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Future Planning From 400ad Onward

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  • Future Planning From 400ad Onward

    Per my post in the moves thread I'm starting this new thread to discuss where we want to go in the future with our cities. I'm starting off by copying my thread from several weeks ago about future planning. Some of it is still valid, but I'd like to change other parts of it too.

    The New Voice's build queue also needs to be discussed soon as we will need to make a choice after the library. We can either build a happiness improvement (temple or colosseum) or a barracks to start improving our military. I'd rather build military than a happiness improvement since most of our cities won't grow past size 6 for a long time and New Voice won't grow past size 5 until railroads (size 7 being it's absolute cap). A 10% luxury rate in a republic can handle all the unhappiness problems for a while. Plus we also have GoW's luxury that they owe I believe 60 turns to us. Once we have our first harbor up we can make use of it if necessary. If we go with my plan we will have 8 turns of 4spt in New Voice and then if we join the worker immediately it will have 10spt and complete a barracks the next turn after.

    For build queues in other cities, the ones that are currently building harbors should all start marketplaces, except for Irony and Renewal which should start libraries to expand their borders. Renewal will give the bonus grass under what is currently forest and also giving Resurrection a fourth coast tile as well to enable it to get to size 6. Phoenix should start a harbor next. And Hope will of course be the breadbasket to supply the final settler and the workers to join other cities. At some point the city will need a harbor too.

    With current borders, and border expansions in Renewal, Irony and Phoenix, all of our northern cities will be able to grow to size 6 except New Voice which will always be stuck at size 5 until railroads. Our new city when it is settled will also be able to grow to size 6, though Panama Vox will be a pathetic city for a long time.

    After all the cities are at size 6 and if work force is done the way I envision it, Hope, Resurrection, Seabiscuit, Phoenix and the new city will have 5spt (from working four coast tiles and two mined hill tiles with two waste or in Hope's case one mined hill and several mined grassland). Memory should have 6spt because of the extra whale shield, but I'm not positive if waste would take it. Renewal should have 8spt after waste (two mined hills, one mined bonus grass, and one mined grass), but it might have 7; again I'm not positive. Irony should have 4spt after waste (iron mountain and the rest coast). Panama Vox can also get up to 4spt (after waste) in theory, but it would require a harbor and library and not using a citizen as a scientist.

  • #2
    The first thing I would like to change from my above post is build queue order. Originally I was thinking we'd be 40 turn researching for a while, hence marketplaces would be more important. But if we are going to start ramping up our research efforts then I would like to get a library in every city before a marketplace. The library will provide much the same immediate benefits in beaker boost vs. gold boost, but it can be built much quicker than the marketplaces and gives us more culture too.


    • #3
      I too believe we should first have a Library in all of our cities then center on building marketplaces. Too bad we don't have at least one luxury item of our own...
      "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
      "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


      • #4
        Next I will explain my preference regarding city growth. This is adapted from Harry's original plan of adding workers, but I just want to refine it with exact numbers.

        Right now, if we try to grow each of the coastal cities by themselves then we have to use coast tiles, hence no production. If we move a tile to a hill then the city would have some production but grow slowly. Either our coastal cities grow slowly, or grow moderately with no production. Harry's original thought was to have Hope be the breadbasket and supply workers to join other cities. This is by far the best thing we can do.

        To further expound on this, I want to rush the harbor in Hope just as Hope grows to size 4. Like I said in the moves thread this should allow for 2 and 3 turn workers as opposed to 4 or 5 turn workers and a lot of waste. I want to have each city grow to size 3 on it's own. Most of them are slowly getting there. With our work force on hills we can stop that growth at size 3 and then use workers to boost the city from there for a much quicker (in the long run) growth. Right now, growth of the cities only truly helps in gold. If we start pulling all our workforce to coast tiles to grow then we lose most of our production capacity for the next 30-40 turns.

        Currently we have 11 workers, one of which (the one currently mining the bonus grass) will be sucked into New Voice soon to bump it to 10spt. The remaining worker in the north I'd like to have finish the mine and road the gold hill, and then road a mountain to have a contiguous road in all the north. The nine remaining southern workers will continue to chop the last few forests and road and mine the hills and iron mountain and connector road. I have no desire to bother roading any other mountains or desert right now. None of the mountains except possibly the gold mountain will ever be worked, and the desert will not need to be bothered with until we have the chance to irrigate which is far in the future. Once these workers are finished I want to join them all to cities rather than have them stick around doing meaningless roads on mountains.

        Those workers, combined with roughly 14 more out of Hope (that's the reason I want quicker workers) should be enough to bring all the cities up to size 6 while still maintaining their maximum shield output.

