I gather we are all getting impatient to get this underway. I have posted some intel in the GS thread which has bearing on this.
It is now 900BC, let's call this turn 1 for now.
Warrior production looks like this:
2 .. 875 =0
3 .. 850 =2
4.. 825 =1
5 .. 800 =3
6 .. 775 =1
7 .. 750 =2 (assumes The Voice is producing settler now, otherwise add 1)
8 .. 725 =0
9 .. 700 =2
We need two turns to connect the road.
A warrior upgraded in Miller Town will take one turn to upgrade, and two to move to the staging point - tile east of Elipolis. From there it is two moves to Dissidentville - and then 4 to the mountain overlooking target number one. 3 if we want to go via grassland.
That is a total of 9 turns including the upgrade turn, 8 if we go via the grassland tile.
It will take 8 turns for the galley to drop off the two units it is now carrying on iron mountain or thereabouts, return to Elipolis, pick up two more, and make it down to the mountain chain on the east coast just north of GS territory. That would allow us to cut off the GS warrior.
Intel (see GS FA thread) that GS will have Feudalism in 14 turns. They will be using probably all their cash flow to get that. This makes it even more critical to get some money out of them if at all possible before we head in.
So - the original plan was to reconnect the iron after turn 5, which means the operation starts 3 turns later (one upgrade turn and two to get into position) and then 6 turns to a position from which to attack the first city. Total =14 turns.
Not good.
I propose that now that we have a method for upgrading units on the go - ie Dissidenville - that we kick things off sooner than later. Having 4 fewer Immortals initially will be more than offset by them not having pikemen. We have to make a dent - and make it quick.
They will be in the dilemma of having to finish Feudalism - and yet needing the cash to rush or upgrade units. And if they want to pop rush units - they will need to change governments which will cost them a turn on anarchy.
They key here will be keeping the pressure on - and having both GoW and our own units in their backfield. I propose we move the schedule up by two turns. I will have the worker start building the road next turn. We upgrade the warriors on turn 3, into position by turn 5, operation kicks off on turn 6.
We then use Harry's proposal to continue to pump out warriors and upgrade them at Dissidentville.
Two workers also follow the troops down. It will take them 12 turns of movement and road building to construct a road from Dissidentville to Target City Numero Uno. After that - we should be able to get troops to the front very quickly.
Intel also indicates that they do not have a large army. This is supported by the military advisor. The trick here will be to maintain our numerical advantage by killing their units, and taking cities. Guess that was fairly obvious.
If they have 11 cities - we should wade into their biggest cities as soon as possible. If we can hit their core cities early and hard - we stand a good chance.
I have also got commitments of further war financing should we need it - and we probably will when we hit our GA and are pumping out warriors very quickly. We also have the Roleplay 8 gpt, plus our own improved cash flow, so we should have lots of money.
Let's hope we can keep one of their chariots from scoring an early victory until we have the tide clearly turned in our favor.
So - any thoughts on going on turn 6?
If we go on turn 6, we may not be able to implement any elaborate plans for the insertion of more troops on the east coast. We may have to forego trying to takeout the two GS warriors.
And - what kind of Bobian deception do we really need here? Maybe just the pretend planning of such an invasion would be sufficient. Or some sabre rattling from GoW.
As soon as we have firmed up our timing - I will contact Ghengis. Last contact - they were still in. And if they were going to stiff us - they could have done it with the trade deal, as I sent them Monotheism as accepted. They returned the cash as agreed upon.
I still have not given up on the idea of them taking out the GS warrior - but I am not sure it is feasible.
OK - discussion time.
It is now 900BC, let's call this turn 1 for now.
Warrior production looks like this:
2 .. 875 =0
3 .. 850 =2
4.. 825 =1
5 .. 800 =3
6 .. 775 =1
7 .. 750 =2 (assumes The Voice is producing settler now, otherwise add 1)
8 .. 725 =0
9 .. 700 =2
We need two turns to connect the road.
A warrior upgraded in Miller Town will take one turn to upgrade, and two to move to the staging point - tile east of Elipolis. From there it is two moves to Dissidentville - and then 4 to the mountain overlooking target number one. 3 if we want to go via grassland.
That is a total of 9 turns including the upgrade turn, 8 if we go via the grassland tile.
It will take 8 turns for the galley to drop off the two units it is now carrying on iron mountain or thereabouts, return to Elipolis, pick up two more, and make it down to the mountain chain on the east coast just north of GS territory. That would allow us to cut off the GS warrior.
Intel (see GS FA thread) that GS will have Feudalism in 14 turns. They will be using probably all their cash flow to get that. This makes it even more critical to get some money out of them if at all possible before we head in.
So - the original plan was to reconnect the iron after turn 5, which means the operation starts 3 turns later (one upgrade turn and two to get into position) and then 6 turns to a position from which to attack the first city. Total =14 turns.
Not good.
I propose that now that we have a method for upgrading units on the go - ie Dissidenville - that we kick things off sooner than later. Having 4 fewer Immortals initially will be more than offset by them not having pikemen. We have to make a dent - and make it quick.
They will be in the dilemma of having to finish Feudalism - and yet needing the cash to rush or upgrade units. And if they want to pop rush units - they will need to change governments which will cost them a turn on anarchy.
They key here will be keeping the pressure on - and having both GoW and our own units in their backfield. I propose we move the schedule up by two turns. I will have the worker start building the road next turn. We upgrade the warriors on turn 3, into position by turn 5, operation kicks off on turn 6.
We then use Harry's proposal to continue to pump out warriors and upgrade them at Dissidentville.
Two workers also follow the troops down. It will take them 12 turns of movement and road building to construct a road from Dissidentville to Target City Numero Uno. After that - we should be able to get troops to the front very quickly.
Intel also indicates that they do not have a large army. This is supported by the military advisor. The trick here will be to maintain our numerical advantage by killing their units, and taking cities. Guess that was fairly obvious.

I have also got commitments of further war financing should we need it - and we probably will when we hit our GA and are pumping out warriors very quickly. We also have the Roleplay 8 gpt, plus our own improved cash flow, so we should have lots of money.
Let's hope we can keep one of their chariots from scoring an early victory until we have the tide clearly turned in our favor.
So - any thoughts on going on turn 6?
If we go on turn 6, we may not be able to implement any elaborate plans for the insertion of more troops on the east coast. We may have to forego trying to takeout the two GS warriors.
And - what kind of Bobian deception do we really need here? Maybe just the pretend planning of such an invasion would be sufficient. Or some sabre rattling from GoW.
As soon as we have firmed up our timing - I will contact Ghengis. Last contact - they were still in. And if they were going to stiff us - they could have done it with the trade deal, as I sent them Monotheism as accepted. They returned the cash as agreed upon.
I still have not given up on the idea of them taking out the GS warrior - but I am not sure it is feasible.
OK - discussion time.
