Chat between myself and DeepO of GS (finally!!!):
Arnelos> !!
Arnelos> DeepO
DeepO> hello!
DeepO> at long last
Arnelos> glad you have your name on your highlight
Arnelos> anyhow
DeepO> ah, was checking regularly
DeepO> yes... I am playing the turn now
Arnelos> ah
DeepO> so any changes can be made instantly
DeepO> as to tech: many of the things you discussed with GoW can be given by us
Arnelos> btw, I did a 4 gold short rush (1 shield) last turn that sped up our aqueduct in I think it was Santa Barbara by a whole turn :mad skillzzz:
Arnelos> I've been working on planning that out, actually
Arnelos> anyhow...
DeepO> and I don't know about timing, but if anything is really necessary for you, you need to go ahead, of course
Arnelos> diplomacy stuff...
DeepO> yes please
DeepO> first things first
Arnelos> Need to know what to do about getting us some tech
DeepO> it would of course be best if you improve your relationship with GoW
Arnelos> yes, that too
Arnelos> we would very much like to do so
DeepO> that in itself is the biggest motivation right now
Arnelos> they are interested in purchasing Navigation, which would be a start
DeepO> as the techs are not critical
DeepO> yes, but as explained in the PM
DeepO> the lux deal they're suggesting doesn't do our alliance any good
Arnelos> the incense you guys would like
DeepO> gems, I think you mean
Arnelos> the lux deal might be worthwhile if GoW has a tech we really need
Arnelos> and you guys are NTA-bound
DeepO> it is a 1000 gold deal!
DeepO> for 1000 gold, they can give more then that
Arnelos> yes, we could haggle it up
DeepO> as to NTA: they have the same ones from Lego as us
Arnelos> point is, if they're willing to do it and they really want the lux, we can haggle for techs
DeepO> and that's important
DeepO> well, yes, but no offense, we need the lux more then you need the techs.
Arnelos> right
Arnelos> agreed on that. I just didn't realize you guys needed it
DeepO> not right now
DeepO> but we need them to push further and get the geams
DeepO> gems
DeepO> as once we're on the offensive, we will need it
Arnelos> btw... how soon can we get our hill tiles RR'd?
DeepO> we will lose the Lego lux
DeepO> hills: this turn, perhaps.
DeepO> I will start on it
DeepO> but am still doing the last of ours...
Arnelos> the mountains are non-critical, but one of the hills tiles (I forget which) would be really useful for the SPD value of El Paso, I think it was
DeepO> in many cities, this would mean 1-turn rifles instead of 2-turn...
DeepO> wouldn't you need mines as well?
Arnelos> yes
DeepO> these are a lot easier to get in between
Arnelos> but there are already mines on the hills
DeepO> they only cost us 2 worker-turns
Arnelos> no mines on the mountains yet
DeepO> well, I mean on the plains
Arnelos> oh, yes
Arnelos> I've been mining those myself
DeepO> ah, okay
DeepO> we're quite figureing out all this worker stuff
DeepO> well, I am at least
Arnelos> of course, once we get our aqueducts done, I'll want to the extra food for a pop boost...then mine over tiles and use the sea and coastal tiles as the breadbasket
DeepO> which means sometimes 1 worker extra or less can make a big difference
DeepO> okay, if you got any planning on that, let me know
DeepO> currently, we've got close to 50 workers running around
Arnelos> nice
DeepO> industrial
DeepO> and with rep parts
Arnelos> the thing we need most is mines and RR's on the hill tiles
DeepO> okay...
DeepO> I'll see what I can do this turn
Arnelos> ok
DeepO> otherwise that should be done next turn
DeepO> fortresses will come later on
Arnelos> right
DeepO> no need for those right now
Arnelos> we'll need those by the time of Amphib Assault... a ways off, thankfully
DeepO> further: as to defense
DeepO> amphib is not that far off anymore
DeepO> we're expecting it in something like 25 turns
DeepO> maybe less
DeepO> by that time, we will need infs on those hills and mountains of yours
Arnelos> I was under the impression that the techs currently being researched are Steel, Refining, Communism, Espionage, Atomic Theory, etc.
DeepO> as well as in your cities
DeepO> AT and electronics are ours
Arnelos> ok
Arnelos> nice
DeepO> further we're close to finishing refining
DeepO> and GoW is doing Steel
Arnelos> you guys building Hoovers, I take it?
Arnelos> (or built?)
DeepO> we need them to split research later on