        This plan will take a while, probably at least the next 40 turns to fully implement, but in the long run it will be quicker and more productive to do it this way rather than just letting them grow slowly. If we run all the cities up to size 6 and then switch to the production tiles then we will be far behind in producing libraries and marketplaces, but if we do it this way then those improvements will be built or close to being built by the time our cities reach size 6.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Wittlich
          I too believe we should first have a Library in all of our cities then center on building marketplaces. Too bad we don't have at least one luxury item of our own...
          Glory of War owes us 60 turns (I believe) of a luxury. I'd like to hold off requesting that luxury until most of our cities are larger and can make use of it. When most of our cities are size 5 (see my plan above) then we can request the luxury from GoW.


          • #6
            If I have time tonight or tomorrow I will try to put together a rough 40 turn plan for each of our cities. Though this also means that I won't have time to write much of the Voxtavia Guide yet.


            • #7
              I'm working on the 40 turn plan for each city at the moment. Figured I'd type up what I had so far. These aren't entirely complete so I will edit them as necessary. The final stats are base stats before bonuses from libraries, marketplaces, etc. I also have not yet added in the turns when workers will be added as that will take a little while longer. Oh, and this is important...turn 1 is considered to be 400ad.

              The New Voice
              - In 5 turns: Growth to size 4, Join Worker#12 to bring to size 5 (maximum size before railroads), barracks built. The New Voice now has 10spt and can build a horseman every 3 turns.
              - In 6 turns: Build queue changed to University.
              - In 15 turns: University finished. Start either a horseman or a bank.

              Final stats at size 5: tbd
              Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 12, 2004, 18:49.


              • #8

                - In 6 turns: Library complete after rushing. Start marketplace.
                - In 9 turns: Growth to size 4. WF to all coast tiles for 2fpt growth.
                - In 13 turns: Mine on iron complete. 4spt.
                - In 19 turns: Growth to size 5. WF to iron mountain and the rest coast tiles.
                - In 20 turns: Worker #6 joins Irony bringing it to size 6.
                - In 41 turns: Marketplace complete.

                Final stats at size 6: tbd
                Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 5, 2004, 01:29.


                • #9

                  - In 8 turns: Library complete. Start marketplace.
                  - In 12 turns: Culture growth. Switch hill WF to mined bonus grassland.
                  - In 13 turns: Growth to size 3. WF to mined grass, mined bonus grass, and gold mountain for no growth and 6spt.
                  - In 15 turns: Worker A joins city to make size 4. WF to mined grass, mined bonus grass, and 2 mined hills.
                  - In 17 turns: Worker B joins city to make size 5. WF to mined grass, two coast tiles and 2 mined hills.
                  - In 18 turns: WF to mined grass, mined bonus grass, 1 coast tile and 2 mined hills. This sequence of WF management was to get a worker out in Hope with no waste.
                  - In 23 turns: Worker D joins Renewal to make size 6. Extra WF on coast.
                  - In 24 turns: Finish marketplace. Future build to be determined later (military or possibly an aqueduct)

                  Final stats at size 6: tbd
                  Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 21, 2003, 06:05.


                  • #10

                    - In 1 turn: Growth to size 2. WF on 2 hill tiles.
                    - In 2 turns: Finish harbor. Start work on library. WF to remain on 2 hill tiles for no growth and 6spt
                    - In 9 turns: Finish library. Start marketplace. WF to 2 coast tiles for 2fpt growth
                    - In 19 turns: Growth to size 3. WF to 2 hill tiles and 1 coast tile for no growth and 6spt.
                    - In 20 turns: Join workers #1, 2 and 8 to city bringing it to size 6. WF on 2 hill tiles and 4 coast tiles for no growth and 6spt.
                    - In 34 turns: Finish marketplace. Future build to be determined later (military or possibly an aqueduct)

                    Final stats at size 6: tbd
                    Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 23, 2003, 14:58.


                    • #11

                      - In 9 turns: Finish harbor. Start marketplace. WF to whale and coast.
                      - In 10 turns: Growth to size 3. WF to whale, 1 coast, and mined gold hill for 2fpt growth and 4spt.
                      - In 20 turns: Growth to size 4. Worker #7 joins city bringing to size 5. WF to whale, 2 coast, gold hill, and mined hill for 6spt.
                      - In 28 turns: Worker E joins city bringing to size 6. Extra WF on coast.
                      - In 30 turns: Finish marketplace. Future build to be determined later (military or possibly an aqueduct).

                      Final stats at size 6: tbd
                      Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 5, 2004, 01:48.


