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Diplomacy: Reports, Instructions, PMs

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  • Chat between myself and DeepO of GS (finally!!!):

    PART 1 OF 2

    Arnelos> !!
    Arnelos> DeepO
    DeepO> hello!
    DeepO> at long last
    Arnelos> glad you have your name on your highlight
    Arnelos> anyhow
    DeepO> ah, was checking regularly
    DeepO> yes... I am playing the turn now
    Arnelos> ah
    DeepO> so any changes can be made instantly
    DeepO> as to tech: many of the things you discussed with GoW can be given by us
    Arnelos> btw, I did a 4 gold short rush (1 shield) last turn that sped up our aqueduct in I think it was Santa Barbara by a whole turn :mad skillzzz:
    Arnelos> I've been working on planning that out, actually
    Arnelos> anyhow...
    DeepO> and I don't know about timing, but if anything is really necessary for you, you need to go ahead, of course
    Arnelos> diplomacy stuff...
    DeepO> yes please
    DeepO> first things first
    Arnelos> Need to know what to do about getting us some tech
    DeepO> it would of course be best if you improve your relationship with GoW
    Arnelos> yes, that too
    Arnelos> we would very much like to do so
    DeepO> that in itself is the biggest motivation right now
    Arnelos> they are interested in purchasing Navigation, which would be a start
    DeepO> as the techs are not critical
    DeepO> yes, but as explained in the PM
    DeepO> the lux deal they're suggesting doesn't do our alliance any good
    Arnelos> the incense you guys would like
    DeepO> gems, I think you mean
    Arnelos> the lux deal might be worthwhile if GoW has a tech we really need
    Arnelos> and you guys are NTA-bound
    DeepO> it is a 1000 gold deal!
    DeepO> for 1000 gold, they can give more then that
    Arnelos> yes, we could haggle it up
    DeepO> as to NTA: they have the same ones from Lego as us
    Arnelos> point is, if they're willing to do it and they really want the lux, we can haggle for techs
    DeepO> and that's important
    DeepO> well, yes, but no offense, we need the lux more then you need the techs.
    Arnelos> right
    Arnelos> agreed on that. I just didn't realize you guys needed it
    DeepO> not right now
    DeepO> but we need them to push further and get the geams
    DeepO> gems
    DeepO> as once we're on the offensive, we will need it
    Arnelos> btw... how soon can we get our hill tiles RR'd?
    DeepO> we will lose the Lego lux
    DeepO> hills: this turn, perhaps.
    DeepO> I will start on it
    DeepO> but am still doing the last of ours...
    Arnelos> the mountains are non-critical, but one of the hills tiles (I forget which) would be really useful for the SPD value of El Paso, I think it was
    DeepO> in many cities, this would mean 1-turn rifles instead of 2-turn...
    DeepO> wouldn't you need mines as well?
    Arnelos> yes
    DeepO> these are a lot easier to get in between
    Arnelos> but there are already mines on the hills
    DeepO> they only cost us 2 worker-turns
    Arnelos> no mines on the mountains yet
    DeepO> well, I mean on the plains
    Arnelos> oh, yes
    Arnelos> I've been mining those myself
    DeepO> ah, okay
    DeepO> we're quite figureing out all this worker stuff
    DeepO> well, I am at least
    Arnelos> of course, once we get our aqueducts done, I'll want to the extra food for a pop boost...then mine over tiles and use the sea and coastal tiles as the breadbasket
    DeepO> which means sometimes 1 worker extra or less can make a big difference
    DeepO> okay, if you got any planning on that, let me know
    DeepO> currently, we've got close to 50 workers running around
    Arnelos> nice
    DeepO> industrial
    DeepO> and with rep parts
    Arnelos> the thing we need most is mines and RR's on the hill tiles
    DeepO> okay...
    DeepO> I'll see what I can do this turn
    Arnelos> ok
    DeepO> otherwise that should be done next turn
    DeepO> fortresses will come later on
    Arnelos> right
    DeepO> no need for those right now
    Arnelos> we'll need those by the time of Amphib Assault... a ways off, thankfully
    DeepO> further: as to defense
    DeepO> amphib is not that far off anymore
    DeepO> we're expecting it in something like 25 turns
    DeepO> maybe less
    DeepO> by that time, we will need infs on those hills and mountains of yours
    Arnelos> I was under the impression that the techs currently being researched are Steel, Refining, Communism, Espionage, Atomic Theory, etc.
    DeepO> as well as in your cities
    DeepO> AT and electronics are ours
    Arnelos> ok
    Arnelos> nice
    DeepO> further we're close to finishing refining
    DeepO> and GoW is doing Steel
    Arnelos> you guys building Hoovers, I take it?
