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CivIII at 'poly

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  • #46
    Speaking as an Admin of Civ3players Ladder, we have a thriving internet online MP community. We, however, are not inherently limited to just online games. We have so far provided a framework for a competitive ladder, many varied Tournaments, and a very popular Epic game format. There is nothing that says that wins/losses can't be recorded on the same ladder for any other type of game....we have thought of creating specific rules to accomodate PBEM veterns, although there are many sites catering to this already. If there is someway we can provide a system for friendly competition of any format just drop me a line, we have a very dedicated staff of Admin's and TD's.
    Global Admin/Owner
    Civilization Players Leagues steam://friends/joinchat/103582791431089902


    • #47
      More people should do the "I'm with Stupid" contests


      • #48
        Well I think I have an idea. Lets say the AU is split in two.

        You first need a group that is large enough before you start splittin' it.

        That's why I used something that has appeal to a rather large potential group.

        I wouldn't mind helping to organize it if one or two more volunteers stand-up.
        Perhaps we can get the owners permission to use the CIV3-MP forum for it, which is hardly used anyway (does it even still exist?->checks->yes it does )
        Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
        Then why call him God? - Epicurus


        • #49
          Also their is a feeling of elietism that exudes from some of the AU community.
          I've heard this from others as well.

          I won't say it's distressing -- heck, it's only a game right? -- but I'm disappointed that the AU series has created this impression with many at 'Poly. Part of what I like about AU is that it is all-inclusive, open to players of any skill or interest level, and all players and comments welcome. It began before there was a robust editor (is there a robust editor now ? ) and .savs were necessary, preventing the player from choosing their preferred difficulty level - early games tended to be Monarch or Emperor. As soon as the editor was improved, AU games were posted as scenarios, and the number of players playing at Regent or below grew and continues to grow. I hope that those who haven't played AU games won't let any perceived superiority complexes or elitism coming out of AU players turn them off. Some AU players will have strong opinions and won't be shy about sharing them (and I think that's a good thing -- promotes thoughtful discussion), but I've played a fair number of AU games and feel confident in stating that the active posters are not actually trying to come off as elitist, even if intentions don't always come through clearly, and even if some of us sound like we're tooting our own horns occasionally. Those of us who do enjoy AU games and reporting our games obviously need to work hard to convey our thoughts and games in a less elitest manner.

          I'm not sure I have any opinions on what, if anything, to do with AU games. But AU games will not be, and should not be, CFC GOTMs. Cracker and CFC already do an excellent job with the format. AU has been a bit anarchic, in fine 'Poly tradition, and everyone who already plays AU probably has his own idea of what AU represents and should represent. I'd put my own plug in for my view of AU -- a community to play and share the same game in the spirit of Zachriel's posted games: the chance to play a fun game, face some of the same circumstances as other players, compare your circumstances and decisions to others', learn a little, teach a little, and maybe tell a good story, too. Of course, no one is expected to be as talented as Zachriel at presenting games. Although he's no longer an active contributor, if you haven't visited his Civ III pages, do so immediately at [/End of Zachriel homage]

          If competition brings in more players, then bring in some competition; but if all of AU moves towards competition, then it'll end up a shadow of CFC's GOTM. Like Dominae, I can't see a good middle ground either.

          What would induce you, lurkers and active 'Poly posters who don't play AU games, to play and report your AU games?



          • #50
            Anyone else willing to volunteer for my idea?


            • #51
              I suspect that the break down to DAR (During Action Report) will make it a bit easier to follow games and get something out of a good style or strat by a player.
              When the whole game was slammed in in one shot it lack details and was hard to know what allowed the player to get to a given point. People posted days after they started and may not even recall event.
              It also allows for people to play at their own pace and avoid seeing the whole map exposed.


              • #52
                A funny thought I had the other day:

                Maybe I'm losing interest in Civ3, but for the life of me I cannot find any interest in SP games unless I know there are a bunch of people out there playing the same scenario as I am. It's not that I'm competitive. Rather, the feeling of knowing there is a community of people out there sharing the game with me makes it, well, fun enough to play (because I would definitely quit Civ3 a long time ago if it were not for 'Poly and the internet). All this due to AU. It's like going to watch a movie alone: sure, it's entertaining, but it would probably be better if you could chat about it with friends afterwards.

                I know that many people feel the same way, and this is why they love the idea of AU or GOTM once they hear about it. If only we could spread the word that the best games you play are the ones you share with a bunch of other players, I'm sure we would have a lot more interest in AU.


