Dear GodKing,
I'm sorry to be so late in getting back to you, please accept my apologies. It was not the squid catching that took us away from our mailbox for so long, but an unfortunate piling of circumstances. I hope the good news I can bring you will sweeten the sour taste you must have by now.
Meshelic was the past few days, and probably the next few weeks as well, quite busy with that mysterious stuff he calls 'real life'. As a result, I've been appointed as an interim ambassador to your glorious civilization. I hope everything is still well, and that the cow throwing party was a big success (sorry I couldn't make it).
In the mean time, we have thoroughly discussed your request for a minimap trade, and came to the conclusion that it is time for us to step out of the dark, and trade this information with you. We fully recognise that trading will be essential in this game, and if possible would want to meet with you, either on one of our borders, one of yours, or somewhere in the middle. Your people have always seemed to be coming from a trading tradition, so I hope we could honor you by offering this to you first (of course, we'll be offering to trade minimaps to other tribes soon).
As said before, our main goal in this game is to be honorable, if at any time you would suspect us of foul play or hidden agendas, please do not hesitate to contact us. I'm sure we can clear the misunderstanding, or correct any possible mistakes which we unwillingly could make.
Now, the practical side: we'd like to offer you our minimap of 3950 BC, as it should show our position at the settlement of our capital 'Eye of the Storm'. 4000 BC would be unfair, as fewer tiles would be uncovered than when the city hasn't been settled yet. We are still debating whether the current minimap, with all exploration done up to this point, is also available for trade, so for the moment please consider trading the initial minimap. Any ideas from your side on this issue are of course welcome.
Of course, we would like to ask that you keep our minimap secret from any other team, we will do the same with your map.
Further, it might be good to exchange e-mail addresses, so I can send this to you once we agree. Mine is steven_puntje_bex_apestaartje_chello_puntje_be, where '_apestaartje_' is an '@' and '_puntje_' is a '.' .
Last formality: I hereby declare that you are allowed to quote my PMs within the context of this game freely in your forum. (this to avoid any legal disputes with apolyton). Please do the same wrt to your PMs to me, so I can quote them, instead of needing to retype them.
I wish you and your team all the best, and let's hope that with this information we can agree to meet in game soon enough. I really am looking forwards to taste some of those excellent squid meals you're offering
I'm sorry to be so late in getting back to you, please accept my apologies. It was not the squid catching that took us away from our mailbox for so long, but an unfortunate piling of circumstances. I hope the good news I can bring you will sweeten the sour taste you must have by now.
Meshelic was the past few days, and probably the next few weeks as well, quite busy with that mysterious stuff he calls 'real life'. As a result, I've been appointed as an interim ambassador to your glorious civilization. I hope everything is still well, and that the cow throwing party was a big success (sorry I couldn't make it).
In the mean time, we have thoroughly discussed your request for a minimap trade, and came to the conclusion that it is time for us to step out of the dark, and trade this information with you. We fully recognise that trading will be essential in this game, and if possible would want to meet with you, either on one of our borders, one of yours, or somewhere in the middle. Your people have always seemed to be coming from a trading tradition, so I hope we could honor you by offering this to you first (of course, we'll be offering to trade minimaps to other tribes soon).
As said before, our main goal in this game is to be honorable, if at any time you would suspect us of foul play or hidden agendas, please do not hesitate to contact us. I'm sure we can clear the misunderstanding, or correct any possible mistakes which we unwillingly could make.
Now, the practical side: we'd like to offer you our minimap of 3950 BC, as it should show our position at the settlement of our capital 'Eye of the Storm'. 4000 BC would be unfair, as fewer tiles would be uncovered than when the city hasn't been settled yet. We are still debating whether the current minimap, with all exploration done up to this point, is also available for trade, so for the moment please consider trading the initial minimap. Any ideas from your side on this issue are of course welcome.
Of course, we would like to ask that you keep our minimap secret from any other team, we will do the same with your map.
Further, it might be good to exchange e-mail addresses, so I can send this to you once we agree. Mine is steven_puntje_bex_apestaartje_chello_puntje_be, where '_apestaartje_' is an '@' and '_puntje_' is a '.' .
Last formality: I hereby declare that you are allowed to quote my PMs within the context of this game freely in your forum. (this to avoid any legal disputes with apolyton). Please do the same wrt to your PMs to me, so I can quote them, instead of needing to retype them.
I wish you and your team all the best, and let's hope that with this information we can agree to meet in game soon enough. I really am looking forwards to taste some of those excellent squid meals you're offering

Feel free to quote me as well.
Your proposed trade should be fine. Sorry, don't have much time right now. I will arrange the details with you soon. Thanks.
Your proposed trade should be fine. Sorry, don't have much time right now. I will arrange the details with you soon. Thanks.
I cannot make the map, nor do I have a copy of the appropriate save. If someone else can do so....

Thanks. GK