(as requested by Togas)
Glory of War
- GoW gave Lux Horseback Riding (believable)
- Lux promised not to trade on Horseback Riding to RP Team (believable)
- Lux was the party that insisted on techs not being traded on to other parties (possible)
- Lux insisted upon the trade being secret (possible)
- Lux generally insists in every PM and agreement that all correspondance and agreements be kept secret (questionable)
- GoW, ND, and Lux have made a "Technology Alliance" and Role-Play Team has been explicitly left out (extremely doubtful)
- RP Team was left out of the Technology Alliance on the sole basis of the cooling in relations with Glory of War (extremely doubtful - only possible if Lux was laughing their a--es off at GoW's stupidity for believing it)
- ND has agreed to let GoW forces through its territory (extremely doubtful)
- GoW intends to bee-line for Map Making so that they can settle an island to their West (doubtful)
- GoW does not intend to fight an early war, but is hoping to trade techs with the other teams on our continent to gain a technology edge over off-continent opponents and invade them (doubtful)
- Lux seems to have contact with Vox (confirmed by Vox)
Lux Invicta
- Lux is researching/researched Horseback Riding on its own (extremely doubtful)
- GoW never insisted upon Lux Invicta not passing on Horseback Riding to RP Team (extremely doubtful)
- Gow is preparing for war (questionable - and how on earth would Lux even know??? it's extremely dobutful that Lux would know this, but only questionable that it's not true)
- ND is amassing forces on its border with Lux (questionable - they very well MIGHT be doing it as a reaction against Lux's aggressiveness toward ND, the only thing making this remotely believable)
- ND has been the aggressor toward Lux Invicta and has made many aggressive gestures (extremely doubtful other than that it's believable as a REACTION what Lux has likely done)
Neu Demogyptica
- Lux followed their settler with a warrior very early in the game (believable)
- Lux has invaded ND's territory with a warrior near their capital (possible)
- ND is having to prepare war against Lux because of Lux's aggressiveness toward ND (believable)
- ND is considering asking for GoW's assistance against Lux even though ND doesn't trust GoW (believable)
- ND considers RP Team a friend (possible)
Vox Controli
- Vox has contact with Lux (extremely believable)
- Hopes to get Writing in the near future - presumably from GS (believable)
If there are claims I am forgetting, PLEASE remind me. I will add them to the lists.
(as requested by Togas)
Glory of War
- GoW gave Lux Horseback Riding (believable)
- Lux promised not to trade on Horseback Riding to RP Team (believable)
- Lux was the party that insisted on techs not being traded on to other parties (possible)
- Lux insisted upon the trade being secret (possible)
- Lux generally insists in every PM and agreement that all correspondance and agreements be kept secret (questionable)
- GoW, ND, and Lux have made a "Technology Alliance" and Role-Play Team has been explicitly left out (extremely doubtful)
- RP Team was left out of the Technology Alliance on the sole basis of the cooling in relations with Glory of War (extremely doubtful - only possible if Lux was laughing their a--es off at GoW's stupidity for believing it)
- ND has agreed to let GoW forces through its territory (extremely doubtful)
- GoW intends to bee-line for Map Making so that they can settle an island to their West (doubtful)
- GoW does not intend to fight an early war, but is hoping to trade techs with the other teams on our continent to gain a technology edge over off-continent opponents and invade them (doubtful)
- Lux seems to have contact with Vox (confirmed by Vox)
Lux Invicta
- Lux is researching/researched Horseback Riding on its own (extremely doubtful)
- GoW never insisted upon Lux Invicta not passing on Horseback Riding to RP Team (extremely doubtful)
- Gow is preparing for war (questionable - and how on earth would Lux even know??? it's extremely dobutful that Lux would know this, but only questionable that it's not true)
- ND is amassing forces on its border with Lux (questionable - they very well MIGHT be doing it as a reaction against Lux's aggressiveness toward ND, the only thing making this remotely believable)
- ND has been the aggressor toward Lux Invicta and has made many aggressive gestures (extremely doubtful other than that it's believable as a REACTION what Lux has likely done)
Neu Demogyptica
- Lux followed their settler with a warrior very early in the game (believable)
- Lux has invaded ND's territory with a warrior near their capital (possible)
- ND is having to prepare war against Lux because of Lux's aggressiveness toward ND (believable)
- ND is considering asking for GoW's assistance against Lux even though ND doesn't trust GoW (believable)
- ND considers RP Team a friend (possible)
Vox Controli
- Vox has contact with Lux (extremely believable)
- Hopes to get Writing in the near future - presumably from GS (believable)
If there are claims I am forgetting, PLEASE remind me. I will add them to the lists.