    Arnelos> (or built?)
    DeepO> we need them to split research later on
    Arnelos> I haven't looked at F7
    DeepO> Hoovers: next turn it completes
    Arnelos> NICE!
    DeepO> and don't give this info, please
    Arnelos> no problem
    DeepO> well, it's not that important, we need factories in many cities
    Arnelos> right
    DeepO> and the cost of Hoover (800 shields), is enough to provide for 4 or 5 power plants...
    Arnelos> seems that you guys are ahead in tech, then
    DeepO> yes we are
    DeepO> and we're going to keep that up for as long as possible
    DeepO> we need it to invade Lego
    Arnelos> btw... our GPT deal runs out this turn
    Arnelos> how much do you want us to renew for?
    DeepO> and we need to give techs to GoW, so we can both attack them with tanks
    Arnelos> lemme look at the last save
    DeepO> gtp deal: as much as you can spare
    Arnelos> ok
    Arnelos> we have a lot
    DeepO> right now, we've got a small treasury
    Arnelos> building our cities up has given us a lot more money
    DeepO> but we're going to burn most of that on combustion
    DeepO> yes, that was the plan
    DeepO> we're lacking in the gold department
    Arnelos> we can help there
    DeepO> and if we want to attack Lego, we're going to need all the units we can get
    DeepO> that would be superb
    Arnelos> The only issue I'm tackling right now is scheduling shortrushes
    Arnelos> if I can still do those while sending you as much gold as we can, I will
    DeepO> if all your cities have markets / banks, please build rifles
    DeepO> thanks
    DeepO> or conqs
    Arnelos> in fact... it may be better to provide 1-turn gifts rather than 20-turn deals
    DeepO> that's fine by us
    DeepO> the 20 turn deals are only because otherwise we need to do it every turn
    DeepO> we would love you to be present in an invasion of Lego
    DeepO> would that be fine with you guys?
    DeepO> primary tasks: pillaging and firing your GA if you want
    DeepO> primary forces: conqs, nothing else
    Arnelos> our net income, not counting us paying you, is 124 gpt
    DeepO> wow, that's sweet
    DeepO> we only get something like 400, after upkeep
    Arnelos> ok
    DeepO> bpt, though is something else
    Arnelos> we've been paying Vox for certain techs such as Democracy, though
    DeepO> yeah, but that is also something strange
    DeepO> democracy is something we don't have
    Arnelos> oh?
    DeepO> and won't need either
    Arnelos> interesting
    Arnelos> sticking with Republic?
    DeepO> so once your NDA runs out, send it our way
    Arnelos> no problem
    DeepO> yes... we're planning for war
    Arnelos> right
    DeepO> and frankly, we need every tuyrn we can get
    DeepO> in 12-13 turns time, we're going to mobilize as well
    Arnelos> we're currently paying Vox 5 gpt for Democracy... I think that just wore off
    DeepO> once most essential builds are out of the way
    Arnelos> we're also paying them 5 gpt for horses... if they only knew how rich we are
    DeepO> that's not the baddest deal either
    DeepO> horses: stop that at first possibility
    DeepO> you can get them for free from us
    Arnelos> we need 'em for conqs
    Arnelos> oh?
    Arnelos> you have 2 sources?
    DeepO> yeah, but we don't need them
    DeepO> no, only one
    Arnelos> oh
    Arnelos> ok, will do
    DeepO> but we're not building horses
    Arnelos> lemme see when that wears off
    Arnelos> heh.. next turn
    Arnelos> that's 10 gpt freed up
    DeepO> the moment I'll see I can send them, I will
    Arnelos> ok
    DeepO> (2 turns, most likely)
    Arnelos> we'll need 'em for conqs
    Arnelos> Monterrey will finish a conq in 2 turns
    DeepO> and we need conqs
    DeepO> nice..
    Arnelos> in fact, I've got Monterrey on 3-turn conqs now
    DeepO> also something else: as much as possible, don't disband units
    Arnelos> I can't see why we would
    DeepO> because once the cities and hills are defended, it can still pay to have obsolete units defending flat coast
    DeepO> well, for rushing, of course
    Arnelos> ah
    Arnelos> they're not worth it for taht
    Arnelos> we don't have enough military... we need every mil unit we can get
    DeepO> no, but in many cases they'r not worht upgrading either
    DeepO> agree
    DeepO> for us the same, btw
    Arnelos> ok... next turn we should have 410 gold in the bank and an income of ~90 GPT
    Arnelos> I'll try to figure what shortrushes we need in the near future and send you guys the rest
    DeepO> did you found the last PM, regarding NDAs?
    DeepO> thanks
    Arnelos> no
    DeepO> oh, and we're so far not shortrushing anything
    DeepO> I'll try to dig it up
    DeepO> one sec
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


