Current WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game) - 5 shields, 2 food, 5 trade
Start Temple (this was last turn)
Finish Temple in 6 turns (30 shields)
Pop expands to 3
Start Worker
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
Finish Worker in 2 turns (10 shields) - 8/20 food
Pop drops to 2
New WF: #3 (cows), #20 (wheat) - 3 shields, 4 food, 5 trade
Start Spearman
3 turns of Spearman production (9 shields)
Pop expands to 3
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
1 turn of Spearman production (5 shields)
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland) - 6 shields, 2 food, 6 trade
Finish Spearman in 1 turn (6 shields)
Start Spearman
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
2 turns of spearman production (10 shields)
Roading of #5 (game) tile completed by worker
RESULT by 14 turns after Spearman Completion:
- Temple (completed 6 turns after spearman)
- Worker (completed 8 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (completed 12 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (10/20 shields 14 turns after spearman)
- Spending 1 tax for Temple upkeep
- Builds Regular Units
- Need 20 food to expand population (14 food in storage)
- Unrest trouble at Pop 6
Finish spearman in 2 turns (10 shields)
Pop expands to 4
Start Settler
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 9 trade
Finish settler in 5 turns (30 shields)
Pop expands to 5
Pop drops to 3
Start Barracks
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 8 trade
4 turns of Barracks production (20 shields)
Forest in #14 chopped down by worker (10 shields)
Luxury near Barcelona connected to Madrid by Worker
1 turn of Barracks production (5 shields)
Pop expands to 4
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 9 trade
Finish Barracks in 1 turn (6 shields)
Start Settler
2 turns of settler production (12 shields)
#14 (plains tile) roaded and irrigated by worker
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #14 (plains), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 10 trade
2 turns of settler production (12 shields)
Pop expands to 5
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #14 (plains), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 7 shields, 4 food, 11 trade
Finish Settler in 1 turn (7 shields)
Setter+Spearman Cycle: 8-9 turns
Turns of Cycle in Unrest Risk: None
1 extra spearman produced before start of cycle
RESULT by 30 turns after Spearman Completion:
- Temple (completed 6 turns after spearman)
- Worker (completed 8 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (completed 12 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (completed 16 turns after spearman)
- Settler (completed 21 turns after spearman)
- Barracks (completed 27 turns after spearman)
- Settler (completed 32 turns after spearman)
- Experienced NO turns of unrest trouble
- Spearman+Settler cycle is 8-9 turns
- Spending 2 tax for Temple and Barracks upkeep
- Builds Regular Units
- Need 20 food to expand population
- Unrest trouble at Pop 6
- Made 222 trade over 30 turns
- Spent 27 gold in taxes over 30 turns
- Net Income 195 over 30 turns
Integrating the work of the workers into the plans for Madrid allows for the construction of the Barracks at the same time as the forest in tile #14 is being chopped down to make way for irrigation and roads leading to Barcelona. This means that we would indeed build the 2 spearmen after the worker, which should be able to help defend us and then cover the lands to be taken by settlers from Madrid heading for sites #6 and #8. We'll get a THIRD regular spearman out of the deal as well, which can either defend Madrid or be donated to another city.
The completion of the road to the luxury is even better for us, as it allows Madrid to expand all the way to Pop 6 without difficulty with Unrest. If we put a second military unit in Madrid, the city can go all the way to Pop 7 without trouble.
My thoughts are that Madrid can pump out workers and military units upon completion of that second settler in Turn 32. Since the barracks will be complete, such military units will be veterans. Since population is in the range of 6 to 7 beyond that point, pumping out workers should be very easy.
Best of all, the building of the road to Barcelona will even boost Madrid's trade. Madrid will make a NET of 12 more gold over the original 30 turn period of the Temple plan, and will make considerably more gold afterward due to the road and the population size gained by having the luxury to support it.
