Thought it would be useful to start a discussion about where we go now - or try to go.
There has not been response to Rhoth's recent note to GS. I wonder if our future is currently being decided by GS and GoW, or if they are just in a lull after the big war.
At any rate - it wouldn't hurt to toss around some ideas.
I think we would all agree on our first objective - survival.
The question is whether this is best achieved passively (ie - just staying out of everyone's way) or proactively (trying to allign ourselves with who we think will benefit us the most.)
There are 3 major powers left. 2 are going to be ganging up on the 1 soon. And I suspect it will be Gow and GS vs ND. Is there any way of making this work for us. Say - if RP and ourselves allied with ND in this scenario?? Coming in later when the advantage of surprise exists.
Or do we let the two eliminate the one, whoever that will be - and then wait for our opportunity when tge last two major civs go head to head. This seems to make the most sense - but it would be nice to negotiate or beg for a bit more land to work with.
Other thoughts??
There has not been response to Rhoth's recent note to GS. I wonder if our future is currently being decided by GS and GoW, or if they are just in a lull after the big war.
At any rate - it wouldn't hurt to toss around some ideas.
I think we would all agree on our first objective - survival.

The question is whether this is best achieved passively (ie - just staying out of everyone's way) or proactively (trying to allign ourselves with who we think will benefit us the most.)
There are 3 major powers left. 2 are going to be ganging up on the 1 soon. And I suspect it will be Gow and GS vs ND. Is there any way of making this work for us. Say - if RP and ourselves allied with ND in this scenario?? Coming in later when the advantage of surprise exists.
Or do we let the two eliminate the one, whoever that will be - and then wait for our opportunity when tge last two major civs go head to head. This seems to make the most sense - but it would be nice to negotiate or beg for a bit more land to work with.
Other thoughts??