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Finalized Plan for Madrid (next ~30 turns)

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  • Finalized Plan for Madrid (next ~30 turns)

    FINAL PLAN FOR MADRID (Modified Plan B):

    Current WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game) - 5 shields, 2 food, 5 trade
    Start Temple (this was last turn)
    Finish Temple in 6 turns (30 shields)
    Pop expands to 3
    Start Worker
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
    Finish Worker in 2 turns (10 shields) - 8/20 food
    Pop drops to 2
    New WF: #3 (cows), #20 (wheat) - 3 shields, 4 food, 5 trade
    Start Spearman
    3 turns of Spearman production (9 shields)
    Pop expands to 3
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
    1 turn of Spearman production (5 shields)
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland) - 6 shields, 2 food, 6 trade
    Finish Spearman in 1 turn (6 shields)
    Start Spearman
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
    2 turns of spearman production (10 shields)
    Roading of #5 (game) tile completed by worker

    RESULT by 14 turns after Spearman Completion:
    - Temple (completed 6 turns after spearman)
    - Worker (completed 8 turns after spearman)
    - Spearman (completed 12 turns after spearman)
    - Spearman (10/20 shields 14 turns after spearman)
    - Spending 1 tax for Temple upkeep
    - Builds Regular Units
    - Need 20 food to expand population (14 food in storage)
    - Unrest trouble at Pop 6

    Finish spearman in 2 turns (10 shields)
    Pop expands to 4
    Start Settler
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 9 trade
    Finish settler in 5 turns (30 shields)
    Pop expands to 5
    Pop drops to 3
    Start Barracks
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 8 trade
    4 turns of Barracks production (20 shields)
    Forest in #14 chopped down by worker (10 shields)
    Luxury near Barcelona connected to Madrid by Worker
    1 turn of Barracks production (5 shields)
    Pop expands to 4
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 9 trade
    Finish Barracks in 1 turn (6 shields)
    Start Settler
    2 turns of settler production (12 shields)
    #14 (plains tile) roaded and irrigated by worker
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #14 (plains), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 10 trade
    2 turns of settler production (12 shields)
    Pop expands to 5
    New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #14 (plains), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 7 shields, 4 food, 11 trade
    Finish Settler in 1 turn (7 shields)
    Setter+Spearman Cycle: 8-9 turns
    Turns of Cycle in Unrest Risk: None
    1 extra spearman produced before start of cycle

    RESULT by 30 turns after Spearman Completion:
    - Temple (completed 6 turns after spearman)
    - Worker (completed 8 turns after spearman)
    - Spearman (completed 12 turns after spearman)
    - Spearman (completed 16 turns after spearman)
    - Settler (completed 21 turns after spearman)
    - Barracks (completed 27 turns after spearman)
    - Settler (completed 32 turns after spearman)
    - Experienced NO turns of unrest trouble
    - Spearman+Settler cycle is 8-9 turns
    - Spending 2 tax for Temple and Barracks upkeep
    - Builds Regular Units
    - Need 20 food to expand population
    - Unrest trouble at Pop 6
    - Made 222 trade over 30 turns
    - Spent 27 gold in taxes over 30 turns
    - Net Income 195 over 30 turns


    Integrating the work of the workers into the plans for Madrid allows for the construction of the Barracks at the same time as the forest in tile #14 is being chopped down to make way for irrigation and roads leading to Barcelona. This means that we would indeed build the 2 spearmen after the worker, which should be able to help defend us and then cover the lands to be taken by settlers from Madrid heading for sites #6 and #8. We'll get a THIRD regular spearman out of the deal as well, which can either defend Madrid or be donated to another city.

    The completion of the road to the luxury is even better for us, as it allows Madrid to expand all the way to Pop 6 without difficulty with Unrest. If we put a second military unit in Madrid, the city can go all the way to Pop 7 without trouble.

    My thoughts are that Madrid can pump out workers and military units upon completion of that second settler in Turn 32. Since the barracks will be complete, such military units will be veterans. Since population is in the range of 6 to 7 beyond that point, pumping out workers should be very easy.

    Best of all, the building of the road to Barcelona will even boost Madrid's trade. Madrid will make a NET of 12 more gold over the original 30 turn period of the Temple plan, and will make considerably more gold afterward due to the road and the population size gained by having the luxury to support it.

    This is starting to look really nice. I think we've optimized Madrid to the extent that it's possible at this point
    Last edited by Arnelos; January 25, 2003, 18:31.
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

  • #2
    Very good plan, Arnelos

    I hope I can do something similar for Barcelona in a few days.
    Hosting and playing the Civ4BtS APT
    Ex-Organizador y jugador de Civ4BtS Progressive Games


    • #3
      Gonernor Arnelos, I wonder if it wasn't be more benefical for Madrid to be connected with Barcelona (and thus get the luxury) before choping the forest.
      "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
      "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


      • #4
        Originally posted by oliverfa
        Gonernor Arnelos, I wonder if it wasn't be more benefical for Madrid to be connected with Barcelona (and thus get the luxury) before choping the forest.
        It was E_T's idea to chop the forest. He's drawn up the plans, so consult with him.

