Originally posted by Alex
In order to avoid this (it happened a lot to me when I first started playing Civ2), you have to start building something expensive before you have the tech needed to build the Wonder. You can use the Palace for this intent. Pick up one of your most productive cities, order it to build a Palace and then wait for the Wonder to come. Check the city regularly to make sure it doesn't build the Palace before you discover the Wonder tech and when the tech is discovered, bam!, change the production in that city to the Wonder and you'll have a significant advantage over your enemies.
In order to avoid this (it happened a lot to me when I first started playing Civ2), you have to start building something expensive before you have the tech needed to build the Wonder. You can use the Palace for this intent. Pick up one of your most productive cities, order it to build a Palace and then wait for the Wonder to come. Check the city regularly to make sure it doesn't build the Palace before you discover the Wonder tech and when the tech is discovered, bam!, change the production in that city to the Wonder and you'll have a significant advantage over your enemies.
I had my capital start building a colleseum for a few turns while I reasearch Astronomy for Cop's Observetory. But 4 turn later, when I got the research the Observitory was grey-out. I couldn't select it to change my production. Does anyone know what the deal is?