    • PART 2 of 2

      Arnelos> the two techs we DESPERATELY need are Industrialization and The Corporation... Replaceable Parts wouldn't hurt
      Arnelos> but we don't need RP until we massupgrade rifles to inf
      Arnelos> and cats to arty
      DeepO> poly is dead slow
      DeepO> so this will take a while
      DeepO> I know where to look, though
      DeepO> techs: indus is a problem
      DeepO> but is it really worth paying GoW for 4 or 5 turns gain?
      DeepO> and RP: no need to, we don't have any rubber anyway
      Arnelos> heh - that sucks
      DeepO> so that can wait until the NDA runs out (18 turns, I believe)
      DeepO> yeah
      Arnelos> what are you going to use to invade.... just rifles?
      DeepO> no saltpeter, and no rubber...
      DeepO> no way!
      Arnelos> I sure hope you have oil
      DeepO> we need to get GoW to give us rubber
      Arnelos> with all of that desert
      Arnelos> ah
      DeepO> but no diplo contact has been made regarding that
      Arnelos> hmm.... I talk to MZ all of the time
      DeepO> if we don't have oil, this game has turned rediciulous
      DeepO> you know, it would be an idea if you could talk them up about this
      DeepO> as diplomtically, we're still not shining
      Arnelos> the only liability would be that I know Togas' had a policy of wishing to obscure the EXTENT of our alliance
      DeepO> not that I want to say our ambassadors aren't doing nice jobs, but there seem to be very little chatting going on
      Arnelos> I'm not sure how worthwhile that is at this point
      DeepO> as to our alliance: everybody assumes total dependence
      Arnelos> yes
      DeepO> which isn't true, BTW
      Arnelos> it is
      DeepO> bah, not really
      Arnelos> we're going to give you our money, you guys are protecting us and providing us tech
      DeepO> we welcome your independence
      Arnelos> lol
      Arnelos> well, we're going to give you guys what money we can
      DeepO> okay, that's true
      DeepO> but that doesn't keep you from leading your own lives (in the PTWDG)
      Arnelos> in a way, true
      Arnelos> point is... I'd be more than willing to run diplomacy for you guys
      Arnelos> hell... would give us something useful to do
      DeepO> in that context, you guys have a lot more fun in chatting with other teams then we do
      DeepO> let me ask about this in our forum
      DeepO> I would welcome it
      Arnelos> the only problem is that you and I would have to remain in VERY close contact
      DeepO> but that's just me
      DeepO> and I'm far from the team, I only play turns
      DeepO> that could be a problem indeed
      Arnelos> btw... we should be trading WMs each turn... I know you guys give us WMs, but I guess we should be giving them back
      DeepO> well, you were
      Arnelos> ah
      DeepO> I found the PM
      Arnelos> o
      DeepO> and am copying it now
      Arnelos> *ok
      Arnelos> ok, thanks
      DeepO> I'm checking if any other things are in there, somewhere
      DeepO> (PM has been sent, btw)
      Arnelos> ok
      Arnelos> I'll get it in a bit
      Arnelos> (not on 'poly right now)
      DeepO> anything else: just ask, like always
      DeepO> corp won't be a problem, once we can give you indus
      DeepO> as we researched that one ourselves
      DeepO> so that's yours at first opportunity
      Arnelos> right
      Arnelos> how many turns until the Indus NTA is up again?
      DeepO> oh, and for counting purposes, I'm currentyl playing 205
      DeepO> erh... one sec
      DeepO> until 216
      DeepO> so you can have it on 217
      DeepO> being 12 turns from now
      Arnelos> ick
      Arnelos> well, at least that gives time for me to set up pre-builds
      DeepO> Medicine before then, but that won't help you at all
      Arnelos> :shrug: it's one more tech we don't have yet
      DeepO> what was the eta of GoW? it should be very similar
      DeepO> it's not that nice for you
      Arnelos> MZ claimed that their NTA expires before your's does because Lego gave it to them sooner
      DeepO> but the most efficient thing to do...
      DeepO> could be, but it could at most be 2 or 3 turns
      Arnelos> btw... I have an idea...
      DeepO> 2, I think
      DeepO> yes?
      Arnelos> oh, wait, that won't work
      Arnelos> nevermind
      Arnelos> stupid trade screen
      DeepO> oh, did I responded on the WM issue already?
      DeepO> we'll send it to you
      DeepO> and it would be good to send yours as well