This is starting to look really nice. I think we've optimized Madrid to the extent that it's possible at this point
Current WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game) - 5 shields, 2 food, 5 trade
Start Temple (this was last turn)
Finish Temple in 6 turns (30 shields)
Pop expands to 3
Start Worker
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
Finish Worker in 2 turns (10 shields) - 8/20 food
Pop drops to 2
New WF: #3 (cows), #20 (wheat) - 3 shields, 4 food, 5 trade
Start Spearman
3 turns of Spearman production (9 shields)
Pop expands to 3
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
1 turn of Spearman production (5 shields)
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland) - 6 shields, 2 food, 6 trade
Finish Spearman in 1 turn (6 shields)
Start Spearman
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 7 trade
2 turns of spearman production (10 shields)
Roading of #5 (game) tile completed by worker
RESULT by 14 turns after Spearman Completion:
- Temple (completed 6 turns after spearman)
- Worker (completed 8 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (completed 12 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (10/20 shields 14 turns after spearman)
- Spending 1 tax for Temple upkeep
- Builds Regular Units
- Need 20 food to expand population (14 food in storage)
- Unrest trouble at Pop 6
Finish spearman in 2 turns (10 shields)
Pop expands to 4
Start Settler
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 9 trade
Finish settler in 5 turns (30 shields)
Pop expands to 5
Pop drops to 3
Start Barracks
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #20 (wheat) - 5 shields, 4 food, 8 trade
4 turns of Barracks production (20 shields)
Forest in #14 chopped down by worker (10 shields)
Luxury near Barcelona connected to Madrid by Worker
1 turn of Barracks production (5 shields)
Pop expands to 4
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 9 trade
Finish Barracks in 1 turn (6 shields)
Start Settler
2 turns of settler production (12 shields)
#14 (plains tile) roaded and irrigated by worker
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #14 (plains), #20 (wheat) - 6 shields, 4 food, 10 trade
2 turns of settler production (12 shields)
Pop expands to 5
New WF: #3 (cows), #5 (game), #14 (plains), #18 (s-grassland), #20 (wheat) - 7 shields, 4 food, 11 trade
Finish Settler in 1 turn (7 shields)
Setter+Spearman Cycle: 8-9 turns
Turns of Cycle in Unrest Risk: None
1 extra spearman produced before start of cycle
RESULT by 30 turns after Spearman Completion:
- Temple (completed 6 turns after spearman)
- Worker (completed 8 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (completed 12 turns after spearman)
- Spearman (completed 16 turns after spearman)
- Settler (completed 21 turns after spearman)
- Barracks (completed 27 turns after spearman)
- Settler (completed 32 turns after spearman)
- Experienced NO turns of unrest trouble
- Spearman+Settler cycle is 8-9 turns
- Spending 2 tax for Temple and Barracks upkeep
- Builds Regular Units
- Need 20 food to expand population
- Unrest trouble at Pop 6
- Made 222 trade over 30 turns
- Spent 27 gold in taxes over 30 turns
- Net Income 195 over 30 turns
Integrating the work of the workers into the plans for Madrid allows for the construction of the Barracks at the same time as the forest in tile #14 is being chopped down to make way for irrigation and roads leading to Barcelona. This means that we would indeed build the 2 spearmen after the worker, which should be able to help defend us and then cover the lands to be taken by settlers from Madrid heading for sites #6 and #8. We'll get a THIRD regular spearman out of the deal as well, which can either defend Madrid or be donated to another city.
The completion of the road to the luxury is even better for us, as it allows Madrid to expand all the way to Pop 6 without difficulty with Unrest. If we put a second military unit in Madrid, the city can go all the way to Pop 7 without trouble.
My thoughts are that Madrid can pump out workers and military units upon completion of that second settler in Turn 32. Since the barracks will be complete, such military units will be veterans. Since population is in the range of 6 to 7 beyond that point, pumping out workers should be very easy.
Best of all, the building of the road to Barcelona will even boost Madrid's trade. Madrid will make a NET of 12 more gold over the original 30 turn period of the Temple plan, and will make considerably more gold afterward due to the road and the population size gained by having the luxury to support it.
This is starting to look really nice. I think we've optimized Madrid to the extent that it's possible at this point