                      • #12

                        - Turn 1: Finish settler. Start harbor. Down to size 2. WF to fish and mined grassland.
                        - Turn 2: Switch build to library. WF to fish and mined hill.
                        - Turn 4: Growth to size 3. WF to fish and two mined grassland.
                        - Turn 6: WF to fish, 1 mined grassland, and mined hill.
                        - Turn 8: Growth to size 4. Start a worker. WF on fish, 2 mined grassland and mined hill.
                        - Turn 12: Completion of library. Start worker.
                        - Turn 13: Growth to size 5. WF on fish, 3 mined grassland and mined hill.
                        - Turn 14: Worker A complete. Start Worker B. Down to size 4. WF on fish, 2 mined grassland, and mined hill. Worker A joins Renewal on turn 15.
                        - Turn 16: Worker B complete. Start Worker C. Down to size 3. WF on fish, mined grassland, and mined hill. Worker B joins Renewal on turn 17.
                        - Turn 17: WF to fish, mined bonus grassland, and mined hill.
                        - Turn 18: Growth to size 4. Worker C complete. Start Worker D. Down to size 3. WF to fish and 2 mined grassland tiles. Worker C joins Seabiscuit on Turn 20.
                        - Turn 21: WF to fish, mined grass, and mined hill.
                        - Turn 22: Growth to size 4. Worker D complete (with a little waste). Start Worker E. Down to size 3. WF to fish and 2 mined grassland tiles. Worker D joins Renewal on Turn 23.
                        - Turn 25: WF to fish, mined grass, and mined hill.
                        - Turn 26: Growth to size 4. Worker E complete (with a little waste). Start Worker F. Down to size 3. WF to fish and 2 mined grassland tiles. Worker E joins Memory on Turn 28.
                        - Turn 29: WF to fish, mined grass, and mined hill.
                        - Turn 30: Growth to size 4. Worker F complete (with a little waste). Start Worker G. Down to size 3. WF to fish and 2 mined grassland tiles. Worker F joins Memory on Turn 32.
                        - Every 4 turns after this a worker is complete with a little waste and can be sent to Panama Vox and the new city until they are size 6 as well. Once all cities are size 6 then Hope can grow to size 6 whereupon a reshuffling of WF will take place that will give Hope 10spt.

                        Final stats at size 6: tbd
                        Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 21, 2003, 06:08.


                        • #13

                          The following is based on my prediction that Seabiscuit will receive 2 of the remaining 5 forest chops. It received 3.

                          - Turn 1: Finishes harbor. Starts library. WF to two hill tiles for 6spt and no growth. Forest chop for +10 shields
                          - Turn 2: Forest chop for +10 shields.
                          - Turn 3: Forest chop for +10 shields. WF to two coast tiles for 2fpt growth.
                          - Turn 4: Finishes library with one shield waste. Starts marketplace.
                          - Turn 13: Growth to size 3. WF to two hill tiles and one coast for 6spt and no growth.
                          - Turn 16: Join Workers #4 and 5 to city to bring to size 5. WF to two hill tiles and three coast for no growth and 6spt.
                          - Turn 20: Worker C joins city to bring to size 6. WF to two hill tiles and 4 coast.
                          - Turn 29: Finish marketplace. Future build to be determined later (military or possibly an aqueduct)

                          Final stats at size 6: tbd
                          Last edited by Rhothaerill; December 29, 2003, 03:08.


                          • #14

                            The following is based on my prediction that Phoenix will receive 3 of the remaining 5 forest chops. It recieved 2.

                            - Turn 1: WF to two roaded forests for no growth and 4spt.
                            - Turn 5: Forest chop for +10 shields. (all plains tiles between Phoenix and Seabiscuit are now chopped with one remaining to the west). WF to two hill tiles for 2spt.
                            - Turn 6: WF change to two mined hills. Output at 5spt.
                            - Turn 9: Rush harbor (costs 52 gold)
                            - Turn 10: Finish harbor. Start marketplace. WF to two coast tiles to grow to size 3.
                            - Turn 15: Last forest chop for +10 shields.
                            - Turn 20: Grow to size 3. Workers #9-11 join city bringing it to size 6. WF to two mined hills and 4 coast for no growth and 6spt.
                            - Turn 34: Finish marketplace. Future build to be determined later (military or possibly an aqueduct)

                            Final stats at size 6: tbd
                            Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 10, 2004, 04:39.


                            • #15
                              Panama Vox

                              - In 6 turns: Build queue changed to library.
                              - In 11 turns: When we ramp up to full speed research the WF can move to a hill for 3spt and slow growth.
                              - In 13 turns: Join Worker #3 to city bringing up to size 2. Work mined hill and coast for no growth and 3spt.
                              - In 15 turns: Library finished. Start on harbor again.
                              - In 19 turns: Culture radius grows. WF to two mined hills for no growth and 5spt.
                              - In 33 turns. Finish harbor. Start marketplace.

                              Final stats at size 6: tbd
                              Last edited by Rhothaerill; January 10, 2004, 04:31.