      Arnelos> right
      Arnelos> will do
      DeepO> from time to time we check up on how the others are doing with their RRing
      Arnelos> btw, MZ is in chat right now
      DeepO> we're very definately first
      DeepO> MZ in chat: problem is I don't get onto 'poly
      Arnelos> GoW seemed to be doing well with RR's... Lego and ND seem well behind
      DeepO> GoW is okay
      DeepO> not superb
      Arnelos> yeah
      DeepO> Lego is doing silly things
      DeepO> like mining hills when they can mine plains as well
      DeepO> which is a lot more effecient
      DeepO> I mean RRing plains, of course
      Arnelos> right
      Arnelos> RR+mine on plains is pretty good
      Arnelos> only problem is food
      DeepO> as long as they have their territory RRed once we get there, it's okay
      Arnelos> if you have enough workers, you irrigate first... build up population, then mine over it and use sea and coastal tiles for the food
      DeepO> nothing keeps them from doing the same as us: we don't have any foodsurplus
      DeepO> we use worker pmups
      Arnelos> right
      Arnelos> that works better if you have enough cities
      DeepO> not really
      Arnelos> err, enough worker pumps
      DeepO> you can problably do the same
      DeepO> you still have one location that would benefit from a city
      DeepO> I thought it was on the hill next to El Paso
      DeepO> one of your unis is covering it
      DeepO> but that can very easily be fixed
      DeepO> and any city below size 6 can become a worker pump with RRs around
      Arnelos> you mean the incense tile?
      DeepO> let me cehck
      DeepO> I'm half way through production
      DeepO> give me 2 minutes, pls
      Arnelos> ok
      DeepO> (prolly less)
      DeepO> much less
      DeepO> was the last build
      DeepO> yes, the incense hill
      Arnelos> I could use San Diego as a worker pump to fuel the growth of Santa Barbara and San Antonio once they have Aqueducts... but El Paso and Monterrey are basically maxed out
      Arnelos> well, El Paso has more room
      Arnelos> but it will just be specialists
      DeepO> you still have some space there, right?
      Arnelos> ocean space, yes
      Arnelos> no land space
      Arnelos> using all tiles
      DeepO> okay
      DeepO> in that case, it would only help in commerce
      DeepO> in general, one more city is one won, though
      DeepO> even if it will be tiny for a while
      DeepO> but you check it out... it was only some hint
      DeepO> in case you want us to move for a settler, just say so, and we're gone
      Arnelos> I'll have to look at the impact on El Paso... I think that would knock the city below 20 spt until factories
      Arnelos> unless I re-worked the MM to shift some from Monterrey
      DeepO> including mines on currently irr plains? in that case, it would not be ideal
      Arnelos> all plains within range of El Paso are already mined
      Arnelos> El Paso is completely improved
      Arnelos> correction!
      DeepO> if the question would be either one less specialist somewhere, against an extra city...
      DeepO> yes
      DeepO> one more tile to go
      Arnelos> if you mine those hills, I'll pick up a few extra shields
      DeepO> RR, right?
      Arnelos> sorry, yes, RR
      DeepO> mining has already be done
      Arnelos> ok
      Arnelos> I hate losing one of my most productive tiles, though
      DeepO> it wouldn't be lost
      Arnelos> that incense tile would be great for El Paso once we get factories up... once RR'd, it's even better
      DeepO> just transformed
      Arnelos> it won't be boosted by a factory for a long time
      DeepO> well, yes, it's your choice
      Arnelos> I'll look at it
      DeepO> it was just something to keep in mind
      DeepO> I don't have all the info, of course
      DeepO> you have....
      Arnelos> the question is the extra commerce versus having those extra shields in El Paso if it matters for certain SPT totals or for after we get a factory up there
      DeepO> in case I've got extra workers
      DeepO> where do you want me to let them go first?
      Arnelos> Santa Barbara-9 hill was needed first
      Arnelos> (RR)
      DeepO> SB 9... I'll try to do this right away.
      Arnelos> the other hills aren't as critical right now
      Arnelos> but eventually, yes
      DeepO> okay..
      Arnelos> WB-8 would be nice
      Arnelos> would speed up the aqueduct