        I just took what E_T gave me and worked around it so that the chopping of the forest would be concurrent with Madrid working on a Barracks (so that the chopping speeds the barracks).

        So please check with E_T on that. If you guys decide to switch the plan, please consult with me so that I can alter the Madrid plan to take that into account (all three of us should discuss it together, though... considering that the PW plan directly impacts Madrid's development).
        Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
        Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
        7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


        • #5
          Governor Arnelos, I guess that I'm letting my vote for the barracks option in your pool about Madrid options influence my decisions. Even if I am a defensor of building temples to explote our religios trait I don't think it is so urgent for Madrid. Maybe with the luxury connected it would be enough so the temple and the barracks could be swapped and all these spearmans Madrid is about to produce would start as veterans instead of regulars, which would make a big difference.

          Of course, this is just an opinion, because the governor is the one that has its last word about what is built or not in his city. Also I think that the different oficials of the Spanish empire should coordinate their efforts, not leting their different opinions hurt the Empire. So if you feel like it is best for Madrid to clean the forest first I will order my slaves to do so.

          Anyway the first pan of the plan is common so the Madrid slaves are roading the game for sure.
          "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
          "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


          • #6
            Please first road the game (#5, as mentioned) and THEN clear the forest before then roading and irrigating that tile (#14).

            You will note that roading the game (#5), will help with what you've suggested.

            Please consult with E_T about his turn-by-turn suggestions. PLEASE let me know your finalized plan, however, so that if there are any changes to what I'm assuming (including very slight changes), I can work those out in my plan for Madrid.

            I agree that we should work together on setting policy, however. Perhaps we should establish a meeting time for the "Domestic Ministry" where the various Governors and the Slave Master would agree to all meet together and plan domestic policy?

            Do you have any particular ideas on when the next such meeting might take place? I'm unsure of everyone's schedule in that regard.
            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


            • #7
              Originally posted by Arnelos
              Please consult with E_T about his turn-by-turn suggestions. PLEASE let me know your finalized plan, however, so that if there are any changes to what I'm assuming (including very slight changes), I can work those out in my plan for Madrid.
              I will go with the first plan (the one that cuts the forest first) to take profit of all the planning previously made.

              I agree that we should work together on setting policy,
              Originally posted by Arnelos
              however. Perhaps we should establish a meeting time for the "Domestic Ministry" where the various Governors and the Slave Master would agree to all meet together and plan domestic policy?

              Do you have any particular ideas on when the next such meeting might take place? I'm unsure of everyone's schedule in that regard.
              That's a good idea! The current plans will work for a long time know. Maybe we could schedule it in advance for the weekend in two or three weeks, just to plan with enough time.
              "Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
              "A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


              • #8
                Yea! I've been hinting that these officials should be working together more closely for awhile, and I'm glad to see some signs of that happening.

                "Domestic Ministry" doesn't sound quite right though (for RP) - how about something like "Governor's Panel Discussion"? Appointed Advisor's (MTA, Slave Master) would also be on the "panel". Something like this is more open for all citizens to attend and ask questions, though the Governors/Advisors would be presiding and make the final decisions.


                • #9
                  I like the idea of coordinating policy betweens cities and with respect to public works

                  In the spirit of such things and since our fourth cities nears, would you mind if I ask what your thoughts are concerning the direction Saragossa will take initially, Governor Dejon?
                  "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln

                  "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ruby_maser
                    In the spirit of such things and since our fourth cities nears, would you mind if I ask what your thoughts are concerning the direction Saragossa will take initially, Governor Dejon?
                    Dear Señor ruby_maser, Governor of Pamplona, the only thing that I can assure you of at this time is that Saragossa will not resemble your fair city in the slightest. While Pamplona is known for it's cattle and industrious citizens, Saragossa will be a fortress - known for intimidating military forces(on foot and on horseback), and impenetrable defenses. As you know my lineage, it must have come as no surprise to you when I plucked most of Pamplona's strongest and sharpest men to venture forth with me. The Dejon family leaves behind, in Madrid and Pamplona, only our recently married women and elders who cannot make the long journey. They will tend to the family weapons shops in those cities. All the rest of us are travelling forward, to create the strongest city of Spain.

                    As future governor, I will make detailed plans for the city once we reach our destination. In the meantime, here is the Edict by our Lord Togas with regard to Saragossa, which will give you some idea as to its immediate goals.

                    Originally posted by Togas

                    Saragossa: (#2) Dejon has volunteered to lead the expedition to this city and to run it. I need this city to act as a fronteer city and to build an extra defender, walls, barracks, and a temple (in no particular order). This city will also be counted on to contribute workers to the Cow Valley expansion cause once it's defenses are reasonably established.

