We will have Literature next turn. What should we research next?
Gathering Storm claims they will receive Philosophy from some unknown source and then research Republic.
If you know what anyone else is researching, please post here.
Possibilities: Polytheism, Philosophy, Currency, Construction.
Frankly, we should go for either Monarchy or Republic. If we go for Republic we should trail Gathering Storm and either get it at a lesser research cost or beat them to it and techwhore it first.
If we go for Monarchy we should keep it to ourselves.
Gathering Storm claims they will receive Philosophy from some unknown source and then research Republic.
If you know what anyone else is researching, please post here.
Possibilities: Polytheism, Philosophy, Currency, Construction.
Frankly, we should go for either Monarchy or Republic. If we go for Republic we should trail Gathering Storm and either get it at a lesser research cost or beat them to it and techwhore it first.
If we go for Monarchy we should keep it to ourselves.