      DeepO> well, we're looking at most at 3 turns before everything would be RRed
      Arnelos> right
      DeepO> WB?
      Arnelos> sorry
      Arnelos> SB
      DeepO> ah
      Arnelos> San Diego-2 would also be great
      Arnelos> same reason
      Arnelos> San Antonio-2 as well
      DeepO> will try to do so...
      DeepO> if you've got 10 minutes time, you can know the results
      Arnelos> once those are RR'd, then we look at mining over irrigated plains... but the TIMING will be key... I'd like to micro-manage the timing so we speed both growth and builds
      DeepO> mining over irrigation: I prefer to do this first
      DeepO> and we've got a surplus of workers
      DeepO> so your workers are excellent to fill cities with
      DeepO> no need for normal growth, if you acn avoid it
      DeepO> we might even decide to give ou our workers, once we don't know what to do with them anymore
      DeepO> dropped a few letters, but you know what I mean
      Arnelos> well, your workers are much more efficient than ours, I think
      Arnelos> despite us getting the Dem bonus
      Arnelos> you get RP and Ind bonuses
      Arnelos> keep 'em native for now
      DeepO> of course
      DeepO> only once the improvement is done
      DeepO> the only reason you need workers is if you want to forest-deforest tiles for the bonus
      Arnelos> btw... I have a question... the timing of improvements... when you mine over a tile before us in the turn order, that means we get the tile AS MINED rather than as it was on our turn, right?
      DeepO> (and don't tell this to anyone, but we're going to use that very extensively)
      DeepO> yes
      DeepO> AFAIK
      Arnelos> I thought the forest/deforst exploit had been removed in PTW?
      DeepO> what exploit?
      DeepO> you can only do it once per tile
      Arnelos> forest/deforst continuously... it only works the FIRST time you forest, IIRC
      DeepO> bvut that's okay... every tile will do it once
      Arnelos> ok, right
      Arnelos> only once
      DeepO> yes
      DeepO> but for our territory, that's an extra 800 shields
      Arnelos> nice
      DeepO> so... if used well, 3200 gold won on rushes
      Arnelos> very nice
      DeepO> you also have plenty of tiles that could do this
      DeepO> but it is even more iomportant to plan
      DeepO> and whatch out, as some of your territory was already forested once
      DeepO> so won't give the bonus
      Arnelos> perhaps that could be done to speed up factory builds once we're ready for that... but, then again, I have plenty of time. The only places where it would be really needed are for Santa Barbara, San Diego, and San Antonio (which have lower SPT's and not as many improvements)
      DeepO> I think I can provide you guys with a map, but maybe you've got one yourself
      Arnelos> I could use such a map if you have one
      DeepO> very importantly: we can't do it for you
      Arnelos> right, I know
      Arnelos> we'd have to build the workers
      DeepO> we can't chop
      DeepO> yes
      DeepO> map: let me check for our first map with Vox territory
      DeepO> e-mail address pls?
      DeepO> one sec
      Arnelos> btw... why do you have a galleon sitting off of our coast?
      DeepO> ah, it was meant as protection
      DeepO> that while you removed your portion of the sea wall
      DeepO> we could spot possible invaders
      Arnelos> right
      DeepO> but you were too impatient, and removed them before we were able to spot them
      Arnelos> I've got a worker up there because we have 5 and only 4 are useful at a time
      DeepO> it has been patrolling the area for a few turns now
      Arnelos> El Paso and Monterrey both complete units in 2 turns... we can fill gaps then
      Arnelos> El Paso builds 1 rifle every 4 turns... Monterrey is at 1 conq ever 3 turns
      Arnelos> well, I gotta take off
      DeepO> okay
      Arnelos> good to finally chat with you about this stuff
      DeepO> found the screenshot
      Arnelos> get back to me on the diplomacy stuff
      DeepO> let's try to keep it up
      Arnelos> definately
      DeepO> I will
      Arnelos> I'll idle in here so I can post an altered log later
      Arnelos> cya
      DeepO> cya!
      * Arnelos is now known as Arnelos_AWAY
      DeepO> okay, just mentioning that I sent you the screen shot.
      DeepO> I will post RR moves once their done
      DeepO> *they're
      DeepO> damn phonetic English of me
      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • Chat with MZ:

