Per my post in the moves thread I'm starting this new thread to discuss where we want to go in the future with our cities. I'm starting off by copying my thread from several weeks ago about future planning. Some of it is still valid, but I'd like to change other parts of it too.
The New Voice's build queue also needs to be discussed soon as we will need to make a choice after the library. We can either build a happiness improvement (temple or colosseum) or a barracks to start improving our military. I'd rather build military than a happiness improvement since most of our cities won't grow past size 6 for a long time and New Voice won't grow past size 5 until railroads (size 7 being it's absolute cap). A 10% luxury rate in a republic can handle all the unhappiness problems for a while. Plus we also have GoW's luxury that they owe I believe 60 turns to us. Once we have our first harbor up we can make use of it if necessary. If we go with my plan we will have 8 turns of 4spt in New Voice and then if we join the worker immediately it will have 10spt and complete a barracks the next turn after.
For build queues in other cities, the ones that are currently building harbors should all start marketplaces, except for Irony and Renewal which should start libraries to expand their borders. Renewal will give the bonus grass under what is currently forest and also giving Resurrection a fourth coast tile as well to enable it to get to size 6. Phoenix should start a harbor next. And Hope will of course be the breadbasket to supply the final settler and the workers to join other cities. At some point the city will need a harbor too.
With current borders, and border expansions in Renewal, Irony and Phoenix, all of our northern cities will be able to grow to size 6 except New Voice which will always be stuck at size 5 until railroads. Our new city when it is settled will also be able to grow to size 6, though Panama Vox will be a pathetic city for a long time.
After all the cities are at size 6 and if work force is done the way I envision it, Hope, Resurrection, Seabiscuit, Phoenix and the new city will have 5spt (from working four coast tiles and two mined hill tiles with two waste or in Hope's case one mined hill and several mined grassland). Memory should have 6spt because of the extra whale shield, but I'm not positive if waste would take it. Renewal should have 8spt after waste (two mined hills, one mined bonus grass, and one mined grass), but it might have 7; again I'm not positive. Irony should have 4spt after waste (iron mountain and the rest coast). Panama Vox can also get up to 4spt (after waste) in theory, but it would require a harbor and library and not using a citizen as a scientist.
For build queues in other cities, the ones that are currently building harbors should all start marketplaces, except for Irony and Renewal which should start libraries to expand their borders. Renewal will give the bonus grass under what is currently forest and also giving Resurrection a fourth coast tile as well to enable it to get to size 6. Phoenix should start a harbor next. And Hope will of course be the breadbasket to supply the final settler and the workers to join other cities. At some point the city will need a harbor too.
With current borders, and border expansions in Renewal, Irony and Phoenix, all of our northern cities will be able to grow to size 6 except New Voice which will always be stuck at size 5 until railroads. Our new city when it is settled will also be able to grow to size 6, though Panama Vox will be a pathetic city for a long time.
After all the cities are at size 6 and if work force is done the way I envision it, Hope, Resurrection, Seabiscuit, Phoenix and the new city will have 5spt (from working four coast tiles and two mined hill tiles with two waste or in Hope's case one mined hill and several mined grassland). Memory should have 6spt because of the extra whale shield, but I'm not positive if waste would take it. Renewal should have 8spt after waste (two mined hills, one mined bonus grass, and one mined grass), but it might have 7; again I'm not positive. Irony should have 4spt after waste (iron mountain and the rest coast). Panama Vox can also get up to 4spt (after waste) in theory, but it would require a harbor and library and not using a citizen as a scientist.