                P.S: I also really like helping people get better at Civ3, which is the second reason I'm still faithful to AU.
                And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                • #53
                  Hi all...

                  My first AU game was 204. I joined in the AU fun because that's what it was, fun. And it was a great learning opertunity. It gave me a chance to play a game and at the same time see how others played. By seeing everyone else play I improved. I started on warlord and am playing now kinda on monarch.

                  I like the idea of giving learning awards more than grades. I don't think I would have ever joined if I was to be graded. It's kind of discouraging for the newbies. Instead I got some good constructive critisism and a lot of help. I personally didn't feel any elitism at all.

                  Another great thing about the AU games is they've kept me interested in CivIII. I've never played a single game for so long. Playing with everyone else and seeing how everyone does makes it more exciting. Not to mention that I've gotten to know you all better because of it.

                  Since 204 I've seen a lot of new people join up for the AU courses. On their own people are coming in. But I think it's a good idea to organize a little and definatly try to get the word out more. I'm not familiar with the GOTM at all so I'm not necessarily sure how it can be improved and I have no clue who Cracker is or what he's done. But from what I've gathered he's made playing CivIII better for people so good job Cracker

                  Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

                  BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Dominae
                    A funny thought I had the other day:

                    Maybe I'm losing interest in Civ3, but for the life of me I cannot find any interest in SP games unless I know there are a bunch of people out there playing the same scenario as I am. It's not that I'm competitive. Rather, the feeling of knowing there is a community of people out there sharing the game with me makes it, well, fun enough to play (because I would definitely quit Civ3 a long time ago if it were not for 'Poly and the internet). All this due to AU. It's like going to watch a movie alone: sure, it's entertaining, but it would probably be better if you could chat about it with friends afterwards.

                    P.S: I also really like helping people get better at Civ3, which is the second reason I'm still faithful to AU.
                    Yes, exactly what I feel. It's the whole community aspect that keeps me interested in Civ3. It's being able to play with a group of people from around the world and sharing our hardships and our victories. It's cheering for each other, giving a piece of advice, or a pat on the back that makes AU so great and why I will continue to participate in it.

                    Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

                    BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


                    • #55
                      I layed off for some time and it was the AU that help me decide to play some more, that and reading Gotm.
                      Cracker used to post here from time to time, but he can be a tad caustic for most even when he is right.
                      His lay out of QSC and Gotm was the first time I ever saw such detail.
                      Looking at that and Zachriel's website.


                      • #56
                        Well if CFC can do it we can put even more detail then that I am prepared to work my butt off for this. Whos with me?


                        • #57
                          It's like going to watch a movie alone: sure, it's entertaining, but it would probably be better if you could chat about it with friends afterwards.
                          Wow. Well said, Dominae. I'm getting there myself. I will still play SP games in isolation (I was trying out England, for instance, just for the hell of it), but less often. Part of that might be because it's summertime. Part of it may be that I've played a ridiculous amount of Civ. I dunno. But the AU format (hey! here's a game, let's all play it and talk about it!) sparks some extra interest.

                          I'll read the AAR/DAR threads even if I'm not playing, just to see other's writeups.

                          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                          • #58
                            I'm actually going to try AU now. YAY!


                            • #59
                              Thanks, Theseus, you got my mouth all watering to join the PTWDG now, only to find it already underway . Oh, well, consider me in when PTWDGIII starts up. Looks like big fun.

                              I did learn quite a lot from the OCC AU course (for instance, I now strive to immediately get a settler factory going and try to approximate OC with my capital after seeing the early build power it had). AU is great as it is, but definitely needs more visibility and more contributors. Not that I'm saying anything new, just throwing my $.02 in.
                              Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                              • #60
                                Thanks, Theseus, you got my mouth all watering to join the PTWDG now, only to find it already underway . Oh, well, consider me in when PTWDGIII starts up. Looks like big fun.

                                You are still welcome to join either the 1st or 2nd demogames if you can find a team that a) appeals to you, and b) is accepting new members (AFAIK most are).

                                Gathering Storm accepted Octavian X as a new member fairly recently, and Vox Controli have got a new member too.

                                The PTWDGII teams are all willing to have new recruits who are interested in that style of a game (it's very different to the first one).

                                Check out the public forums for both games and see if anything takes your fancy. Come join the fun!
                                If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.