        MasterZen> btw, the team was a bit uneasy about trading RP for Nav and on top of that another tech for the wines
        MasterZen> RP = 140 cost, Navigation = 56
        Arnelos> the luxury is worth a hell of a lot more than RP
        Arnelos> Nav is, granted, not worth all that much
        MasterZen> that's the thing, we could probably just buy Nav from someone else :S
        MasterZen> the only option is to trade Medicine and Sanitation for Nav + Lux
        MasterZen> no way in hell they're going to allow Medicine and RP for Nav + Lux. First case is 190 cost, second case is 240 cost
        MasterZen> so, your call. I'm done with the save, just need your input on this before I hit "end turn"
        Arnelos> hit "end turn"
        Arnelos> I can't get back to you on that fast enough anyhow
        MasterZen> ok
        MasterZen> I sent you Medicine + wines unaccepted anyhow
        Arnelos> btw, DeepO mentioned to me the other night that they'd like to contact you guys about working out a deal for Rubber with them. He said the obvious problem was that he's never in chat (I played chatroom phone tag with him for over a week and a half before FINALLY getting him in chat)
        MasterZen> lol
        MasterZen> ok
        MasterZen> I'll PM them
        Arnelos> I figure we're all in the same boat if we really want to stop Lego
        Man, I'm bull****ting him, he's bull****ting me. Total result of chat: this is going no-where fast.