Arnelos> I haven't looked at F7
DeepO> Hoovers: next turn it completes
Arnelos> NICE!
DeepO> and don't give this info, please
Arnelos> no problem
DeepO> well, it's not that important, we need factories in many cities
Arnelos> right
DeepO> and the cost of Hoover (800 shields), is enough to provide for 4 or 5 power plants...
Arnelos> seems that you guys are ahead in tech, then
DeepO> yes we are
DeepO> and we're going to keep that up for as long as possible
DeepO> we need it to invade Lego
Arnelos> btw... our GPT deal runs out this turn
Arnelos> how much do you want us to renew for?
DeepO> and we need to give techs to GoW, so we can both attack them with tanks
Arnelos> lemme look at the last save
DeepO> gtp deal: as much as you can spare
Arnelos> ok
Arnelos> we have a lot
DeepO> right now, we've got a small treasury
Arnelos> building our cities up has given us a lot more money
DeepO> but we're going to burn most of that on combustion
DeepO> yes, that was the plan
DeepO> we're lacking in the gold department
Arnelos> we can help there
DeepO> and if we want to attack Lego, we're going to need all the units we can get
DeepO> that would be superb
Arnelos> The only issue I'm tackling right now is scheduling shortrushes
Arnelos> if I can still do those while sending you as much gold as we can, I will
DeepO> if all your cities have markets / banks, please build rifles
DeepO> thanks
DeepO> or conqs
Arnelos> in fact... it may be better to provide 1-turn gifts rather than 20-turn deals
DeepO> that's fine by us
DeepO> the 20 turn deals are only because otherwise we need to do it every turn
DeepO> we would love you to be present in an invasion of Lego
DeepO> would that be fine with you guys?
DeepO> primary tasks: pillaging and firing your GA if you want
DeepO> primary forces: conqs, nothing else
Arnelos> our net income, not counting us paying you, is 124 gpt
DeepO> wow, that's sweet
DeepO> we only get something like 400, after upkeep
Arnelos> ok
DeepO> bpt, though is something else
Arnelos> we've been paying Vox for certain techs such as Democracy, though
DeepO> yeah, but that is also something strange
DeepO> democracy is something we don't have
Arnelos> oh?
DeepO> and won't need either
Arnelos> interesting
Arnelos> sticking with Republic?
DeepO> so once your NDA runs out, send it our way
Arnelos> no problem
DeepO> yes... we're planning for war
Arnelos> right
DeepO> and frankly, we need every tuyrn we can get
DeepO> in 12-13 turns time, we're going to mobilize as well
Arnelos> we're currently paying Vox 5 gpt for Democracy... I think that just wore off
DeepO> once most essential builds are out of the way
Arnelos> we're also paying them 5 gpt for horses... if they only knew how rich we are
DeepO> that's not the baddest deal either
DeepO> horses: stop that at first possibility
DeepO> you can get them for free from us
Arnelos> we need 'em for conqs
Arnelos> oh?
Arnelos> you have 2 sources?
DeepO> yeah, but we don't need them
DeepO> no, only one
Arnelos> oh
Arnelos> ok, will do
DeepO> but we're not building horses
Arnelos> lemme see when that wears off
Arnelos> heh.. next turn
Arnelos> that's 10 gpt freed up
DeepO> the moment I'll see I can send them, I will
Arnelos> ok
DeepO> (2 turns, most likely)
Arnelos> we'll need 'em for conqs
Arnelos> Monterrey will finish a conq in 2 turns
DeepO> and we need conqs
DeepO> nice..
Arnelos> in fact, I've got Monterrey on 3-turn conqs now
DeepO> also something else: as much as possible, don't disband units
Arnelos> I can't see why we would
DeepO> because once the cities and hills are defended, it can still pay to have obsolete units defending flat coast
DeepO> well, for rushing, of course
Arnelos> ah
Arnelos> they're not worth it for taht
Arnelos> we don't have enough military... we need every mil unit we can get
DeepO> no, but in many cases they'r not worht upgrading either
DeepO> agree
DeepO> for us the same, btw
Arnelos> ok... next turn we should have 410 gold in the bank and an income of ~90 GPT
Arnelos> I'll try to figure what shortrushes we need in the near future and send you guys the rest
DeepO> did you found the last PM, regarding NDAs?
DeepO> thanks
Arnelos> no
DeepO> oh, and we're so far not shortrushing anything
DeepO> I'll try to dig it up
DeepO> one sec
Arnelos> DeepO
DeepO> hello!
DeepO> at long last

