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What is your favorite modification you made to the game?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by WarpStorm
    Take a guess.

    Templar, is your mod just the modern age? I've modded the rules up till there, but haven't found a mix that works for it yet.
    Mostly, I added Neoliberalism to the industrial age after Radio.
    - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
    - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
    - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


    • #32
      "Even though the "lethal bombard" flag is not checked for the cruise missle, it does in fact lethally bombard in the standard rules -- lethal bombard is an attribute of the CM without the flag checked!"

      great, well, i'm proud my idea is shared with the developers i guess... i also made it transportable by nuclear subs which could carry two
      I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Cruddy

        Why would they bother when just about all of these can be downloaded anyway?

        I'm having fun adding minefields, both land and naval. It's not a complete success yet but I'm working on it.

        I'm also messing about with naval air, but that's at an even earlier stage. I would like to create ASW helos and naval only aircraft, but I'm still not up to speed on the editor. I'll keep trying.

        I'm not big on downloading stuff. Although I have downloaded a few maps and mods, I have had little success in finding good unit creations. Asw helos do not even need a new unit, just mod the helo to add the abilities to recon, detect invisible and give it a decent bombard ability. I like to carry a helo on my destroyers (another mod I like)
        * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
        * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
        * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
        * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


        • #34
          Originally posted by bobbo008
          ... i also made it transportable by nuclear subs which could carry two
          I play standard rules now, but I experimented with a similar mod some time ago. I allowed nuclear subs to carry 4 missles - tactical nukes or cruise missles - and I increased the CM range. Sadly, the AI doesn't use the modded nuclear subs; it will load tactical nukes just fine, but won't ever load a CM onto a sub (or an Aegis, which I modded to carry 1 CM only), regardless of the unit flags and AI strategies' flags checked.

          I also modded the conventional sub to carry 4 foot units. The AI used it to drop teams of infantry behind my lines, but in the age of RR, without a detailed strategic plan to focus enormously concentrated forces on a target, even a team of 4 infantry suddenly unloading next to a poorly defended city didn't cause much trouble. I was really hoping for a marine amphibious assualt from a sub on a weakly defended city, but it didn't happen then.



          • #35
            One modification I did, but i'm kind of mixed on the out come was to make only great wonders and the palace have a culture rating of 1 and everything else 0. I increased the cost of settlers to population of 4. then i upped the city culture border rate to 100 instead of 10.

            My goal was to make cities to not grow beyond two, increase the use of colonies. ICS didnt really break out because cities had to be kept together to harvest squares and expand borders and the high cost of settlers slowed it down a bit.

            the effect was a city state feel. i edited the explorer (only for euro civs) to be a settler with lower pop but required a resource (trade post) that i place mainly in the new world (it was an earth map). he was available with navigation and had an ok colonization effect.

            But I also created a new improvement available with nationalism that did have a culture of 1 to symbolize how nation-state came into being to link city tile s more.

            Its a great mod if you want reduce city building options and have colonies more significant.
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • #36
              very simple. i play with 12 civs on a normal map and adjust AI to AI trade rate a bit (so there is a slight tech gap) and decrease tech rate a bit to compensate for more civs...


              • #37
                Hi All,

                I haven't done much moding to my setup, but here is what I have done. I have made the Korean UU the Turtleship that has recently showed up in Apolyton, while leaving them their special cannon. I made the turtle ship comparable to a Frigate but with better armour and made it available with Metallurgy. I did however limit the Turtleship to sea and costal squares. It will sink in open ocean. I have thought about further limiting that to costal, but I haven't decided yet. Also Korea does not get a Frigate. I figured those two units together, with the limitations on the Turtleship and no Frigates, would equal a pretty good UU for Korea.

                I have added the Israelite civ as well. They are religious and industrious. There UU is the Nubian warrior renamed to The Thirty after David's 30 Mighty Men. The king is David, of course, and their leader head is the Persian one. The Thirty's specs are just like the Nubian Warrior's. I have left the Persians in the game.

                I also replaced all my barbarians with Dinosaurs. The "warrior" is now a Velociraptor and the "horseman" is now an Allasarus. The "galley" is an Anklyosarus. Yes I know the Anklyosarus is a land animal, but it looks like a turtle sort of and since no sea dinos were available I figured what the hey. The Dinos are for the benefit of my daughter who likes them. I also doubled the attack and defense of the dinos from the barb standard because the barb standard was too easy. Now you need swordmen, horsemen, or their equivalent UU on Monarch to really deal with the barbs. Also both land dinos can move 2 and the Anklyosarus can move 4. These mods make barbarian uprisings very interesting. :-D

                Other than this I have given lethal sea bombard to all sea units from the Firgate forward. I also have given artillery and cannon lethal land bombard. Air craft also have lethal land and sea bombard. All mounted units, including chariots, have blitz as well. This makes mounted units very worthwhile and worth spending money on, where as before they were not. All mechanized modern units also have blitz.. All sea units from Frigate forward have blitz too. This of course includes the TurtleShip.

                Well that is pretty much how I have modded my Civ3PTW. What do you all think?


                Tiimothy Pintello


                • #38
                  I'm currently working on a mod that gives all civs an additional UU. Right now I already have the Kobukson (Turtle Ship) for the Koreans, Tongkang (replaces the frigate) for the Chinese, and IS2 Heavy Tank for the Russians.

                  I'm still trying to find some good graphics for the following:
                  Mangudai (Mongols)
                  Parthian Horse Archer (Persians)
                  Bireme (Egyptians)
                  Camel Rider (Arabians)
                  B-52 Stratofortress (Americans)
                  Atl-atl Slinger (Aztecs)
                  Teutonic Knight (Germans)
                  British Army Regulars ["Redcoats"] (England)
                  "When we begin to regulate, there is naming,
                  but when there has been naming
                  we should also know when to stop.
                  Only by knowing when to stop can we avoid danger." - Lao-zi, the "Dao-de-jing"


                  • #39
                    Hi Azeem,

                    There is currently a good horse archer and camel calvary unit in the downloads section of the website.

                    Timothy Pintello