        We might be able to get one tech out of them for Navigation, which wouldn't be such a bad idea. Perhaps we can agree to SELL the tech since we already know we're going to get everything from GS for free anyhow?

        Besides, I'd like the idea of selling GoW a tech so that we have more money to use in helping GS to shoot ahead in tech. GoW funding the GS/RP technology machine... I love it.

        Granted, we'll probably only get pocket change out of them, but it'll be worth something at least...

        I guess I know what I'll bring up to DeepO the next time I talk to him.
        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


        • To DeepO after I played the 900 AD Turn:


          A few things to note on the turn:

          1. I sent you Navigation, our WM, and 400 gold (accepted). We are now making 85 gpt, which will increase very soon since we complete 2 aqueducts next turn and another in 3 turns after that. The additional population will be placed on coastal and sea tiles, giving us more money to send to you.

          2. This leads me to ask about what to do with these cities next. Banks would increase the amount of money we could send to you or have available for our own upgrades or rushes. Military units would be nice to start building. Cathedrals would let the cities raise their populations higher without having to use specialists (probably what I'll build first before the other choices, but that still leaves what to do after that). Factory pre-builds might be good to start in preparation for receiving Industrialization.

          3. I moved one of our catapults on the unit wall away from San Antonio-2 since that's the tile we had covered and you couldn't build an RR on. Since that city will complete its aqueduct this turn, I'd like it to have the additional shields for whatever I decide to build next there.

          4. GoW sent us Replaceable Parts, Medicine, and Wines (all unaccepted). MZ sent me a message that they'd like to make the deal for incense and Navigation. I'm inclinced, after our conversation, to turn him down. However, I did have an idea. If GoW would be willing to pay MONEY at least for Navigation, it may be valuable to accept such a deal so that our alliance has at least a little bit more money available for research.

          5. I mentioned to MZ in chat that you guys had wanted to contact them about making a deal for rubber, but that you're never in chat. I mentioned to him that since it took me almost two weeks to schedule a chat with you, I'm not surprised if he has trouble too and it might just be better to PM you. I hope that helps.

          That should be all for now. Let me know about anything regarding the above or other issues you'd like to raise.

          - Arnelos
          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


          • Response by DeepO...

            Regarding building choices:

            If possible, factory prebuilds would be best. If that's too soon (as the prebuild would complete before we can give you indus), perhaps units. The sooner you will have factories, the better. Of course, this is only necessary where you have a decent spt, but I guess all your cities will be able to get 10 spt before factories, which more then justifies one. The only exception I see is if you can get a worker pump going, thus mining all possible plains, and count on that pump for growth.
            Regarding the one un-RR'd tile:

            I'll try to fit it in. However, as your aquaduct will complete there even without the RR, we do have another turn to RR it, if that would be better from our side. Don't be alarmed if it is not done next turn, it will be done in 2 turns for sure.
            Regarding the GoW Tech deal:

            Agreed. However, there is something else we've been discussing in forum, which might help. See below.
            Regarding Alliance diplomacy:

            It will... CH sent him a PM on this yesterday, I think, and he hasn't responded yet... chat is difficult for us (I can't connect to 'poly, others simply never chat)


            Well, there is one extra issue: we talked about RP taking some of our diplomatic stuff out of our hands in chat, and I posted that to the board. So far, the response has only been positive. It depends a bit on how far we would want to take this, so I'm certainly not in the position to just say: go ahead, and do as you please, but a lot of interesting ideas have come forward. Are you still interested in this, and would you by any chance of some kind of framework in which this works?

            One idea that we've been playing with is that for instance we give you a tech to sell, and you broker it in our name. Or that we ask you to get some rubber for our alliance, and you do what you please do secure some. We're not ready yet to simply give all our diplomtic stuff out of our hands. (even if we fully agree your team is a lot better in this then we are) There are still a lot of problems to be overcome, and a lot of agreements on how we would see these things to be made (and this will not happen in one week time, I'm sure), but any input from you in this discussion would be greatly appreciated. One thing: we better get some kind of mutual agreement on this in place, before we ask other teams if they would accept it... at least to keep the public forum quiet.