Arnelos> glad you have your name on your highlight
Arnelos> anyhow
DeepO> ah, was checking regularly
DeepO> yes... I am playing the turn now
Arnelos> ah
DeepO> so any changes can be made instantly
DeepO> as to tech: many of the things you discussed with GoW can be given by us
Arnelos> btw, I did a 4 gold short rush (1 shield) last turn that sped up our aqueduct in I think it was Santa Barbara by a whole turn :mad skillzzz:

Arnelos> I've been working on planning that out, actually
Arnelos> anyhow...
DeepO> and I don't know about timing, but if anything is really necessary for you, you need to go ahead, of course
Arnelos> diplomacy stuff...
DeepO> yes please
DeepO> first things first

Arnelos> Need to know what to do about getting us some tech
DeepO> it would of course be best if you improve your relationship with GoW
Arnelos> yes, that too
Arnelos> we would very much like to do so
DeepO> that in itself is the biggest motivation right now
Arnelos> they are interested in purchasing Navigation, which would be a start
DeepO> as the techs are not critical
DeepO> yes, but as explained in the PM
DeepO> the lux deal they're suggesting doesn't do our alliance any good
Arnelos> the incense you guys would like
DeepO> gems, I think you mean
Arnelos> the lux deal might be worthwhile if GoW has a tech we really need
Arnelos> and you guys are NTA-bound
DeepO> it is a 1000 gold deal!
DeepO> for 1000 gold, they can give more then that
Arnelos> yes, we could haggle it up
DeepO> as to NTA: they have the same ones from Lego as us
Arnelos> point is, if they're willing to do it and they really want the lux, we can haggle for techs
DeepO> and that's important
DeepO> well, yes, but no offense, we need the lux more then you need the techs.
Arnelos> right
Arnelos> agreed on that. I just didn't realize you guys needed it
DeepO> not right now
DeepO> but we need them to push further and get the geams
DeepO> gems
DeepO> as once we're on the offensive, we will need it
Arnelos> btw... how soon can we get our hill tiles RR'd?
DeepO> we will lose the Lego lux
DeepO> hills: this turn, perhaps.
DeepO> I will start on it
DeepO> but am still doing the last of ours...
Arnelos> the mountains are non-critical, but one of the hills tiles (I forget which) would be really useful for the SPD value of El Paso, I think it was
DeepO> in many cities, this would mean 1-turn rifles instead of 2-turn...
DeepO> wouldn't you need mines as well?
Arnelos> yes
DeepO> these are a lot easier to get in between
Arnelos> but there are already mines on the hills
DeepO> they only cost us 2 worker-turns
Arnelos> no mines on the mountains yet
DeepO> well, I mean on the plains
Arnelos> oh, yes
Arnelos> I've been mining those myself
DeepO> ah, okay
DeepO> we're quite figureing out all this worker stuff
DeepO> well, I am at least

Arnelos> of course, once we get our aqueducts done, I'll want to the extra food for a pop boost...then mine over tiles and use the sea and coastal tiles as the breadbasket
DeepO> which means sometimes 1 worker extra or less can make a big difference
DeepO> okay, if you got any planning on that, let me know
DeepO> currently, we've got close to 50 workers running around
Arnelos> nice
DeepO> industrial
DeepO> and with rep parts
Arnelos> the thing we need most is mines and RR's on the hill tiles
DeepO> okay...
DeepO> I'll see what I can do this turn
Arnelos> ok
DeepO> otherwise that should be done next turn
DeepO> fortresses will come later on
Arnelos> right
DeepO> no need for those right now
Arnelos> we'll need those by the time of Amphib Assault... a ways off, thankfully
DeepO> further: as to defense
DeepO> amphib is not that far off anymore
DeepO> we're expecting it in something like 25 turns
DeepO> maybe less
DeepO> by that time, we will need infs on those hills and mountains of yours
Arnelos> I was under the impression that the techs currently being researched are Steel, Refining, Communism, Espionage, Atomic Theory, etc.
DeepO> as well as in your cities
DeepO> AT and electronics are ours
Arnelos> ok
Arnelos> nice
DeepO> further we're close to finishing refining
DeepO> and GoW is doing Steel
Arnelos> you guys building Hoovers, I take it?
Arnelos> (or built?)
DeepO> we need them to split research later on
Arnelos> I haven't looked at F7
DeepO> Hoovers: next turn it completes
Arnelos> NICE!
DeepO> and don't give this info, please

