.
            Only by knowing when to stop can we avoid danger." - Lao-zi, the "Dao-de-jing"


            • #21
              I have to disagree with that tip. It leaves you vulnerable for counterattack. Unless you're sure reinforcements can't arrive and that he has no longbowmen or similar to counterattack with I'd just go ahead and attack. That river gives you a defensivebonus against counterattacks as well. Of course, if you have 2 or 3 movement points left you should cross the river before attacking.


              • #22
                The tip that attacking across a river is valid. How to best exploit that knowledge is another story altogether.


                • #23
                  I'd rather cross to a hill or mountain, if possible, and attack the next turn.
                  The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                  Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                  • #24
                    terrain understanding, unit familiarity, and diversions... its an all out war my friend
                    Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
                    So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
                    rocking on everest