            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


            • Sent to Vox with the turn:

              Rhothaerill and Beta,

              Our deal for horses should expire at the end of this turn. We would like to continue the deal. If you can offer us horses on your turn as we offer you the gpt payment on our next turn (and accept deal), the deal should be renewed on your next turn when you accept.

              Please contact me via PM or e-mail if you have anything about that or another subject to discuss.

              - Arnelos
              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


              • Response from Rhothaerill of Vox Controli:

                The horse deal hasn't ended yet so I couldn't attach it this turn. It will
                actually go until next turn. After that though we should be able to
                re-attach the horses for a new deal. :-)

                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                • Wow... a message from Darekill of ND:

                  Hi Arnelos,
                  From this turn on I'll be in charge to do the turns for ND.
                  I'd like to talk to you about possible trades.

                  Here is what we can offer:

                  Medicine and Military Tradition.
                  Spices and Ivory.

                  Are you interested in any of these Techs or resources?

                  Greetings Darekill Primeminister of ND
                  Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                  Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                  7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                  • Spices and Ivory

                    Pretty soon they'll be adding SILKS to that list too.


                    Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                    Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                    Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                    Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                    • From Darekill:

                      Hi Arnelos,
                      since you did not respond to our tradeproposal I think you just do not need or want to trade with us. I understand that in the light of the events that

                      happened in this game.

                      Should you change your mind about it, just let us know.

                      Greetings Darekill Prime Minister of ND
                      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                      • My response:

                        Actually, I've just haven't been terribly active over the past 48 hours because of RL events. I did post your message in the RP Team forum, though.

                        We ARE interested in a trade (Togas already commented on the possibility). My apologies on the delay. We'll get back to you about it hopefully soon.

                        - Arnelos
                        So... uh... what ARE we intending to tell them, anyways?
                        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                        • Tell them to jam it up their arse.. or whatever. Go ahead and take something cheep from them, in the hopes that we will be able to stab them soon.
                          If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                          • from GS:

                            just a quick message that next turn, you will receive Industrialization from us. We're not sure if there won't be another option to get it, but could you start a 1-scientist approach to espionage? There have been talks about getting the tech elsewhere (ND), but nothing has been decided yet.

                            The turn after, you will get Corporation, and one turn later Refining. rep Parts is not so close, and sanitation. But in case we need it, we can ask GoW if we can give it to you sooner.

                            update on techs: we just finished Combustion. Please build enough conqs to fill 1 or 2 boats, ready for deployment in some 20 turns. Other then that, it would be a good idea to build rifles, Lego is at worst 9 turns from Marines (GoW also something like that, but they're waiting for our techs first)

                            Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                            Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                            Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                            Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                            • Ah, good, so GS is going to give us Ind soon...
                              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                              • From Krill of GS:

                                Hi Arnelos,

                                I'm calling to inform you of Gathering Storms change in Foreign affairs program.

                                I'm now the Minister of foreign affairs, and I've been told to act as your contact for GS.

                                Now the two other items of this PM are that we are going to send you Industrialisation in turn 217(c. 1010 AD), and to update you on our plans about Lego.

                                At the moment we are still planning where to hit them, or even the compostition of our forces. Some people want to drop about 30 infantry onto a mountain and watch Lego commit suicide against them, while others want to use the marines to capture a city. I'll PM you again when we have the plan sorted out, and more of the team back to help out. We are leaning towards an attack with marines around Quanto mechanico, and then guuting them by taking out their FP .

                                We are still going to require you conquistadors for pillaging, but we were wondering where you had got the horses from? Vox? If you let the deal run its' course, we will gift you horses. The only thing we want you to do (on a separate issue) is to sell Nav to bob.

                                - krill
                                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