Arnelos> no problem
DeepO> well, it's not that important, we need factories in many cities
Arnelos> right
DeepO> and the cost of Hoover (800 shields), is enough to provide for 4 or 5 power plants...
Arnelos> seems that you guys are ahead in tech, then
DeepO> yes we are
DeepO> and we're going to keep that up for as long as possible
DeepO> we need it to invade Lego
Arnelos> btw... our GPT deal runs out this turn
Arnelos> how much do you want us to renew for?
DeepO> and we need to give techs to GoW, so we can both attack them with tanks
Arnelos> lemme look at the last save
DeepO> gtp deal: as much as you can spare
Arnelos> ok
Arnelos> we have a lot
DeepO> right now, we've got a small treasury
Arnelos> building our cities up has given us a lot more money
DeepO> but we're going to burn most of that on combustion
DeepO> yes, that was the plan
DeepO> we're lacking in the gold department
Arnelos> we can help there
DeepO> and if we want to attack Lego, we're going to need all the units we can get
DeepO> that would be superb
Arnelos> The only issue I'm tackling right now is scheduling shortrushes
Arnelos> if I can still do those while sending you as much gold as we can, I will
DeepO> if all your cities have markets / banks, please build rifles
DeepO> thanks
DeepO> or conqs
Arnelos> in fact... it may be better to provide 1-turn gifts rather than 20-turn deals
DeepO> that's fine by us
DeepO> the 20 turn deals are only because otherwise we need to do it every turn
DeepO> we would love you to be present in an invasion of Lego
DeepO> would that be fine with you guys?
DeepO> primary tasks: pillaging and firing your GA if you want
DeepO> primary forces: conqs, nothing else
Arnelos> our net income, not counting us paying you, is 124 gpt
DeepO> wow, that's sweet
DeepO> we only get something like 400, after upkeep
Arnelos> ok
DeepO> bpt, though is something else

Arnelos> we've been paying Vox for certain techs such as Democracy, though
DeepO> yeah, but that is also something strange
DeepO> democracy is something we don't have
Arnelos> oh?
DeepO> and won't need either
Arnelos> interesting
Arnelos> sticking with Republic?
DeepO> so once your NDA runs out, send it our way

Arnelos> no problem
DeepO> yes... we're planning for war
Arnelos> right
DeepO> and frankly, we need every tuyrn we can get
DeepO> in 12-13 turns time, we're going to mobilize as well
Arnelos> we're currently paying Vox 5 gpt for Democracy... I think that just wore off
DeepO> once most essential builds are out of the way
Arnelos> we're also paying them 5 gpt for horses... if they only knew how rich we are
DeepO> that's not the baddest deal either

DeepO> horses: stop that at first possibility
DeepO> you can get them for free from us
Arnelos> we need 'em for conqs
Arnelos> oh?
Arnelos> you have 2 sources?
DeepO> yeah, but we don't need them
DeepO> no, only one
Arnelos> oh
Arnelos> ok, will do
DeepO> but we're not building horses
Arnelos> lemme see when that wears off
Arnelos> heh.. next turn

Arnelos> that's 10 gpt freed up
DeepO> the moment I'll see I can send them, I will
Arnelos> ok
DeepO> (2 turns, most likely)
Arnelos> we'll need 'em for conqs
Arnelos> Monterrey will finish a conq in 2 turns
DeepO> and we need conqs

DeepO> nice..
Arnelos> in fact, I've got Monterrey on 3-turn conqs now
DeepO> also something else: as much as possible, don't disband units
Arnelos> I can't see why we would

DeepO> because once the cities and hills are defended, it can still pay to have obsolete units defending flat coast
DeepO> well, for rushing, of course
Arnelos> ah
Arnelos> they're not worth it for taht
Arnelos> we don't have enough military... we need every mil unit we can get
DeepO> no, but in many cases they'r not worht upgrading either
DeepO> agree
DeepO> for us the same, btw
Arnelos> ok... next turn we should have 410 gold in the bank and an income of ~90 GPT
Arnelos> I'll try to figure what shortrushes we need in the near future and send you guys the rest
DeepO> did you found the last PM, regarding NDAs?
DeepO> thanks
Arnelos> no
DeepO> oh, and we're so far not shortrushing anything
DeepO> I'll try to dig it up
DeepO> one sec